Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 112 Public Prosecutor

The late summer sun is scorching this land, not a cloud dares to block it for even a moment, and not a bit of wind dares to take away its heat, as if it wants to spread flames to the earth.

In the square of Weissenburg City, another flame was burning, not afraid of the power of the sun.

In the square square that is more than 200 meters long and wide, the angry crowd has reached nearly 3,000 people, and more people are gathering from several main roads radiating from here.

On the edge of the square, the door of the Executive Yuan building was closed, and many employees walked to the square and joined the crowd.

The demolition sites of the Germain Cathedral and the Edelweiss Great Library have been suspended. The craftsmen, both locals in Wesenland and those from other places, all let out angry shouts in the crowd.

In front of the court building, the priests who originally translated the "Sacred Scripture" in the church put on the most solemn robes. Bishop Clement led the ceremony to receive the souls, guiding the angels to bring two kind, pure but suffering people soul to the garden of God.

The flames of anger grew stronger and stronger, and the crowd soon exceeded 10,000 people. The sound made the newly installed glass of the courthouse tremble slightly.

Dominic was also trembling, he didn't expect things to develop to this point.

The victim's body was found in the sewer under the main road leading to the south gate of the square. When Dominic asked people to fish the body out, many onlookers saw it. Everyone present was panicked at first, and then... anger.

A sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl had her throat slit by a murderer in her most glorious years. Her upper body, which should have been a work of art, was covered with ferocious cuts. Where her beautiful eyes used to be, the eye sockets were empty and accumulated. Full of filth.

Liya's mother was worried when she saw her daughter staying up all night. When she was called to identify her, her legs were weak and she needed help.

After seeing the tragic state of her daughter's body, she wailed and left.

The loss of two lives ignited the flames of anger.

Someone took off his coat and put it on the girl. A passing coachman offered his carriage and carried the body to the court building.

The citizens, who were originally panicked because of the lockdown and rumors of human sausages, were shocked when they learned the cause of the case and came together to the court building to severely punish the murderer.

Frederick's face was gloomy, and the development of the incident exceeded his expectations.

He calmly said to Dominic: "Don't think too much, I will go out to appease the people later. It's up to you how to solve the case. Go and do your business. The sooner you find the culprit, the sooner this matter will be settled. "

Then he said to Otto: "I remember that your amplification magic is unique to Wesson. We will be in trouble later."

Otto immediately replied: "I guarantee that everyone can hear your voice!"

Frederick nodded, and then said to Frick and Old Franz: "The Executive Yuan and the city defense army must do a good job of maintaining order, not just now, but also when people disperse."

The two men immediately accepted the order and left the office to work.

Frederick sat there and thought quietly for a moment, writing furiously on his desk. Then he rolled up what he had just written into a roll and took Otto out of the office towards the door.

The door of the court building was on the second floor, with steps in front. Frederick was immediately seen by the angry people after he walked out.

"Punish the murderer severely!"

"For justice!"


The crowd raised their arms and roared with various slogans.

Otto chanted behind Frederick for a moment, and an invisible magic circle appeared above them.

"Everyone!" Frederick's childish voice appeared in everyone's ears, and the whole square suddenly fell silent.

"Today, in the city of Weissenburg, in our home, a horrific crime occurred."

"Two noble souls, who should have enjoyed the beauty of life, unfortunately left us. A family disappeared just like this because of the brutality of the murderer."

"At this moment, the murderer was covering his mouth and laughing in the gutter. The murderer thought that the victim's family had no other family members, so he came to the court to file a lawsuit so that he could escape the punishment of the law."

"But the murderer was wrong, very wrong!"

"The law is the free and solemn expression of the people's will!"

"Even if we are not related by blood, we are all relatives living in the same big family!!"

"You all came here in person to submit an unprecedented lawsuit to the court on behalf of this poor mother and daughter!!!"

"I, Friedrich von Wesson, hereby declare that as the legal representative of the unfortunate mother and daughter, I will join everyone in suing the murderer in court and asking the court to severely punish the villain!"

After speaking, he turned around and handed the lawsuit he had just written to Otto.

The current litigation system adopts the form of private prosecution for all cases. There is no private prosecutor in the legal system. The public prosecutor is only the agent of the lord and is only responsible for things such as tax evasion that harm the interests of the lord but have nothing to do with ordinary people. cases, this has led to the phenomenon that many victims are afraid to prosecute because they are afraid of the perpetrators.

Today Frederick took a new step by extending the prosecutor's responsibilities to include private criminal cases.

After handing the lawsuit to Otto, Frederick said: "I assure you that no matter who the murderer is, whether he is a civilian or a noble, he will be punished by law!"

While Frederick was speaking in front of the court building, Dominic was asking Liya's co-workers, bosses and neighbors to find out what she had gone through before she was killed and whether she had any enemies with her on weekdays.

Liya's coworkers and boss immediately provided an important clue.

A few nights ago, a customer tried to ask Liya for sex while drinking, but was naturally rejected.

The guest was a businessman from Mingxing City in the Principality of Byrne in the south. He came to Weissenburg City with a servant and bodyguard to purchase life buoys and life jackets.

Although he was rejected, he still stalked him and got angry and threatened Liya. The girl refused and pushed him against the wall. In the end, the boss came forward and made an excuse that it was inconvenient for the girl to fool him. .

Liya needs to take care of her mother, so she usually prepares to go home in the early morning.

In the past, she had a somewhat cowardly personality and had never made enemies with anyone. Recently, she had only had one conflict.

Dominic felt that the person was the biggest suspect, asked about the person's appearance, and then arranged for people to go to various hotels to ask if there were any such guests.

The results came soon. The two men stayed in a hotel owned by people from the Kingdom of Sardinia near the tavern, and were immediately arrested and taken to court.

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