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132 one three two

Shizong abandoned the horse, and the guards silently sneaked into the shrubs around. A pair of eagle eyes did not lock the figure of the elk. Instead, he stared straight at him, his face was solemn, and he bowed to Ouyang Huiru.

The other side is frowning, and a pair of weekdays are full of emotions and full of enthusiasm. This kind of concentration is a must for the prey, with a fascinating look, which makes people dare to look at it and make people reluctant to look at it. .

So beautiful eyes! Sejong secretly applauded, there are such eyes, the heart must be strong enough, and the desire for success is stronger. Looking at the prince's eyes, he looked forward to the hunting.

Ouyang Huiru holds the archer again and again, and the breathing is getting shallower and shallower. Until it is completely blocked, the eyes suddenly burst into a glimmer of light, and the buckled string is released, and the arrow has been ready to pass through the gap between the branches. Going to the chewing elk.

With the direction of the arrow, Sejong foresees that this arrow has not failed. In his eyes, he flashed a glimpse of appreciation, and rushed to his horse in a blink of an eye. He turned over the horse in a second, and the elk might flee in the direction.

A slight break sounded, the elk was alert, and the hoof hooves to run. Just after turning his head, the arrow has already arrived. It should have been shot on its abdomen and the arrow will be inserted on its buttocks.

The elk's pain screamed, and the arrow flew in the opposite direction, not far away, a faster speed, more lethal arrows came on the face, like playing it, it is clear that you can kill the commandment, but it is not Greeting to it, only tied to the grass half a meter in front of it, seven points into the ground, blocking its escape route.

The elk screamed and quickly changed direction, but each time he met with intimidation, the arrow was thrown away, and he had to escape in the direction of the only obstacle.

Upon seeing it, Sejong put away the bow in his hand and led the guards to continue to drive away.

The elk escaped in the direction of the empty grassland. Seeing Sejong according to the plan, Ouyang Huiru did not dare to stop, chasing after the panicked deer, and then put arrows. Many of the arrows fell, but there were still two or three shots in the target, but because of her lack of strength, the arrows only shallowly plunged into the flesh and left some blood, but not fatal.

She is not discouraged, still one arrow and one arrow, the action is without stagnation, and the slight blink of an eye is shining with wild light.

Lurking around the elk, the guards also chased under the leadership of Sejong, screaming in their mouths, to stimulate the panic of the elk, and make it move messy and slow.

In this piece of wolf howling, the elk really has a big chaos. It seems to fall down several times, and it is dangerous to stabilize its shape and continue to escape. Seeing that the elk is becoming more and more dull, Ouyang Huiru seems to have realized, and also learns the guards, and screams up.

Her voice was crisp and melodious. After a sigh of relief, it seemed to find a feeling, and it was repeated several times. The high voice was full of coziness, blood, wildness and full of fighting spirit. Listening to the human voice is so arrogant and dry, it seems that the heart is To fly with this scream, break through the clouds.

This kind of temperament is unprecedented for the Prince, but it is the same as the Jurchen life. The guards seem to be motivated, and they are called louder under the guidance of Prince Edward. The quiet valley is disturbed by their snoring. There are always animals rushing through the jungle, and even the birds on the trees have fluttered their wings and flew high, hovering, and have not dared to fall for a long time.

In the eyes, Ouyang Huiru's flame-like figure is reflected, and her ears and the guards are high and low, and they are so hearty and bloody. This situation completely shocked Shizong's eyes and ears, and his heart shook with his heart.

Division of labor and cooperation, go hand in hand, stalking a prey to pursue the end, not to pledge not to give up, this is the real hunting, not to strengthen the control of the Jurchen various departments have to hold hunting games.

Sejong thought in his heart, his heart was hot, and suddenly he screamed in the sky, whistling loudly, rushing into the sky, with a strong killing.

The elk was killed by this group of arrows, and the ghosts and the wolves were scared and scared. The people heard that it was like a dragon shouting, the heart was shattered, and the hoof was soft and stumbled. Ground.

Ouyang Huiru’s nephew was bright, and he lost the opportunity to make up an arrow. He was lying on the softest abdomen of the elk, which greatly injured the elk.

The elk struggled to get up and fled forward again, but it slowed down significantly.

Ouyang Huiru sees Shizong’s sound and has such an effect. He quickly shouted and shouted: "Father, please! It is scared, and two more!"

Calling more than two more? The emperor is not giving a call, letting the call be called, the person is the emperor! Following the Prince's body, the guards heard her screaming and demanding, almost falling off the horse. After finally stabilizing the figure, he secretly worried about this approachable Prince, for fear that she would not be angered by the emperor.

"Haha, good!" Sejong Lang laughed, and he was full of enthusiasm. He really screamed at the void and shouted. He was shocked by the guards. When he returned to God, he realized his enlightenment: this is hunting, and it is right to fight the prey. So many vagrants? Pesto! Still the Prince is transparent.

Infected by Prince Edward and Sejong, the guards also let go of their fears, and even more effort to contain the elk, and finally rushed to the empty grass.

On the grass, one side of the hunting was officially staged.

The guards spread out in all directions, blocking the escape route for the Prince Edwards. Prince Edward was behind the elk. When he caught the gap, he shot an arrow. The arrow was empty, and Sejong threw a bucket in time. Instruct her to make persistent efforts.

The two men are staggering, and they are acquainted with each other. They only suffer from the elk. They are full of arrows, but they are too small. If they can’t help it, they can only run and run, and then they are shot. Yeah, if its IQ is higher, it is estimated that it will directly find a tree to die and does not accept Ouyang Huiru such inhumane.

In the grass, I ran countless back and forth, still unable to break through the encirclement. The elk finally fell to the ground, sighed and gasped, and the breath gradually weakened. I took two colds and finally closed my eyes and did not speak. Poor it is not shot by an arrow, but too much blood loss, excessive consumption and death.

Ouyang Huiru saw the elk fell to the ground, and did not immediately ran over until it was cut off, and then it was dismounted, slowly approaching, tentatively stretching, kicking and kicking its heels.

Sejong quickly dismounted, and ran to her side in a few steps, pulling her away. She said with concern: "Be careful, some animals will die, and when they are approaching, they will launch an attack. It is extremely embarrassing."

Ouyang Huiru nodded and looked at Shizong, as if to say: Then you help?

Sejong shook his head, but he took a few pets in his eyes. He walked over to the elk and looked at her. After a while, he turned his head and looked forward to Ouyang Huiru, looking for a dagger.

Ouyang Huiru took a breath and showed a very bright smile after a moment. The hands clasped together into a spiral and made a long whistle. The whistling sound is two steps higher than the whistling sound, which is extremely penetrating. After breaking the air, it is full and far away.

Sejong blinked and looked at her wrongly. Isn’t the prince a Han Chinese? Who is this whistle to teach her? It is very much like playing.

"Father, what's wrong?" Seeing Sejong squatting at himself, Ouyang Huiru puts his hands down, asks questions, waits for Shizong to answer, and then opens his mouth. "The emperor said that the Jurchen warriors will scream and whistle after the success of the hunting. The sound spreads far and wide, let the old people, women and children waiting in the tent hear, they know that today, not only do not have to go hungry, but also have a sumptuous dinner, so everyone will be very happy, and will sing and dance around the tent Celebrate. The father, also come, let the emperor hear it, and know that there is venison tonight."

Her words are so sincere, and she is still innocent, such as Qingquan spring water washed the soul, taking away the dirty and tired. Sejong was ashamed, as if he remembered that he was hunting in the upper reaches of the grassland when he was young. Although it was hard and unprepared, there was no conspiracy, no killing, no hand and foot. That was the most carefree day of his life.

Ouyang Huiru had already had a hot face, sweat drenched her forehead, and smoked her cheeks, describing her wolverine, but it was not detrimental to her beauty, she was so determined to look at Sejong’s deep eyes and face It is expected, the body exudes eager and vigorous light, like a small sun, burning Shizong eyes.

Sejong has already become cold and hearty because of blood and blood, and he is beating, and it is louder than one. He grabbed his chest and twitched his eyes, pressing his heart. After the heartbeat was stable, he deeply despised Ouyang Huiru, and according to her request, he closed his hands and put it on his mouth, making a whistle.

The emotions of the heart are released through this whistle. His breath is particularly long, the whistle is loud and melodious, floating in the air, and it stops for a long time.

Most of his guards have been following the old people from an early age. They have also felt their feelings and have followed suit. For a time, the whistle screamed and rang through the clouds and shook the entire valley.

The birds and beasts in the valley scattered, and the people hunting around turned their heads in the direction of the sound, and they were very curious. Who dares to be so comfortable in the royal hunting ground? Not afraid of disturbing the emperor?

In the camp, I heard the screaming whistle, and I closed my eyes and raised my eyes. I suddenly opened my eyes and looked at the valley, with two points on the face.

"It’s just like the sound of the emperor!" After serving the Queen Mother for a long time, the old man whispered back to the road.

The Queen nodded: "Well, the emperor seems to play very well, this whistle, how many years have not heard?" The Queen Mother sighed and laughed, and suddenly laughed, the words with a thick pet said: "Oh, it must be Xiaoru Ghost spirit, the mourner has taught her how to whistle, she used it to learn, and also married the emperor, really..." It is so sad!

The Queen Mother concealed the latter half of the sentence, and the smile on the face was quiet and far away. He fell into the memory of the past. After half a mile, he pulled out from the recollection. The Queen Mother gave a sigh of enthusiasm and said: "Fast, go and call the board ready. Sauce, the mourner will roast the venison tonight." Xiaoru that girl is giving her a letter! She has a good fortune.

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