The two sides of the chessboard were in chaos, and the two sides were in chaos.

Strike while the iron is hot, Luo Chen did not hesitate at all and directly put the remaining 100 chess gold coins in!

Time and space distorted, and a human-shaped chess piece fell into his hands.

It looks like a chess piece, and a girl dressed as a student is carved on the upper half.

[Raiden Mei]

[Identity: Hero/War Chess;]

[Race: Human;]

[Quality: Golden Legend;]

[Level: 1;]

[Bloodline: Raiden Stigma;]

[Talent: Honkai Adaptation (LV100);]

[Bond: The Three Great Families (3)/Herrscher (?)]

[Constitution: 200 (Basic attribute 20, Honkai Chessboard bonus 1000%);]

[Spirit: 110 (Basic attribute 11, Honkai Chessboard bonus 1000%);]

[Skill: Blue·North Star One Sword Style (LV3);]

[Consumption: 5 Spirits.]

[Introduction: Under the conspiracy of someone with ulterior motives, she suffered from malice due to her family's decline, and she longed to find a new home here.]

Golden hero?

Hiss! His talent is so strong! The blessing of good fortune is so strong!

Luo Chen threw out the chess piece impatiently, and a flash of lightning passed by. Raiden Mei, wearing the school uniform of Chiyu Academy, appeared two meters in front of Luo Chen.

Standard Chiyu Academy student uniform, purple spotted bow, black sailor suit and stockings, black uniform lining, and two hairpins on the bangs.

Soft purple long hair, tied with a bow, quickly formed a long ponytail hanging behind, a pair of light purple eyes showing a little tears.

A little worry appeared on a delicate and beautiful face. Her smart eyes looked at Luo Chen, her nose moved slightly, her red lips opened slightly, and her voice was as clear and pleasant as pearls falling on a plate:

"Raiden Mei, meet the Lord!"

Luo Chen had a complex expression on his face that Raiden Mei could not understand, and his voice was soft: "Hello, Miss Mei, I never thought we would meet one day."

Raiden Mei naturally saw Luo Chen's expression, and was a little puzzled: "Does the Lord know me?"

Luo Chen had a little nostalgia on his face: "Yeah, I know a little."

"It's really hard for you to survive in such a world."

Luo Chen didn't know which version of Raiden Mei the person in front of him was, but no matter which version of Raiden Mei, fate didn't seem to be very friendly.

The best ending is also to be separated from friends after a long journey of wandering, and to reunite after a long wait.

Judging from the information on Mei Raiden's panel, she seems to have not met Kiana at this point in time.

The "Three Great Families" on the bond column are a little bit unworthy of their name.

Mei Raiden blinked, a little confused. She thought Luo Chen already knew about her family affairs,

But why does it sound a little strange to hear this?

Survive with difficulty?

Well, it seems to be really difficult to insist on going to school amid school violence.

However, after leaving the original suffocating environment and coming to a new world, feeling the power in her body almost increased tenfold, Mei Raiden's state of mind has become completely different.

Mei Lei Dian's purple eyes revealed a touch of emotion: "Thank you, Lord, for your concern."

"After leaving Qianyu Academy, I felt that the world was so vast, and there were infinite worlds outside the world. The little things before were not worth mentioning at all."

Luo Chen smiled, but did not tell her original fate: "In the next thirty days, there will be a fierce battle every day. I hope we can work together to overcome the difficulties!"

Mei Lei Dian's expression became serious, and she bowed slightly: "It is my honor to be able to relieve your worries."

Although the lord cannot see the loyalty of the people, it does not have much impact on the lord.

As mentioned before, the territory is part of the lord, and the people who are summoned, descended, and surrendered to the territory for various reasons are automatically considered to be part of the territory.

Therefore, when facing the lord, all the people have a closeness and dependence from the instinct of life. As long as the lord himself does not do anything stupid, the loyalty of the people will be refreshed to the highest in a short time.

Without the influence of super-standard external forces, it is almost impossible for the people to betray the lord.

And if there is a super-standard external force, why don't they just kill you and plunder everything you have?

Raiden Mei looked around. There was no familiar sun, moon, and stars in the sky. The source of the light on the vast wasteland was unknown. There was no trace of life within sight.

There were only simple wooden houses and


Such buildings can't be found even in Changkong City.

Luo Chen comforted: "The territory is in its infancy, and the environment is relatively simple. I may have to inconvenience you, please forgive me."

"Wait until the building blueprints are obtained, even if you want to live in the lord's mansion, it's no problem!"

Raiden Mei smiled politely: "Don't worry, it's just some external things, I don't care."

Luo Chen shook his head: "It's not a question of whether I care or not, I will definitely give you the treatment you deserve."

"Otherwise, I would be embarrassed to command you to fight!"

Raiden Mei smiled: "This is what I should do."

Luo Chen opened the cabin, which only had a simple wooden bed and a few tables and chairs: "Sit down for a while, I need to deal with the affairs in the territory."

Raiden Mei His eyes flickered: "Wait a minute, Lord, can I go with you?"

Luo Chen smiled: "If you don't mind."

Raiden Mei followed Luo Chen, full of curiosity: "What are we going to do next? Wait for the monsters to appear?"

Luo Chen: "Don't worry, the monster wave will appear on time in the morning. Now, I'm going to summon the second hero, that is, your future comrade-in-arms."

Raiden Mei: "I'm looking forward to it."

Luo Chen smiled: "Well, she may not be as strong as you, but she should be a great help to you."

The purple-quality altar can only summon purple-quality heroes at most, and it is almost impossible to catch up with Raiden Mei who is blessed by the Honkai chessboard.

But the hero units summoned from the altar are basically dead people, and those who can become heroes are mostly battle-hardened talents in their lifetime.

Having an experienced hero to lead can make up for Raiden Mei's lack of battlefield experience.

Along the way, Luo Chen opened Raiden Mei's attribute column and checked the detailed information of talents, bloodlines and bonds.

[Bloodline: Lightning Stigma]

[Quality: Golden Legend;]

[Attributes: Gives the user excellent control over lightning, hiding a weak lightning power.]

[Introduction: This is the precursor of conquest and the beginning of the apostle.]

[Talent: Honkai Adaptation]

[Quality: Gold]

[Level: LV100,]

[Attributes: Honkai is your toy, and you are its controller.]

[Introduction: You are a natural Herrscher;]

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