Lord of Eternal Darkness

Chapter 38 The King Bearing Sin

In order to express his sincerity, Li Xiaoming donated almost 50 yuan. The most important thing was that he heard that the other party was willing to contribute to charity. He must have been a real living Buddha walking in the world, so he trusted him more.

Of course, as a believer of the Holy Cross, Saint Assad cannot lag behind when it comes to charity.

Since he didn't have a mobile phone with him, Li Xiaoming temporarily borrowed the 20 B list, saying that he would definitely pay it back twice as much in the future.

Li Xiaoming was quite generous. In fact, Xiaode wanted to donate more, but considering financial issues, he still donated 20 Bbang symbolically.

After Zhiyin pointed out the direction to everyone, he recalled his flying device, but he gave a parasol as a gift, which did not make the two of them dizzy from the heat.

Afterwards, the Toutuo strolled along the ancient yellow sand road, gradually disappearing into the distance and blending into the sand dunes.

After the other party walked away, Li Xiaoming looked at the bullet casings left on the ground, and then recited a poem.

"Namo Gatling Bodhisattva has six pure and depleted uranium bullets. He breathes three thousand six hundred times and saves the world with great compassion."

Of course, this must not be complained in front of him. After all, it is better not to talk about this kind of killing openly, so as to give the other party a face.

St. Assad said: "Are all the people in their Sumeru Monastery so cruel?"

Li Xiaoming glanced at her and felt that the Holy Cross Church was more brutal. In the past few decades, it had been particularly violent. They shouted to use the name of the emperor to purify the evil in the world, which brought a blow to the heretics, although it also purified the evil.

But in the end, the imperial guard Changting came forward to restrain his excessively crazy behavior.

It means that half of the entire bishopric was killed overnight. Those who used their power for personal gain and took the opportunity to rebel would only end up with their heads on the ground. They claimed to be infected with some kind of plague, but in fact everyone knew it.

Of course, the foundation of the church cannot be shaken, and as long as their God is still there, the impact of the incident cannot be eliminated.

Therefore, they have been recuperating and developing quietly over the years to avoid rushing into things like they did back then.

After so many years of excellent packaging, it seems that the God of Holy Light will become the second among the gods, and there are even rumors that it may become the state religion.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for the emperor's supporters to agree. One country governs many, and many religions suppress each other. This is the result they want.

Ranked first is naturally the Lord of All Gods, Cang Shen. After all, he is the creator of all the gods in the world. No matter whether he is an evil god or a righteous god, he has not avoided this issue. There are even rumors that the emperor is one of the incarnations of Cang Shen.

You don’t have to believe anyone, but you have to believe in the Emperor, the lord of mankind. He is the only one who stands from the standpoint of mankind.

Li Xiaoming knew something about each sect and had also witnessed some shady activities in private.

Xiaode seemed to know nothing and looked innocent. It was better not to tell her some things.

Xiao Ming thoughtfully opened a parasol for the lady beside him, and then went to the Huangsha Bone Burial Ground.

Although Xiaode complained a lot along the way, he couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart and wanted to find out. He seemed a little more excited than Li Xiaoming.

After walking about two kilometers, Li Xiaoming stood on the sand dunes and looked forward.

His bright pupils suddenly dilated, and his face showed excitement. "Oh my God, this is so spectacular. It's getting more and more interesting, hehe."

Saint Assad also stopped and looked in Xiao Ming's direction, with shock on his face.

"Wow! What is that?"

Ahead is a flat sandy plain without any plants, only desolation and heat coexisting.

The huge and white building complex stands on the sand, with sharp spiers pointing straight into the sky. They are scattered around in disorder, but they seem to only gather here, like the mutated skin of the desert.

With the exploration of knowledge in mind, Li Xiaoming couldn't help but walked into that place out of curiosity, as if there was an invisible magic pulling him.

"Li Xiaoming, what are you doing? Wake up, wait for me. Oh, my Lord, I shouldn't have come."

Saint Assad sensed something was wrong, but there was nothing she could do to stop this man's progress.

Li Xiaoming finally saw what it was.

There are white bones scattered around, just highlighting a garbled character, and the sharp claws show the residual power of the past, which makes people feel creepy, and they are all surrounded by a sword as high as a mountain.

Maybe someone did it deliberately, I don't know what the purpose is, but this is an ancient battlefield.

Walking into the sandy field of bones and bones under the scorching sun, you can still feel a murderous intent and coldness soaking through your body.

The huge skeleton is like a curved arch bridge, extending in all directions and spanning nearly a hundred meters. This whale skeleton-like thing reveals a majestic and majestic momentum.

Ancient weapons were stuck in the ground, forming a mountain of sword trees and swords. After years of training, they have long since become decayed.

There are even parts of large machines scattered around. The nuts are rusty, the surface of the steel plate is riddled with holes, broken metal brackets, and glass fragments scattered on the ground.

All of this seems to be telling the story of the historical catastrophe countless years ago. The era known as the Emerald Age has become farther and farther away from reality. People now only remember those ancient legends.

St. Assad couldn't help but get closer to the man next to him and held his arm tightly.

She felt too depressed, too silent.

Li Xiaoming watched all this with forgetfulness, his heavy steps moving slowly.

He opened his mouth, with thousands of words in his heart, not knowing whether to shout or tell.

Suddenly clouds covered the sky, and the sunlight was blocked. Only a beam of light escaped, shining among the dead bones, and for an instant it was extremely glorious and sacred.

Li Xiaoming looked up and suddenly froze. He let out a desolate smile, stretched his right hand towards the unreachable target, and shouted with a trembling tone.

"Oh, hahahaha, it turns out you are here! It turns out you are dead, dead..."

The giant sword was inserted on the circular stone platform. The sword body was already rusty and covered with cracks, but its sharpness could still be felt. The blood stains on the sword that had not dried for nearly a thousand years were proof of this. .

The depressions on the stone platform highlighted the dilapidation. A strong wind blew by, causing dust on the stone platform to rise.

The rust on the giant sword was picked up by the strong wind and blew in all directions before returning to the giant sword.

It is a curse that cannot be shaken off, a past that can never be forgotten.

Something is emerging in the void, gradually breaking through the boundaries of real matter.

A pair of skeletal hands holds this heavy sword, and the huge humanoid skeleton stands here quietly like a mountain.

The skull was penetrated by something unknown, forming a huge hole, and the deepest and most desperate atmosphere was revealed in the hole.

The proud head did not lower, because he was wearing the crown of the last dignity of the human race, even if it was gloomy at the moment.

His eyes seemed to be looking towards the sky full of sorrow and anger. There were sword-like spines on his thick spine, and he was locked with heavy dark iron chains, tied together with the giant sword, showing his majesty and swallowing up mountains and rivers!

At this moment, an invisible force spread from the corpse to all directions. The endless pressure was enough to frighten thousands of living beings, and even the ground beneath their feet trembled faintly.

Such unusual movements also attracted the attention of some people. A certain diviner was making calculations, as if he had seen an indescribable horror, and he immediately fell to his knees in fright, and kept repenting.

Almost all the machines in a certain area were paralyzed, and the signal lasted only a short time.

All the alien beasts within a radius of hundreds of kilometers knelt down and surrendered, and all humans felt an inexplicable sense of oppression.

Li Xiaoming admired this great miracle.

His eyes met the huge skull. He didn't feel any discomfort. He only saw the dead soul with blue flames burning in his eyes.

I could vaguely hear roars echoing on the battlefield, shattering those young people.

"No, no, this is not him, but... I didn't recognize the wrong person." Li Xiaoming suddenly woke up.

"Xiao Ming, go back, it's too dangerous here!"

Saint Assad had a splitting headache at this time, but her hand was still holding the man tightly.

Li Xiaoming ignored the dissuasion of others and resolutely touched the white bones.

After touching it, I felt a cold feeling on my palm, but it turned into an unbearable high temperature within a few seconds.

He looked down at his left hand and felt that the whole world was changing. Waves of green pulse light waves were covering the battlefield, and the magnetic field of the yellow sand battlefield was completely disordered.

The images of the past are like film reels in a movie, being released scene by scene and transformed into three-dimensional projections.

Countless huge spaceships descended here, firing hugely powerful lasers and covering them with a large number of tactical missiles.

The opponent of these giant steel beasts was a giant human wearing armor and a crown. He waved a giant sword into the air and split the spaceships in two with a light blade.

The soldiers he led beside him let out a confident roar, and the mutated beasts followed their masters and rushed forward to fight with a group of mechas.

Lasers shot into the sky, smoke was everywhere, and the sound was like a landslide.

The flesh and blood body merged into this torrent of steel, and a huge beam of light fell from the sky. In an instant, everything was destroyed, and even the blood evaporated without a trace.

Even if everyone hits the stone with an egg, it is enough to die generously.

This is a meaningless war, a war without any suspense. The opponent's technology surpasses theirs by too much and can only barely hold back their progress.

The giant with the crown fell here, unwilling but helpless. In the end, he was destroyed by the opponent's most respected Star Destroyer ion cannon, leaving behind a proud body of white bones.

Even the armor on his body was taken away and used as the opponent's trophies.

But he left the crown behind, and even his opponents would admire such a giant.

The crown was actually a controller, or a small spaceship. It was also made of high-precision instruments and could form a huge barrier for protection. However, in order to protect the soldiers behind it, it was still penetrated by a single blow.

And the bones were sealed in the subspace. Li Xiaoming has been searching for them since he became a god, but to no avail.

Li Xiaoming watched all this calmly.

"How tragic. The mission was completed well. Three million lives were delayed for three whole days. In the history I forgot, you should be the King of Mad War, one of the eight kings of the realm. This title is really worthy of you. .”

The Eight Domain Kings were the eight strongest people selected on the entire planet at that time, and were cultivated using the strongest technological means. Each one had their own unique plan to resist the eight alien attacks in the eight areas. It was also commonly known as the Artificial God Plan. .

However, these eight saviors of mankind have long since disappeared without a trace in the long river of history, leaving only those stories for future generations to talk about before tea and dinner.

As the screen turned, everything around him disappeared without a trace.

He raised his head and looked ahead. He was surrounded by birds and flowers, green grass, and it was so beautiful.

In a corner of the grass ahead, a lonely figure sat on the edge of the cliff, watching the setting sun.

Li Xiaoming walked over slowly and sat beside him quietly.

"I thought you were dead, or should be alive later, but I didn't expect you to still be able to find me. It seems you won half of this bet."

The mysterious man smiled silently, his entire face blurred and covered by black clouds.

Li Xiaoming said: "Thank you for keeping guard for so long. You should be much better than me in the biological field, aren't you? Warden."

The other party didn't seem so happy after being praised. He was already dead now.

"I don't know what to talk about. It's useless to control the giant's body. It's completely become a living target. Even the fused mechanical armor was taken away after death. I'm too stupid. So this war is ours. Did you win?"

His tone was calm at first, but he became very excited when he talked about this war.

Li Xiaoming said: "We have won temporarily and we have reconciled with them because we have to face a more powerful enemy."

"It's good if I win. Anyway, I can't do anything now. By the way, can you do me a favor? Find my real remains, and then help me bury them under that prison. Of course you don't want to, I won't force you. "

"Okay, I'm just saying that with such big bones, I feel a bit like you, but not exactly you. Doesn't that count? I can still recognize you even if you turn into ashes."

"Don't be ridiculous. No matter how stupid you are, you should know the technology I use. If you really can't recognize it, then you are stupid."

Li Xiaoming nodded, "That's right. After all, I'm half a deserter. Although it's to support future plans, the world is relatively stable at the moment."

"I hope it lasts for a long time." His words were a bit lost.

The mysterious man said melancholy: "I am a sinner through the ages. Biological genetic enhancement is of little use at all. To this day, I still regret creating the gray corpse disease and causing a large number of innocent people to die."

Li Xiaoming put his shoulder on his shoulder and said: "Don't worry, you have done enough. After all, there are many people who have awakened as extraordinary beings, and they will become the main force in fighting interstellar wars in the future, and now I am awake."

"It's getting late. It's time to rest. The last bit of energy will be exhausted. I wish you a safe journey."

The opponent's body began to become distorted and weird, no, the surrounding space was distorted together.

Xiao Ming shouted: "Hey, wait where is your real body?"

He said with a proud tone: "I'll make another bet with you and see if I can find it this time. Remind me of water and sand. Once I find it, I will give you a big gift."

As soon as he finished speaking, the world turned dark, and Li Xiaoming fell into the abyss with a feeling of weightlessness.

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