The sky was full of black tentacles.

Above the sky, there were suddenly attacking black tentacles.

Luo Chen, who was in the territory, felt a variety of extremely characteristic auras very clearly.

The regular aura of the fallen dead world, the steel "oil" mixed with steam, and the extremely chaotic mental infection ability...

Luo Chen did not look panic, but just frowned slightly: "Could it be the 'outer god' chasing the enterprise?"

Recalling the information panel of the enterprise, Luo Chen vaguely understood something: 'Key point G? '

[Eternal Watch] raised the light shield to block the tentacles wrapped in black smoke.

Several sections of the city wall collapsed on a large scale, and were repaired by the void source stone and the hand of creation in an instant.

[Touch of the Dead Soul]

[Identity: Hero;]

[Race: World;]

[Quality: Gold (9 stars↓);]

[Level: 30;]

[Attributes: 1. World incarnation, 2. Breath of the Outer God, 3. Power of Heaven and Earth;]

[Status: Transformation of Heaven and Man;]

[Introduction: The breath of the Outer God that arrived at the fallen world with the Mind Cube was suppressed by the World Will.

Faced with a life-and-death crisis, the World Will, struggling to survive, embraced the "Outer God" and was about to be reincarnated as a sacrifice of the Outer God's family (embryo). ]

[Tip: Affected by the eternal law of "Origin", "Him" who gave up being in harmony with the world is rapidly slipping from the status of the World Will, and it is expected to take 25 seconds. 】

Luo Chen looked a little ugly: "Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky. Can I encounter such a rare "good thing"?"

Although all lords know that the world will is a special life, most of the time, they only have extremely indifferent instincts.

Faced with life and death crisis, they will also have a strong desire to survive, but their extremely simple instinctive will makes it difficult to find a "way to survive".

And most micro worlds have almost no chance of reincarnation as "humans".

Luo Chen let out a long breath and complained: "It's confirmed, I'm probably really the ninth generation of the great non-chief!"

'This kind of bad luck is unique! '

The tentacle attack failed, but it did not go away, but tightly wrapped around the entire territory.

The moment the tentacles appeared, the defense towers in various parts of the territory responded quickly, aimed at the body of the tentacles, and launched a swift attack.

Fire, ice, thunder...

Each attack caused a large wound, but the body of the tentacle healed in a very short time and recovered as before.

Nearly a hundred defense towers were fully deployed, and their terrifying firepower was enough to smash a large number of golden monsters of the same level in a very short time, but the tentacle monster seemed to be unaffected at all, and its momentum remained the same.

Luo Chen commented: "It is worthy of being the 'will of the world'. Before the status is not completely slipped, the 'world' is your body..."

"The combat power may not be strong, the quality may not be high, but the health bar is definitely scary."

Although he said so, there was no panic on Luo Chen's face.

Isn't it just a golden legend with some supermodels?

He didn't know how many such individuals he had killed in the rookie trial.

Luo Chen looked indifferent: "When you completely slip from the status of the will of the world, it will be your death!"

The tentacles gathered frantically, squeezing various parts of the city wall, but under the dual blessing of the hand of creation and the void source stone, the scene fell into a stalemate.

Fortunately, it was Luo Chen who came to this world. If it were an ordinary golden lord, without a golden wall with self-repairing ability and a large amount of void source stone reserves...

If he did not choose to flee back to his country quickly, he would have to enter a difficult hand-to-hand combat and use the lives of his soldiers to delay time.

After all, time is on the side of the lord.

Perhaps it felt the approach of death, the tentacle monster fell into the final madness, wantonly squandering the last source of power in the world.

Outside the solid rock wall, sucker-like biological structures appeared, a steady stream of black smoke spewed out, and traditional undead creatures swarmed out.

Undead knights, dead liches, frost bone dragons...

Obeis looked stern: "Everyone prepare for battle! Templars, enter the archon form!"

The soldier's duty is to guard the territory.

In this case, if they continue to hide behind the wall, it will only increase the pressure on the wall, and then the wall will collapse.

Obeis leaned his spear on the ground and was the first to leave the city: "Meet the enemy outside the city!"

There was no hesitation or response on the city wall. All the high-level Templars who mastered the secret technique of fusion directly shook hands with their companions and quickly merged into one.


The flames of psychic energy burned on the city wall: "Fusion..."

Liu Ying: "Firefly Knight, enter giant form!"

Similar beams of light rose from the sky, and the figures of giants appeared on the city wall.

Liu Ying took the lead, leaped lightly, and flew into the group of monsters.

The light mecha in giant form is a master at bullying.

Once the "complete combustion" skill is turned on, the hot flames mixed with "destructive power", "plasma sparks", and "magic will power" will equally purify any undead creatures that dare to approach.

The mecha giants are like ruthless battlefield harvesters, purifying wherever they go.

They don't need too many means, they just need to simply rush around, even if the number of undead on the opposite side is hundreds of times that of the Firefly Knight, they are still killed and their armor is in chaos.

The experienced high-level Templars find the right time and quickly cut into the battlefield, dividing the undead legions into a mess.

The normal attack of the Archon of the Temple has a small range of splash damage and weakening buffs, as well as the power of holy light everywhere.

After a few simple and quick attacks, the holy light turned into shackles, completely purifying the undead creatures one by one.



The world will did not know which era it had accumulated. The thick black fog rolled and condensed into a rule rune of "formation", which fell on each undead creature.

The next moment, although the momentum and strength of many undead creatures did not expand, the overall discipline and organization instantly reached a new level.

If the undead creatures before were a group of untrained and scattered sands that were not even as good as militias, these undead creatures now barely reached the level of roving soldiers.

The necromancers stood in place, ignored the threat and began to chant spells.

One by one, the skeletons, banshees and undead knights rushed forward and used their lives to delay the offensive.

Just as the necromancers' army-level strategic spells were about to be completed, Obeis calmly raised his spear: "Follow the Lord's order, shake your mind, and cut off your soul demons!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The necromancers who were chanting were interrupted, and the surging and boiling energy directly backfired, and a large number of necromancers died instantly.

Obeis looked at his knight's spear and exclaimed: "It's worthy of being the 'peak technology', it's really useful!"

The Empire's military soul, which is similar to "the power of my thoughts", can be easily played in the hands of an experienced commander like Obeis.

The vibration of the tiny amount of military soul power directly eliminated a huge threat and completely established the advantage on the battlefield.

At this moment, the tentacle monster completely slipped from the position of "world will".

The high-ranking Templars raised their hands and radiated holy light: "Sin feedback!"

The tentacle monster had no time to struggle, and all the energy in its body was completely drained, leaving only brute force.

The Firefly Knights collectively leaped, bent like a bow, stretched out their long legs, and fell fiercely: "Take my Knight Kick!"


Under the bright sunshine, the last struggle of the world's will disappeared.

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