The finished building has a similar attribute bonus, but its own facilities and functions are still very complete.

Luo Chen personally picked up a hammer and awl, knocked at the steel undead, and disassembled each part in units of gears.

The gear parts that were confirmed to be worthless were thrown into the furnace of the Red Dust Forging Workshop by Luo Chen and transformed into the Red Dust Qi.

Twenty-five minutes later, the steel undead was dismantled completely, leaving only the small cabin carrying the steel soul fire and the gear with the "White Eagle" icon.

Mei Raiden asked curiously: "Lord, have you found anything?"

Luo Chen: "Good news, we didn't encounter any technological undead from the Necrons, they should just be ordinary steel undead."

The combination of machinery and undead, the easiest way to improve the overall combat power is powerful technology.

If the undead each had an [Electromagnetic Sniper Rifle (Cannon)], even ordinary gold-quality soldiers would have to retreat.

After Luo Chen carefully checked it, there was some regret on his face: "Although it is steam gear technology that adds the power of death, even if it is applied to the limit, it is impossible for purple steel undead to appear in large quantities."

Hearing this, many heroes and soldiers showed regret: "That's a pity."

The monsters are weak, and the quality of the spoils harvested by [Smoke Lock Pond Willow] is greatly reduced, and it is difficult for them to use their skills.

Luo Chen casually threw a few steel undead into the furnace, weighed the "White Eagle" gear, and showed some expectation on his face;

"There is no need to expect the bottom-level combat power, but if we are lucky, we may encounter some special hero units."

The Holy Judge of Skyfire asked happily: "How special?"

Luo Chen thought for a while and said: "Using the ancient World War II-level technology, it has the combat power to destroy the surface biosphere. "Maria Naruse: "Magic battleship?"

Luo Chen coughed lightly; "Sorry, the word is wrong, it is the personification of the idealistic battleship."

"Idealism again?" Cecilia Lia complained, "Are we fighting against idealism?"

Luo Chen smiled: "Maybe this is... the favor of fate?"

Raiden Meiyi was amazed: "Battleship anthropomorphism?"

"There are really all kinds of creatures in the world!"

Luo Chen smiled: "Although humans are not the most powerful or intelligent race by nature, they are the most spiritual life among the races with strong adaptability and reproduction."

"Many systems in the myriad worlds are created by humans."

And for those races that suddenly become enlightened, the best way to practice these systems is to transform into human form.

In a sense, this is actually a "cultural invasion" of variants.

With the experience of the first ruined city, the rest of the things are much simpler.

Yutu cracked the historical data of the ruined city, found the world map of the civilization period, followed the traces of the road, and identified the ruins of the ruined city one by one.

The mecha giant like the Son of Light made the ruined city completely collapse into a wilderness without even a building.

At the same time, as the iron undead died one by one, pieces of trophies floated on the surface of [Smoke-locked Pond Willow].

Luo Chen stood in front of the building of [Smoke-locked Pond Willow], looking at the trophies one by one. More than 80% of them were metal mineral materials.

The forging workshop next door stretched out a steel puppet-like mechanical arm, packed the materials one by one, and put them into the Red Dust Forging Workshop.

Since the first ruined city, the high-level templars no longer acted as spectators, but tried to cooperate with the Firefly Knight under the command of Obeis.

In addition, the "temple archon" form also needs to be tested on the battlefield.

No matter how smooth the daily practice is, the secret skills that have not been practiced on the battlefield are all false.

As a qualified commander, Obeis needs to fully understand the combat effectiveness of the soldiers and assign corresponding tasks.

If the combat effectiveness of the soldiers under her command is unstable, she will be very troubled.

Although Luo Chen couldn't understand how the high-level Templars could cooperate with the fifty-meter-long mecha giants, judging from the situation on the battlefield, the two arms cooperated quite well.

From the perspective of Luo Chen, an outsider, this is the case!

Obeis's evaluation is: "It's still a long way to go!"

All soldiers were rotated in batches.

Many heroes either went to the battlefield to gather

Lively, or watch the show on the city wall.

Only Raiden Meiyi stayed with Luo Chen, a little confused: "Is there something wrong with the pond willow?"

Luo Chen shook his head: "No, it performs very well."

"Of course, this is thanks to the contributions of the heroes and soldiers."

Raiden Meiyi: "Uh, so..."

"The materials in the territory are gradually abundant, and another thing should be put on the agenda." Luo Chen waved to Raiden Meiyi, "Let's go, follow me."

"This lord will teach you a lesson!"

Raiden Meiyi pursed her lips and smiled, and followed Luo Chen into the Red Dust Forging Workshop: "I don't believe you when you say that."

Inside the Red Dust Forging Workshop,

Luo Chen stood in front of the forging table and took out two golden light balls from his backpack, namely: [Void Favor·Exclusive Equipment for Arms], [Void Favor·Exclusive Equipment for Heroes].

The former is one of the Void Favors that Luo Chen got early in the rookie trial, and its function is to generate exclusive equipment design drawings for designated arms.

The latter was found by Luo Chen in a silver boss treasure chest during the last few days of the rookie trial. The effect is to generate exclusive equipment design drawings for the designated hero.

Whether it is based on the contribution to the territory or the maximization of benefits, the high-level Templar and Raiden Mei are the best choices.

Raiden Mei nodded as if she understood, but she did not realize the terribleness of "exclusive equipment".

Until Luo Chen used the Void Favor of the exclusive equipment of the army: "Select the army: High-level Templar."


The golden light dissipated, the sphere shattered, revealing dozens of models!

The sci-fi silver-white armor, the Templar Light Blade, the Radiant Holy Hammer, and other items that are in line with Mei Raiden's cognition, as well as several different forms...

Mei Raiden's pupils contracted, her mouth slightly opened, and she was a little unbelievable: "Is this exclusive equipment?"

Luo Chen held a dozen equipment models and nodded calmly: "Of course!"

Mei Raiden was a little crazy: "But, they are obviously 'interstellar battleships'!"

"You call this exclusive equipment?"

Luo Chen looked normal: "Yes!"

"In the definition of the lord system, as long as it is Any weapon that can make an individual or a group more powerful can be considered as equipment. "


[Golden Fleet Set]

[Type: Exclusive Equipment;]

[Quality: Gold;]

[Attributes: 1. Phoenix Ranger Light Cruiser, 2. Prophet Psychic Detection Ship, 3. Void Radiance Ship, 4. Storm Pointer Beyond Visual Range Battleship, 5. Golden Cosmic Light Carrier Starship, 6. Golden Hub Radiance Carrier (Unique);]

[Introduction: You have awakened the Golden Fleet that has been silent for endless years. May the glory of the Star Spirit and the Temple be with you!]


Raiden Mei looked at the fleet model in Luo Chen's arms, hesitant to speak, and chose to give up: "As long as you are happy."

Whose exclusive equipment is a whole fleet!

When it's her turn later, [Void Favor] won't give her a dragon's exclusive equipment design, right?

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