Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 106 The Nature of Magical Elements (Part 2)

Frederick picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea. He glanced at Psyche secretly and found that she was still listening to him very seriously. Apparently he was right and he felt a little more relaxed.

After putting down the tea cup, he raised his left hand, showed the ring with the "Annihilation" element magic crystal that Psyche gave him, and continued: "After an experiment, I quickly controlled the wind element to fill the space after the explosion. That kind of The magic element immediately becomes the wind element, and it can be quickly assimilated into other magic elements."

"Then I quickly moved this magical element into the fire and water, and it instantly became the same magical element as the outside environment, just with less energy."

"Finally, I tried to use the annihilation element you gave me. The other magical elements around me instantly became still, and that element was actually assimilated into the annihilation element."

"So I can be sure that this is the most basic magic element, which is the empty cup. It takes on the characteristics of ice or fire and forms ice or fire elements depending on what is inside the cup."

"Usually when we release magic, cups filled with tea collide with each other. The overflowing tea is the energy of magic. When the water is full, more will overflow, and when there is less water, less will overflow."

"Increasing the movement speed of magic elements can increase the power of magic, just like a cup that collides at high speed, more water will overflow."

"The high-speed moving magic elements collided and exploded violently, knocking out all the water in the cup at once."

"I've been thinking about why there is a magical element like the element of annihilation that has never existed before."

"So I had a guess that this magical element was created by you."

A smile appeared on Psyche's face, she picked up the teapot and poured tea into his teacup, and then asked: "Then how do you think I poured the empty tea into the teacup?"

Frederick was not misled by her question, but continued according to his own thoughts: "I guess that the magic element has some unacceptable properties, but another experiment is needed to confirm it, but I haven't had time to do it yet. .”

"Today is because the magic crystal is back, and I'm afraid that the magic element will be lost after being stored for too long, causing data anomalies, so I did it on a temporary basis."

Psyche stood up and said, "Well, come back to me when you want to do this experiment. I'm going to eat first."

The world is full of food. Frederick was also hungry, so he went to the restaurant with her to eat.

After Frederick finished his dinner, he returned to the study and began to draw the equipment for the next experiment on paper.

"Frederick, drink the milk!"

After an unknown amount of time, Maria came to the study room holding a glass of milk.

Frederick was stunned for a moment. In the past, it was always sent by Katie.

"Thank you." Frederick took the milk and took a sip. "Did you drink it today too?"

"Drink!" Maria replied, taking two steps back after giving the glass of milk to Frederick.

Frederick was stunned again. He smelled the smell on his body and found that there was nothing abnormal, so he asked: "Why, do I smell bad?"

"No!" Maria said, "because mother said that father should stay away from the desk when he is working."

Frederick's mouth twitched, it was too early to call him dad now.

The little girl continued: "Because, my father will accidentally spill the ink, and he will be very angry and blame others."

Frederick just smiled, thinking that Sofia said this because she didn't want Maria to disturb Philip's work.

However, there is indeed this problem with dip pens. Now with slime glue, pens can also dot it.

After Frederick finished drinking tonight's milk, Maria went over to get the cup, left "I won't interrupt your work" and left.

Two days later, the experimental equipment that Frederick painted was ready and assembled in the garden.

This set of equipment is very simple, but the main material is dark steel that can block magic elements. It was built and sent by Ogilvy himself.

At the same time, a group of people thought that Frederick was going to do something to make a fortune, so they followed to watch the fun.

These guys have been studying the experimental equipment for a long time. This thing is an ordinary flame magic array, five dark steel plates and a wooden board on a long table.

In front of the magic circle, two dark steel plates stand side by side, and the width of the gap between them can be adjusted with screws.

The two concealed steel plates used to be three concealed steel plates side by side. The middle one was fixed, and the width of the two gaps could also be adjusted with screws on both sides.

About one meter away, there stood a light-colored wooden board with a very smooth surface.

After hearing the news, BASF and Schmidt came over to watch the excitement. After muttering for a long time, they didn't understand what it was used for and how to generate profits.

Frederick was adjusting the width of the steel plate. BASF directly asked him the question that everyone was concerned about: "Principal, what are you going to do?"

"A magic experiment." He didn't expect so many people to come today, "to verify a conjecture of mine."

Instead of being sad because this was not a money-making project, everyone became more interested.

Although they only want to make money, the original intention of scholars to explore the truth has not changed.

Celsus, the former librarian who was kidnapped from Constantbul not long ago, had been standing across from the long table, folding his hands on his chest and watching Frederick's torment.

He has nothing to do all day now, so he came to watch the fun today.

"What experiment are you going to do?" Celsus asked Frederick. "Maybe someone has done it before."

The onlookers kept nodding. On the road to studying magic, people were reinventing the wheel from time to time. The old curator, who was well-read and had a superb memory, often pointed out these problems.

Frederick asked Celsus: "Do you think the magical element is a particle or a wave?"

As a result, Celsus gave him a roll of his eyes and said disdainfully: "The fluctuation of light is said to be evil. If you have studied optics yourself, you must understand that light is a particle."

"Magic elements are products of light, and nature is also a particle."

Frederick just smiled.

According to the Church of Light, the God of Light is the Creator, and magical elements are naturally created by the God of Light using light.

This statement is not nonsense. The most intuitive point is that magic elements will emit light when used. Therefore, whether one believes in the Church of Light or other religions, they all believe that magic elements are derivatives of light. The difference lies in which god created the light. .

In current research on optics, the particle theory has the upper hand due to the phenomena of light propagation and reflection, and it is believed that light interference, diffraction and other phenomena are only unfinished parts of the particle theory.

In addition, it hurts when magic hits your head, so the current mainstream view is that magic elements are particles.

Frederick thought that the width of the gap would be as thin as a hair, so he went over and activated the magic circle.

Celsus frowned and said, "Does your experiment make sense? The magic released can pass through the first gap, but in the end it hits the steel plate in the middle."

He said as he backed away with the others.

The magic circle did not emit magic flames, but instead pulled out the magic elements from the fire crystal and sprayed them out flatly.

What happened next shocked the onlookers.

The fire element hit the first two steel plates, most of it was blocked and flew around, and only a small part passed through the gap.

The fire element that passed through the gap did not directly bombard the steel plate in the middle as others thought, but spread to both sides like water waves.

The fire element that spread out passed through the two gaps, and then spread like before until it hit the opposite wooden board.

After half a minute, the wooden board was heated and carbonized under the action of the fire element, and vertical black marks appeared.

Frederick ran away after seeing this result, otherwise these scholars would have caught themselves asking this and that when they came to their senses.

Sure enough, when Celsus, Omet and others realized what the scene in front of them meant, the first thing they did was to ask Frederick for clarification.

However, at this time, Frederick and Psyche had already left the castle in a carriage, and Maria and Sophia followed suit in the carriage.

In the carriage, Frederick said to Psyche in a deep voice: "Magical elements indeed have wave-particle duality."

"From the perspective of waves, different magic elements have different frequencies. The frequency of the most basic magic elements changes when they are affected by the outside world and absorb energy. The essence of magic is that magic elements release energy under specific conditions."

"Based on this theory, as long as the frequency of magic elements can be changed, one element can be turned into another element."

"Similarly, as long as the frequency of a certain magic element is changed, the annihilation element can be created, are you right?"

Psyche said with satisfaction: "You are right, the essence of magic elements is indeed like this."

"The element of annihilation is actually not mysterious. It was modified with dark elements."

"You are now qualified to become my true disciple, so that I can leave this world with peace of mind. I thought you would be able to do that in five to ten years."

Frederick was stunned when he heard this, but immediately felt that he had thought wrong, so he asked: "When you talk about leaving this world, you don't mean to die, right?"

Psyche gave him a slap on the head and said angrily: "There are so many worlds outside this universe. I have been to several Hogwarts. Are there any world travelers who travel between worlds to explore mysteries?" Not much, it’s just that we follow the same rules, and as long as there are no disasters at the level of civilization extinction, we will not interfere with the development of the world we visit.”

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