"so that's how it is..."

Thinking of Zhong Shenxiu's performance, Old Head Li couldn't help but believe: "On the faith, expressiveness, and elegance of translation... Master is indeed more than us. It’s just that the more you see, the more dangerous it is.” He persuaded a few words euphemistically. Seeing Zhong Shenxiu's resolute expression, he finally led him to a bookshelf.

"The classics here should be what the guests need, just be careful."

Old Head Li exhorted him, watching silently next to him.

Even, Zhong Shenxiu still felt some inexplicable power, also peering into this place, and suppressing some evils inherent in the secret book itself.

This is the arrangement that Tingchaoge must make. Otherwise, the demons would have been dancing around on this second floor.

After all, the classics of this world must have their own strength!

Zhong Shenxiu looked at the bookshelf, and saw that there were some ancient books scattered on the shelves. There were about a dozen books. Some were simple in style, while others were very trendy, probably written by later generations.

Under the bookshelf, there are some scattered pages, all with a deep breath.

"Please choose as you please."

Old Head Li said with a smile.

Deciphering the writings of the Great Dao is a very painstaking process. Even the best interpreter can translate one page a day.

Even when encountering local classics, it is normal for a few generations of talents to translate a page for decades.

Therefore, he is not afraid of Zhong Shenxiu cheating.

'Unfortunately, but you don't know, I don't have a treasure in my body, I just plan to come to prostitute for nothing! '

On the way here, Zhong Shenxiu has heard Jiang Kun's introduction that the currency used by the monastic world is not silver dollars, but the'treasure notes' that are being issued together.

It’s just his body, there is no one...

Zhong Shenxiu picks up a purple cover at will, like a large tome tanned with some wild beast leather, and flips it over Open the first page.

"This is a classic of the Xuan Bu-[Ling Xuan Ce], it is about a cultivator sleepwalking somewhere."

Next to Old Head Li introduced.

But Zhong Shenxiu glanced, and chanted silently in his heart:

[I see myself, like entering a realm, there are three days of Queyuan Palace, and Qipu’s encampment life below, Zhong Jian Hardware Man...The Soul Catcher...]

'This seems to be a cultivation secret art, which compares itself to a vast place of Heaven and Earth. All kinds of travel experiences are the cultivation. At the end of cultivation, it can become a "spiritual demon"...a kind of dream creature that feeds on dreams. '

Zhong Shenxiu glanced at Old Head Li obliquely. He had guessed that these interpreters were unreliable, but he didn't expect to pick up a book at random, even the classification was wrong.

'Wait... This seems like a leak, but it doesn't work for me. '

He looked at the other books again, rolling the eyes in his heart.

This Chaoge has gained a false name, and it's just a classification, and it's a small mistake!

'It can be seen that the classics and cultivation methods translated by these interpreters are bound to be full of mistakes and omissions. Those who dare to cultivation are true warriors. '

Zhong Shenxiu looked towards the center of the bookshelf with a hint of disappointment.

There is a black ancient book impressively there, whose surface is bound by heavy silver chains.

"The guest doesn't like it?"

Old Head Li doesn't have the consciousness that his family has been prostituted for a long time, and he walks away countless wools. Instead, he glances at Zhong Shenxiu secretly, I'm afraid Didn't even the name of the ancient book be translated?

But I don’t know, people are comparable to memorable mortals, read it once, and then remember it.

"What is this classic? Why is it banned?"

Zhong Shenxiu asked curiously.

"This book..."

Old Head Li's expression changed: "This book belongs to the Ministry of Land, and it is a classic collected by this pavilion from overseas...it was originally for translation With one name, there are six interpreters who are unfortunately mad or killed... But in the end, it was proved that it was just a book of "Strange Kao" without the slightest cultivation method, but the level involved was too profound, and there were even a few big ones. The name of energy is taboo, once chanted, it will die violently...We only discovered the harm later, and as a result, we lost more than a dozen interpreters..."

"Indeed, it was written by Da Neng... …"

Zhong Shenxiu perceives it carefully and realizes that this black ancient book is indeed extraordinary. The writer is probably comparable to Fang Lang of Corpse Severance Immortal today.

"I want to take a look, how?"

"I can do nothing, but if you have an accident because of this, you can't count it on the head of the cabinet."

"This is natural!"

Zhong Shenxiu agreed and saw Old Head Li take out a talisman from his arms, ignited it, and hit it on the bookshelf.

Suoso! Soso!

Those silver chains are like little snakes with life, retreating automatically.

Zhong Shenxiu picked up this black ancient book and stroked his fingers, and there was a slight tingling sensation.

The cold breath, which wants to spread through books, is even more cursed by bad luck, weakness, disease and so on.

But under the Corpse Severance Immortal position, all of these disappeared without a trace.

When Zhong Shenxiu saw the cover, he couldn't help but smile.

This time, these interpreters did not make a mistake in translation. This is indeed a book of "Strange Tales".

He opened it with his hands and saw a line of avenues, which turned into a strong consciousness impact and entered Fang Lang’s Sea of ​​Knowledge.

oh la la!

Fang Lang’s spirit, Divine Sea, trembled slightly, and immediately this wave of shock was like a wave crashing on the reef, crashing, and a flow of information emerged:

[Xiu Xuan has nine Realm, after the nine realms, daoist sect said'Great Saint', and Demon said'Great Murder'! 】

[There are ten evil spirits in the world, and there will be great chaos in the world. It is Heavenly Demon, Great Demon, disaster, disaster...]

[One of the'ten evil' , Eastern Sea'Dagon', also known as'Son of Sea Disaster','Lord of Sea Monsters', lives in the courtyard of the Qianlong, and when it moves, it rains thunder, and the sea boat capsizes...]

【'Ten Fiends' 'Second, Onozawa' Elephant Lord', also known as'King of Mountains' and'King of Mountains' by Westerners. His body is extremely tall, and when he moves, he will be disaster...]


'The author of this book should be a cultivator with high magic power, and even Demon several times in the world, but also divided into categories...'

'The reason why this book is so dangerous is also found it. '

'Large evil-level Demons such as [Dagon] and [Xiangzhu] already have the ability to sense, and their real names are actually written here. Once the cultivator recites them, they will be born. Induction, isn't this courting death? '

' However, it is not a cultivation book, and it is a bit wronged. After all, so many real names are displayed... If the sacrifice is successful, you can also get the divine ability, ascending to the skies with a Single leap, I just don’t know what the price will be, maybe physical aberration, maybe mental aberration, or two together? '

Zhong Shenxiu turned the page quickly, in Old Head Li's view, it was a waste of effort.

But I don’t know, Zhong Shenxiu is forcibly memorizing all the contents in this secret book.

He read ten lines at a glance without worrying about pollution, and soon reached the last page.

On this page, in blood, a prophecy was written impressively:

[The source of the evil is...Supreme! 】

[The person of'Supreme' is unspeakable, unrecordable, unthinkable, thinking is wrong, thinking is absurd...]

['Supreme' comes out, the world Menacing! 】

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