The old man was very angry, but he was still very angry.

Your line is from FGO next door, right? When did you, Azure, link up with FGO behind the backs of the players?

Luo Chen complained in his heart, but there was still no abnormality on his face. He smiled gently: "If possible, I prefer you to call me 'Commander'."

It seems that a certain underlying program has been touched. The soulless purple eyes of Black Enterprise (the abbreviation of Enterprise·MATE) moved slightly, and a strange look quietly emerged.

If the previous Black Enterprise looked like a peerless beauty, but more like a beautiful doll, it was completely unattractive to Luo Chen, who grew up in the Donghuang world.

Until Luo Chen said the word "Commander", Black Enterprise seemed to have regained his soul, and instantly turned from a puppet into a somewhat cold "living person".

"The command is correct, in line with the trajectory of fate, the hidden program is activated..."

With his long white hair fluttering, Black Enterprise performed a very standard knight etiquette, knelt on one knee, and his cold voice carried an inexplicable fanaticism:

"Commander, Enterprise is willing to give everything for you!"

Luo Chen tilted his head slightly: "?"

Although it is a matter of time for the people to return to their hearts, is Enterprise's attitude a bit too fast?

Even the original gene body Firefly Knight, which was made using biotechnology, took some time to gradually return to his heart without using thought stamp technology.

Is this... KanColle?

As if seeing Luo Chen's confusion, Black Enterprise calmly explained:

"Her Majesty 'Pandora' gave me a revelation. When I wake up again, the human who calls himself 'Commander' will become the only leader of the Azure Camp."

"'Pandora' gave you a revelation?" Luo Chen's expression was a little subtle, and he instinctively retreated tactically, "Are you sure it was 'Pandora'?"

Black Enterprise put his right hand on his chest, and stroked his heart through the big "burden": "'G' guided me to meet Her Majesty 'Pandora' at the end of destruction and find the future of the Azure Camp."

Eternal laws such as "Pandora" will give guidance to living beings?

Black Enterprise doesn't know, so can the lords not know what's going on?

In the public common sense, eternal laws absolutely do not have human nature, not even instinct.

Their existence is more extreme than the Collapse Star God, more like one of the cold physical rules, and there is absolutely no room for compromise.

Otherwise, the Taoist ancestor would not need to manage the three supreme territories of Taiqing, Yuqing and Shangqing at the same time, and the Buddhist lineage would not have the turn of a mere Arhat to take the throne.

Isn't the biggest reason here that those big guys who have never been born for endless years are suspected of being "Taoized" and evolved into corresponding eternal laws?

Although the possibility of "hiding intelligence" in the ancient country of Donghuang cannot be ruled out, rationally speaking, Luo Chen is very suspicious of the true identity of "Pandora" seen by the black enterprise.

On the bright side, it may just be the "fantasy" of the black enterprise.

However, if you are more cautious, you have to consider off-site factors:

That is, is the disguised Pandora a conspiracy of a certain "outer god"?

There is definitely no problem with the black enterprise itself.

At this moment, Luo Chen is already in the territory of the ancient country of Donghuang, and he is also concerned by the human mother. If there is anything abnormal, the heart of the lord will definitely check it out.

Many times, the "bait" is actually harmless, but her existence itself is the beginning of the conspiracy.

Thinking of this, Luo Chen has a headache.

Black Enterprise was puzzled: "Commander, is there any problem?"

Luo Chen shook his head and took out the ring in his hand: "Come here, I'll put a ring on you first."

Black Enterprise's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to stretch out his hand: "I am very happy to be the commander's wedding ship!"

Hearing this, Luo Chen was slightly stunned, and suddenly laughed: "Well, it is also my luck to meet you 'again'."

The next moment, Luo Chen put the oath ring on Black Enterprise's ring finger, and said with satisfaction: "I never thought that one day I would be able to put the ring on you personally."

Black Enterprise was puzzled, hesitated for a long time, took off the ring on his hand, and placed it on Luo Chen's palm.

Luo Chen: "?"

Black Enterprise stretched out his hand with expectation: "If you like, you can wear it again."

Is Black Enterprise this kind of personality?

Luo Chen was a little amused, but he still put the ring on her again, and naturally changed the subject: "Let's talk about something serious."


I am very interested in your origin and the revelation Pandora gave you. "

Just as the ship girl would not lie to the commander, the black enterprise with full innate loyalty and favorability said frankly:

"After the destruction of the original world of the creators, I followed the guidance of the "mother" and traveled through countless world bubbles, looking for the power to fight against the "outer gods" and continue the culture of "humanity." "

"In an accident during the countless wars over the long years, the mind cube seemed to have undergone strange changes."

"Since then, my consciousness will accidentally approach an extremely warm world full of sunshine and blue ocean..."

"And in that world, all disasters no longer occur, and the ship girls and the only commander live happily. "

Luo Chen muttered in his heart: 'This plane with the commander, could it be the singularity in the game?'

If it refers to the scene in the game, doesn't it touch the level of "upper narrator"?

If the blue water is so deep, those outer gods will flee thousands of worlds away in a minute when they smell the scent of the blue camp, okay?

In contrast, Luo Chen is more willing to believe that this is the power of "key point G" and "miracle"!

Luo Chen's eyes narrowed slightly: "In which world did you meet Her Majesty 'Pandora'?"

At this point, Black Enterprise's face showed some hesitation: "No, strictly speaking, I met another 'me'."

Luo Chen was full of question marks: "???"

Black Enterprise seemed to be lost in memories, trying to sort out the words, and replied: "She called herself 'Pandora', in her words..."

"Her Majesty 'Pandora' transformed into another 'me' in order to communicate with me better. "

Luo Chen narrowed his eyes slightly: 'It's confirmed, this 'Pandora' is fake!'

Don't say Pandora, serious destiny revealers are standard riddlers, they won't explain so much to you, just throw a few riddles at you.

On the one hand, it is to maintain their own "prestige", and on the other hand, it is because fate is difficult to guess. Once it is said too clearly, it will be backfired.

Black Enterprise noticed Luo Chen's expression, seemed to realize something, and changed his words: "She guided me to a broken world at a certain time and encountered a space-time turbulence."

"According to her guidance, I took off my armor, returned to the magic cube form, and plunged into the space-time turbulence, waiting for the commander to wake me up."

Luo Chen nodded to show that he understood.

Black Enterprise seemed to remember something and said: "There is one more thing. She asked me to say hello to you and conveyed a message to you."

Luo Chen: "Hmm? What words?"

Black Enterprise imitated the other party's appearance: "Offer your heart to the lord. "

Luo Chen looked at the Black Enterprise, which had a fanatical look and solemn etiquette that surpassed the high-level Templar, and his expression was a little subtle: "..."

Maybe, probably, 80% of the time, he has found the "black hand behind the scenes".

Luo Chen raised his head, feeling speechless and somewhat relieved: 'The future Black Enterprise and... the future me?'

According to rumors, "miracle" is a mysterious power above the rules, which has the power to transcend time after meeting certain conditions...

Then, the question is, why did the future "me" let the "future Black Enterprise" convey a message to the past Black Enterprise in the name of "Pandora"?

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