"Naturally, I won't refuse."

Zhong Shenxiu haha ​​smiled, followed Old Head Li, and walked directly into the Tingchao Pavilion.

"Welcome Fang Master!"

Two rows of shop assistants stood at the door. There was no customer in the Tingchao Pavilion. It seemed that Tingchao Pavilion stopped for a day in order to receive Zhong Shenxiu. Business.

This specification is a bit scary.

However, Zhong Shenxiu was not afraid, and accepted the special gift, strode into the Tingchao Pavilion.

"Pavilion Lord is on the third floor, Master, please go upstairs."

Old Head Li led the way and immediately came to Tingchao Pavilion 2nd Layer.

The originally messy bookshelves seem to have been sorted out at this time, and they are vaguely formed into a battlefield.

Old Head Li said with a smile: "My Pavilion Lord knows that Master likes to read books, especially ancient books, so I specially selected a few ancient books, please taste them... There are three rare books in total. If the Master can find the interpretation one after another, he can go straight to the third floor and meet the Pavilion Lord. These rare books will be the gifts of the Pavilion."

'This old fellow is not there. An Haoxin...'

Zhong Shenxiu complained in his heart and went straight into the book circle.


The black wooden frames suddenly seemed to come alive, and the textures on them began to wriggle like blood vessels.

"Heavenly Dao...Heavenly Dao, what's the answer?"

"At the beginning of ancient times, shadow preaching? What's the answer?"

"Blood donor, Bone Xian Bone Seat... Demon! Great Demon!"


Countless fine and dense voices are constantly being introduced into Zhong Shenxiu’s ears, trying to induce one layer after another. phantom.

Zhong Shenxiu can see that it is a interpreter who is a brilliant and poor scripture. They have crazy expressions. Some bodies even have mutations. They are only one step away from the final death and depravity.

He chuckled, ignoring nothing, and stepped out to a bookshelf.

On the bookshelf, there is a brocade box. After opening it, a thread-bound ancient book appears inside.

"This is one after another true inheritance talisman —— named'Soul-Taking Lun'. After being refined, there is an unpredictable opportunity for Ghost God..."

The voice of Old Head Li's explanation came from outside the array.

Zhong Shenxiu opened it at will, and saw a flameboyant talisman. The essence of the talisman, the talisman, and the talisman are all available. It is indeed quite complete.

And looking at the talisman effect, it should be to absorb the cultivator's own vital energy, the three treasures, and turn it into a power to capture the Demon.

Used well, the magic is endless, and it can indeed use the weak to defeat the strong.

He was nodded, took the ancient book into his arms, and continued to move forward.

Not far in front, several dark chains formed a Thousand Chance Lock, which locked an iron box.

"In this level, it is necessary for the Master to unlock the Thousand Chance lock to obtain the inner booklet."

Old Head Li continued.

He tone barely fell and rubbed his eyes and found that the chain crash-bang had fallen directly. Zhong Shenxiu opened the tin box at will and took out one of the classics made by parchment. On the cover, The weird pentagram and goat head logo exude a disturbing atmosphere.

"The Book of Death?"

Zhong Shenxiu gently read the name of this classic.

"Yes, it's the transcript of the [Book of Death]... It is rumored that Tessie has a madman, and he has a glimpse of the invisible great existence, so he is crazy. Before the madness, he wrote a comprehensive book There is a mysterious ancient book named——[Ode to Hell]! In the hidden realm, it was coveted and scrambled by many parties... and thus scattered. This [Book of Death] was later read by a Mystic Expert. After the Book], the recorded manuscript contained many spells, each of which had an incredible effect."

Old Head Li continued to serve as an instructor.

"It's not bad."

Zhong Shenxiu continued to move forward. Suddenly, the field of vision in front of him was wide, but he walked out of the book formation.

There is only one staircase in front of him. At the entrance of the staircase, there is a book case on which is quietly displayed a book.

"Congratulations, Master Fang, for passing two consecutive levels. This third test is for you to translate the ancient book on the table......"

Old Head Li's palms are slightly sweaty, thinking Thousands of revolutions:

'First use the book array to confuse his heart, and then give it to the classics to motivate him... This person has already entered the urn! '

'Oh...I hope he can succeed. '

'This first classic book is just the very top in the Profound Book. The [Book of Death] has reached the territorial category...'

'And the Pavilion Lord needs, But it translated into a secret book that was infinitely close to the Tianbu...This is also considered to be a courtesy first and then a soldier. '

'This period of temptation, his personality, strength... Pavilion Lord already knows everything well, and if you dare to let him come today, you must be absolutely sure of it. '


'Huh? Good stuff here? '

Zhong Shenxiu didn't care about him at all. Today he accepted the invitation to see what medicine this Tingchaoge sells.

At this moment, the gaze swept across the azure ancient book on the desk, and it felt like I couldn’t move my eyes. I immediately knew that this book was of extremely high grade.

The kind that is infinitely close even if it is not the heaven.

He couldn't help taking a step forward and staring at the cover of azure.

On the cover, there is also a line of evil avenues, baring fangs and brandishing claws. The combination directly makes Zhong Shenxiu as if he saw the existence of a stalwart in the dark, shaking the rays of light, cut down the three lights of personal happiness, wealth, and longevity...

"[Tai Shang Zhan Yuan see my life source scripture]?"

Zhong Shenxiu read the title of the book.


Old Head Li was overjoyed. Pavilion Lord simply didn't want to negotiate a deal with this man, but concealed what he wanted in the test.

As long as the opponent enters the urn, winning and losing, and utilitarian, will naturally help him translate.

If you don’t agree, you can also take this person down and forcefully persecute him. Anyway, the opponent’s cultivation base is not high...

Now, when I see Fang Lang immediately, I’ll translate The name of this secret book was correct, and Old Head Li couldn't help but gain a lot of confidence.

Not only him, listening to the third floor of Chaoge Pavilion, the huge glowing jellyfish keeps trembling.

It is between the real and the illusion. It is an information creature and a demon of civilization.

At this time, there are strands of thoughts, containing countless information, permeating down the second floor.


The demon of civilization on the third floor burst out with scarlet rays of light, obviously extremely excited, but no interpreter can respond.

At this time, inside the cage on the third floor, there are corpses...

"Finally...the real interpretation of the Grandmaster appeared, this kind of civilized atmosphere …It’s much stronger than those wastes, and it’s worth a hundred wastes if he draws from him alone!"

The demon of civilization stretched out illusory tentacles and began to pass through the real existence. The compartment extends downstairs.

It must cooperate with Old Head Li to tamper with Fang Lang's cognition.

Let this interpretation Grandmaster, wholeheartedly translate it [Tai Shang Zhan Yuan see my life source sutra]!

As an information creature, the core ability of the demon of civilization is cognitive tampering.

It also relies on this ability to tamper with Old Head Li's cognition, making him and other shop assistants indifferent to the fate of other interpreters, and they have always been loyal!

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