Sixty years of destiny.

The overlord of Han Xiang Yu abdicated and was called the'Supreme Sovereign', passing Xiang Qi.

After the nation is founded, there must be a monarch who governs the world for a long time and perseveres in order to consolidate the monarchy and restore stability.

Unison True Monarch reluctantly saw this. After being an emperor for sixty years, he broke into the Spirit Refinement Realm world more than fifty years later than the Nine Spirits Dragon Mother Primordial Monarch!

After Xiang Qi succeeded to the throne, he continued to develop production in accordance with Unison True Monarch's national policy, scornful of small taxes.

At the same time, even more severe penalties, cut off local lawlessness, and establish Yanhan's majesty.

He ruled the world for forty-three years, and the whole world was ruled. He died of illness in the fall of Destiny 103, and he was known as the'Han Xing Emperor' in history!

Historical books of later generations called this period of prosperity as the "Prosperous Age of Hegemony", which is regarded as the greatest commendation to Emperor Xing of the Han Dynasty, and he did not hesitate to praise and exaggerate praise.

After the death of Emperor Han Xing, his son Xiang Ming succeeded to the throne. His reign was only mediocre. He died 20 years later, and his posthumous title was "Ming".

Since then, Unison True Monarch has gradually discovered a cruel fact.

After the existence determined Heaven, Earth and Human Three Realms, the laws of the world seemed to change.

Become the lord of the Nine Provinces, the emperor, and the Son of Heaven...Dragon luck is in your body, which is a big hindrance to cultivation!

This led to both the Han Xing Emperor and the Han Ming Emperor, although they mastered the immortal cultivation cultivation technique and possessed countless resources, they had no hope of the Foundation Establishment Binding Pill for life, and could only be like ordinary people in birth, aging, sickness and death.

Even Unison True Monarch himself has been delayed for more than 50 years!

Fortunately, he is not greedy for power, and the rapids retreat bravely. Now he sees the shortcomings, but there is nothing.

With him and the Nine Spirits Dragon Mother, the two Primordial Monarchs secretly check, it is enough to ensure that the emperor may be mediocre in the future, but there will never be a faint master.

Dare to show up, drag it to the ancestral temple and kill it!


Time is long, passing by in a flash.

On this day, a man holding a mahogany stick, wearing a large cloak of crane feathers, divine poise and sagelike features, but a very young face, wandered into the Yanhan Imperial Capital-Changluo!

"A child ahead!"

This person stopped a gray-haired old man in front of him, and asked with a smile: "In the next direction, he is cultivating in the deep mountains. I don’t know the sun and the moon outside the mountain. What year is this eve?"

"You kid, didn't you see the old man's beard is white?"

The old man panting with rage said: "I really don't know how to be polite... "

A woodman who was carrying a firewood passed by, smiling hehe and said: "This little brother is joking? Now it is Destiny 108..."

"The towering man now has the shelter of an overlord, and he can survive a thousand years without falling..."

The young man of Heloak, naturally Liu Ji, showed emotion on his face: "This is obviously better than The four-hundred-year dynasty is still more glorious..."

"You're joking again. Yanhan was a five-hundred-year-old Xianqin. Xianqin was Zhou before Zhou and Shang before Zhou. Which one do I say is the 400-year-old dynasty?"

Lao Zhang is still panting with rage.

"haha, I'm old enough to be your grandfather."

Liu Ji smiled and didn't care. He took one step, just like Shrinking the Earth into an Inch, leaving only A back view.

This made Lao Zhang and the woodman dumbfounded: "It turns out to be a cultivation person!"

Citizens of Yanhan, but they know that there is such a thing as immortal dao in the world.

Furthermore, the Wudoumi Road and the Taiping Road are also the leaders of the daoist sect in the world, and many daoist sects have been derived from this, as well as more rivers and lakes warlock and unorthodox way.

Although the Imperial Court has severely cracked down on this aspect, the people's pursuit of seeking immortals and seeking Taoism has been repeatedly banned.

Lao Zhang saw this scene, for fear that Liu Ji was a demon, and the lawsuit involved him, so he stopped talking and left quickly.

Liu Ji walked through two streets, confirmed that some surveillance had been thrown off, and then continued to look around, chasing the excitement.

"The carriage is here! The carriage is here!"

Suddenly, he stopped and saw a huge building similar to a modern station.

The ground is lined with black wooden tracks. In a whistle sound, eight tall horses, pulling each carriage, at a speed of about thirty yards, drove over quickly. .


Liu Ji looked dumbfounded.

"Haha, a countryman, haven’t you been to Changluo? This is my Yanhan'Chi Dao'!"

A young man wearing a square scarf on his head and dressed as a scholar The scholar said with a laugh: "This'Chi Dao' is only available in our pass. It can carry thousands of people at a time and can carry hundreds of thousands of stones, and it is still running like flying..."

"It's really amazing, amazing !"

Liu Ji's divine sense swept, and he knew that the wooden track used for laying the'chill road' was made of iron wood, which was harder in nature and more convenient and easy to use than railroad tracks.

And the horses that pull the carts, probably also have demonic beast bloodline, maybe they have to eat meat and drink every day, otherwise they can't pull such a weight, and they are still running like flying.

'Probably because Changluo has a large population, heavy freight, and was forced out... I didn’t expect that under such a huge gap and stimulation, the steam locomotive was not invented, but used directly. Dao Fa solved...'

Liu Ji sighed secretly.

In the extraordinary world of Yanhan, Taoism is the primary productive force.

Neither iron wood nor demonic beast, it is obviously not tamed and obtained by mortals.

This will inevitably lead to the solidification of the class, and the status of immortal cultivation practitioners will become more and more lofty, and they will have more economic lifelines.

Liu Ji couldn't help being at a loss, becoming more and more confused about the future direction of this World.

This time when he went down the mountain, he was also at Spirit Refinement Peak during his cultivation. He had a lot of insights about breaking the realm, and he came to experience the red dust.

Although the bottle gourd has accumulated enough inspiration to break through to the next level, the cultivation base and dao heart still need to be polished personally.

"It turned out to be an old friend!"

Just as Liu Ji finished watching the bustle of the station and wanted to leave, he suddenly heard a voice in his ear.

He looked back and saw that a man and a woman were toasting to each other on the restaurant not far away. The man was awe-inspiring and the woman was gorgeous and dignified.

Several servants in fresh clothes and long swords came in stride, respectfully and said: "I have a please on the patriarch!"

He has a very respectful tone. , The posture is very full.

"Sure enough, it's an old friend!"

Liu Jihaha smiled, went to the restaurant, found that it had already been booked here, and gave a salute first: "I have seen the overlord and Mrs. Yuji!"


Although Emperor Yanhan is in front of him, he still prefers to be called King Xiang Yu.

Moreover, now these two people have reached the Spirit Refinement Peak impressively, and their foundations are extremely solid, making Liu Ji a little moved.

"Life is short, a hundred years have passed, so most of the people are withered. It is also a joy to see your Excellency today!"

Unison True Monarch toasted Liu Ji a glass of wine, said with a smile.

No matter what kind of grievances and grievances there were, but in a hundred years, mortals have changed for five or six generations. Their former subordinates, if they have not stepped into the path of cultivation, have also turned into a cup of loess and meet today. , On the contrary, it is more gratifying than vigilant.

"Fellow Daoist is here, why?" Nine Spirits Dragon Mother Primordial Monarch asked.

"I have practiced hard for a hundred years, and I have come to Worldly Desire Refining Heart..." Liu Ji answered truthfully: "At the same time, I am also looking for fellow Fellow Daoists and demonstrating Taoism... …"

In ten years of troubled times, he went from mortal cultivation to Nascent Soul.

But after spirit refinement, breakthrough is more difficult, and after all, penance is not the right way to open transmigrator, the cultivation speed is more than ten times slower.

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