Lord of Eternal Darkness

Chapter 76 Living Figures

The person in the crowd who needed money the most said: "Then what do you want to ask?"

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Li Xiaoming said as he handed over the money, just slowly one by one.

The woman said sadly: "We are transformed cyborgs, and most of them are poor people and common people."

"I come here to act as the deputy city lord's doll, and I can get twenty shidin per hour."

As the women talked, Li Xiaoming took out another handful of banknotes. It was not his own money anyway, and if this kind of money was not spent reliably, just waste it casually.

"Mechanical modification is very expensive. What are you doing here with all the money?" Although he might know the answer, Li Xiaoming still asked knowingly.

The woman said very calmly, who could have guessed how desperate she was.

"Guest, you are joking. We were all forced to refit by the deputy city lord. For example, I was sold here to pay off the debt because of the dead guy at home. There are also people who had their organs and limbs replaced because of illness in order to survive. , to extend life.”

Li Xiaoming asked again: "Then do you hate the deputy city lord?"

These women all shook their heads. "We newcomers must have hated it at first, but as time went by, it didn't matter anymore. We found that this is not bad. The modified body can live longer, and we don't have to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation. We only need to work 10 hours a day. "

"So how long have you been working here the longest? And what's the shortest time?"

A red-haired woman spoke up and said, "I've been working here for three years."

The girl raised her hands timidly and said, "Only one week."

Li Xiaoming gave everyone another tip. "So this is your job, to be a wooden person here?"

"Not entirely. If the deputy city lord is in a good or bad mood, he will choose one of us to sleep with him, and then he will get a large amount of money. Then he can choose to squander it, or resign and go away. "

Li Xiaoming's face gradually turned gloomy, wondering what was going on in this era.

Is it really worth it to transform flesh and blood, or even abandon human dignity, for some petty profits?

"Then do any of you regret it?" Li Xiaoming asked the last sentence with a slightly trembling tone.

The mechanical sequencer smiled silently and answered the question.

"When we are in this era, standing here acting as a toy and forgetting our past identity, there is nothing to regret. And the one who regrets has already jumped from the tall building and fell to pieces."

Li Xiaoming suddenly knew the reason why George Kaiser chose him to take revenge on his behalf.

"Okay, you can go about your business." Li Xiaoming sat on the sofa a little disappointed.

He watched the ancient pendulum swing continuously, and the hands on it were also moving. Nearly 20 minutes had passed.

In this spacious room, he felt an inexplicable depression for some reason. He was obviously with a group of living people, but he couldn't feel the human breath.

His spine felt chilly, and his anger turned into a hand and grabbed his throat, forcing him to complete his mission.

Finally, the door was pushed open heavily.

Wu De walked in wearing brand new clothes, full of luxury and luxury. "I'm sorry, friend, for keeping you here for so long."

Li Xiaoming put on a smile and said: "It's okay, you don't mind if I admire the calligraphy and paintings in the room while you are away, right?"

"Haha, why didn't I expect that you would understand this at such a young age?"

"My father also liked collecting things before, so he has been exposed to them since he was a child and developed the habit of appreciation."

Wu De was surprised and said happily: "It's rare. You are indeed not a commoner. You are a cultural person. I like it. If you have time, can you introduce your father to me so that I can send you some calligraphy and paintings."

Li Xiaoming said awkwardly: "I'm afraid you don't have a chance. He died very young."

Wu De pointed to the corridor, "Oh, that's really a pity. Let's not talk about this. The banquet hall in the kitchen has been prepared. Let's go over and eat and chat."

Li Xiaoming walked down the long corridor. The red carpet was spread from his feet to the end. Gold threads were embroidered all over the lace. You could also see the flower pots on both sides filled with fragrance.

He raised his head and asked: "Deputy City Lord, I heard that people outside call you a perverted modder, saying that you force those girls to work for you and fulfill their special hobbies. Is this true?"

Wu De chuckled and said, "Didn't you already consult them on this issue in the living room?

"I never force others. For women like them, there is only one way to choose. This is still a charity. You have to know that the amount of money spent on this every year is not small. It saves so many lives. , but no one praised me."

Li Xiaoming was stunned. He locked himself in that room and observed his every move. Sure enough, he knew everything. No wonder he could survive until now.

He praised and said, "Oh, that's right. Then you are really a kind person."

"I don't deserve the title of Great Good Man. I just saw those poor people at the bottom using great science and technology to give them a new life. It's nothing."

Li Xiaoming came to the kitchen, which was a long dining table covered with white cloth and candlesticks.

There is a dazzling array of food, including delicacies from mountains and seas that are difficult for ordinary people to see. There are fruits, desserts, and even ingredients from some exotic animals.


Li Xiaoming sighed, this is too rich, no, it must be too corrupt.

"This is specially prepared for you, taste it. For example, the belly of the chicken is stuffed with 47 kinds of food and took two hours to cook. The one-meter lobster was cooked during the storm. It is caught deep in the sea and cannot be bought on the market.”

His words were full of pride, and he slowly sat on the chair and picked up the knife and fork gracefully.

"It's very good." Li Xiaoming didn't start eating in a hurry and calmed down his excitement.

Seeing Li Xiaoming's unmoved look, Wu De also expressed his approval in his heart.

Even if the other party is not an inspector, as an extraordinary person with such a mentality and the investment of resources, he will be a capable assistant in the future.

Therefore, I have earned this friendship no matter what. Recruiting outstanding young people is the first priority no matter which dynasty you are in, so I pretend not to know his identity. I am really a genius.

"You're welcome, start eating. If you don't finish it, it will all be thrown away."

"Then I'm grateful for your kindness. You're welcome." Li Xiaoming ate with peace of mind, not worried that he would poison it. After all, the other party didn't need it.

Li Xiaoming tasted expensive red wine. It was difficult to buy a bottle in his time.

As for the food, it was tasted carefully and elegantly, without being rude, and with a bit of etiquette.

"Come and drink to our health."


I had a drink with the other person on occasion and expressed my friendship.

After three drinks and five dishes, Li Xiaoming felt that he was full, so he wiped his mouth with a tissue.

"Thank you for your kind hospitality."

Wu De said happily: "You're welcome, can our interview begin now?"

Li Xiaoming took out a camera, paper and pen, "I already know the personal profile of the deputy city lord, so let's start with the major events nearby."

"Let's change directions later and talk more slowly. You have to dress well for the photo."

Wu De moved his fat body and placed the chair next to the window.

Li Xiaoming asked: "First, what do you think about the problem of criminals running rampant in city prisons?"

Wu De seemed to have encountered this problem a long time ago and answered it very easily.

"This problem is actually very simple. The source of the riot must be solved first. The fake actors must be arrested first, and then publicly sentenced to death to give a warning to those who have escaped. Our law enforcement officers are also working hard. I believe that in the near future , the city will become better and better.”

Li Xiaoming stared at the other party closely, and his words became very sharp.

"There are complaints that our city hall never deals with crime situations. So what should we do next?"

Wu De looked calm and said jokingly: "Then close the complaint channel. There will also be some threatening letters and personal slander against me in it. Damn it."

Li Xiaoming said: "I don't think this is a very good idea. Problems must be solved if they arise."

The pen in his hand kept spinning, and his mentality changed in some way.

Wu De said: "Of course I am joking. I think the law is still too lax. The death penalty and life imprisonment will only take effect on a small number of people. It is no longer suitable for this era. There will always be people who take advantage of the loopholes of the law."

Wood said again seriously: "So I decided to shoot a hundred criminals first, and then beat up Miss Kelly's dog downstairs."

Li Xiaoming finally saw what kind of virtue the other party had. He was indeed a "bamboo".

So he changed the subject very cooperatively, "Why did you beat her dog? Did her dog bite you? Those dog lovers will march in protest."

Wu De raised his eyebrows and said proudly: "Look, no one cares about those criminals at all. This is the tragedy of this era. Some things cannot be changed by individual power. We can only try to do better."

Li Xiaoming nodded, "Then let's answer the second question. Why did you fall in love with opera? What about these arts left by the ancients?"

After hearing the topic he was interested in, Wu De said with a smile:

"To be honest, I actually come from a family of merchant gentry. My ancestors have been doing business for generations, and they have collected many rare treasures.

"A few years ago, like those young people, I didn't like these old things very much. I thought they were dusty and boring. But as I worked in this position and the time went by, I realized more and more that elegant interests are in line with status. Only through representation can the emptiness in our hearts be relieved.”

"I really can't tell. This paragraph is not mentioned in the information. It can be regarded as an exclusive revelation."

Li Xiaoming glanced at the other party's fat body, the large amount of metal materials all over his body, and the other party's unidentifiable facial expression, feeling that it was inexplicably ridiculous and stupid.

"It's okay not to mention small hobbies, but I hope that human culture will continue to continue, so I have provided financial support to some endangered cultures. I am the only one who represents the city to carry them forward."

Wu De played with his gestures and told the story with great interest. Li Xiaoming smiled silently after listening.

He went on to ask the third question: "Deputy City Lord, do you know anything about the gangs in Xiamin District and the violations of law and discipline?"

Wu De frowned, obviously he found a problem, something was wrong. Could he have heard some rumors?

"Well, this is a bit difficult to handle. I have never been able to find their leader. Smuggling drugs, arms, specialties, and contraband are all serious crimes. Xiao Shenke Prison should also be expanded. Punishment intensity.

"Please believe in the Innocence City. Sooner or later, the great law enforcers will eradicate the cancer that harms the city. Praise our emperor for the eternal glory."

"May the glory be with the emperor and the blue god above."

Li Xiaoming could probably guess that there must be some connection between the Wild Wolf Gang and the deputy city lord. Even if there is no direct connection, it is a matter of turning a blind eye or closing one eye.

Wu De snapped his fingers, and the android butler next to him came over and handed two glasses of red wine to the two of them. He seemed to be in a particularly leisurely mood to talk.

"Do you have any other questions?"

Wu De shook the wine glass, and the red liquid inside was as thick as plasma and kept rising and falling.

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