Lord Of All People, Summon The Demonized Guan Yinping At The Beginning

Chapter 54: Normal Attacks With Special Effects?

In fact, the main reason that made Chen Tao unhappy was not that the purple monster didn't drop the box.

But Sister Guan, who went to retreat, has not yet come out.

Chen Tao deliberately left a foggy area unexplored, just to wait for Sister Guan to come with him.

I just waited until the 25th day, the 15th day of Sister Guan's retreat, and there was still no news that Sister Guan was going to leave the retreat.

"Then wait another day."


On the night of the twenty-sixth day, there was still no news from Sister Guan.

"Wait for the last day."

Day 27 was Chen Tao's final bottom line.

It’s not that the final exploration couldn’t be carried out without Guan Yinping and Lu Lingqi.

But Sister Guan has been by Chen Tao's side since the first day he entered the trial world.

Chen Tao hopes that she can be there when it ends. Having a beginning and an end is Chen Tao's style.


Until late at night on the 27th day, Guan Yinping still had not left the customs.

"Forget it, we can't wait any longer. After the monster attack tomorrow, we will go directly to explore the last fog."

That night, Chen Tao fell asleep late and restlessly.


"My lord, wake up, my lord, wake up. The attack has begun."

In a daze, Chen Tao heard Guan Yinping's sweet voice.

"I must miss Sister Guan too much to dream about Sister Guan." Then Chen Tao turned over and planned to continue sleeping.

"Lord, you are not dreaming, Yinping is right in front of you." Sister Guan's voice was louder this time. Chen Tao heard it clearly and sat up suddenly.

Because he slept next to the bed, Chen Tao was about to fall off the bed as soon as he couldn't sit firmly.

Fortunately, Guan Yinping had quick eyesight and quick hands, and picked up Chen Tao.

"Lord, are you okay?"

"It's okay, let's go, isn't the attack coming? Let's go quickly."

The monster attacks and escapes, and it has been tried and tested to relieve the embarrassment.

When Chen Tao came to the city wall, it was already a quarter past ten.

The attacking enemy was intercepted by Sun Shangxiang and Joan of Arc about 500 meters in front of the Chen Tao city wall.

Today's attackers are tanks controlled by artificial intelligence.


[Intelligent self-propelled tank]

Quality: Blue.

Level: 45.

Force: 88

Spirit: 1

Skills: Bombardment, Continuous Bombardment, Crazy Bombardment.

[Description: As a mature tank, you should be able to fight independently. ]


[Self-propelled machine gun]

Quality: Blue.

Level: 45.

Force: 72

Spirit: 1

Skills: Shooting, continuous shooting, crazy shooting.

[Description: As a mature machine gun, you should be able to fight on your own. ]


The remaining sleepiness on Chen Tao's body was completely shocked by the enemy's panel data in front of him.

"Damn it, this, you can't beat it." After all, the tanks in the previous life, except for the special can opener that can cause damage, it is difficult for cold weapons to cause effective attacks.

But Chen Tao's men mainly attack with cold weapons.

But the fighting situation on the battlefield at this moment is exactly the opposite of what Chen Tao worried about.

[Evil Vanquishing Sacred Sword] The long swords in their hands can easily tear through the armor plates of self-propelled tanks, and the golden sword energy they emit can penetrate more than a dozen tanks with each shot.

The [Owl Princess Sword Attendants] who have been recruited by Chen Tao in full of 500 are divided into two parts under Sun Shangxiang's wisdom. One part is in the front row to resist the attack of self-propelled weapons, and the other part is in the back row to throw bows and arrows.

When the bow and arrow hit the enemy, the armor of the tank would be penetrated as easily as a piece of paper.

The Martial Goddess's Battle Attendants use shields to protect themselves and stay close to the enemy. Even cannonballs cannot explode the Martial Goddess's Battle Attendants' shields.

Once the enemy is approached by the warriors, the self-propelled machine gun will be chopped into pieces by several female warriors with axes.

If a tank is approached, it will be turned over and chopped into pieces by the female soldiers.

Those Evil Vanquishing Sacred Sword and Sword Attendants who did not have shields but suffered a hail of enemy bullets, the sword light in their hands flowed rapidly, knocking away all the bullets fired at them.

Even the shells fired by tanks can be exploded by their swords, and the shock wave caused by the explosion can only make their appearance slightly embarrassing.

Seeing this, Chen Tao also tried it, and his eyes could easily follow the trajectory of the flying cannonballs.

The scenes of these battles amazed Chen Tao.

At this time, Chen Tao was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

He never thought that his soldiers could easily perform scenes like tearing apart tanks with hands and splitting cannonballs with swords in movies from previous lives.

As the battle progressed, the local armored forces showed signs of decline.

The leader behind them finally couldn't sit still anymore and slowly drove from the forest into the battlefield.

It was a huge mobile war fortress.

Its armor is extremely thick, its tracks are completely protected by armor, and its body is covered with various large-caliber weapons.


[Smart War Castle]

Quality: Gold.

grade:? ? ?

force:? ? ?

Spirit:? ? ?

Skill: Unlimited firepower? ? ? ? ? ? ?

[Description: A fortress-type tank that integrates various powerful firepowers and is specially designed for combat. Its enemies will be overwhelmed by endless artillery fire. ]

"Be good, unlimited firepower. Is it okay if I ask you to fire?"

The lord's territory has its own defense mechanism, and it is impossible to cause damage to the buildings in the city without destroying the city walls.

Unlimited firepower, if taken literally, the first thing Chen Tao thought of was that his city wall was going to suffer.

Although the current stone walls in the territory can reflect damage, the maximum damage reflected cannot exceed the durability of each unit itself.

The other enemies at the BO SS level have very high health points, and they all use long-range attacks, using Blood Transformation, which is extremely uneconomical.

Moreover, the enemy's large-caliber weapons all deal explosive damage. Once they hit, they will definitely cause a lot of damage.

Chen Tao's principle is not to waste money if you can.

"Yinping, go up and chop him up for me."

I still have to trouble Sister Guan at the critical moment.

Without it, the mission will be fulfilled.

"The last general takes orders."

After receiving the [Falling Moon] handed over by Chen Tao, Sister Guan's figure disappeared from Chen Tao's side on the city wall.

When Chen Tao's eyes found Sister Guan again, she had already appeared dozens of meters in front of the war fortress.

The advancing War Fortress also scanned Sister Guan, who was extremely small compared to it.

After it can only calculate the CPU, Sister Guan's threat to it has already exploded.

It immediately issued an order and mobilized all its firepower in order to eliminate Sister Guan.

War Fortress quickly adjusted its muzzles and pointed them at Sister Guan. When the target was locked, all weapons were fired at the same time, vowing to destroy the target in front of the sensor to ashes.

Sister Guan just stood quietly until the War Fortress opened fire, neither moving forward nor moving back, let alone running away or avoiding.

Just quietly waiting for the enemy's attack.

Following the enemy's seemingly free artillery fire, Sister Guan finally moved.

I saw her bare hands gently raising the cold light Falling Moon in her hand, and then swung it at high speed. Countless huge sword lights appeared with Sister Guan's swing, shooting down all the flying cannonballs and bullets.

Unlike the Evil Vanquishing Sacred Sword's hits, the shells split by Sister Guan's sword just fell to the ground and did not explode.

Chen Tao thought for a moment and immediately opened his attributes.

[Autumn-Spring Blade Intent] (Middle Level)

Then Chen Tao used his hand as a knife and swung it out gently. A half-foot-long sword light appeared as the hand sword was swung.

"Damn it, he's so cool, isn't he? His normal attacks have special effects?"

[Autumn-Spring Blade Intent] Upgrading to Middle Level is of course not just as simple as adding special effects to normal attacks.

Sister Guan felt the endless destruction and decay from the attack of [Final Giant], which made him realize the artistic conception of Spring and Autumn.

Spring goes and autumn comes, autumn goes and spring comes.

Everything in the world follows rules and goes from rebirth to decline.

The endless Blade Intent is not only a powerful sword, but also mixed with a rule that contains destruction.

The two sides fighting in the distance, the endless bombardment and slashing, finally came to an end.

All the launch ports in the War Fortress turned red.

Although it has unlimited firepower, its weapon material cannot support its unlimited firing.

As all weapons in the War Fortress go on cooldown, the attack ceases.

Sister Guan finally moved.

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