Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 114 Judgment

The emergence of a new technology is often not only used in the field where it was originally targeted, but also benefits other fields.

This is the first time that a microscope has appeared in court. The hair found at the scene, the hair on the deceased and the hair of two golden retriever dogs were put under the microscope. Lawyers from both sides and the parties, five highly respected priests of the Light Church, and ten randomly selected The local and foreign businessmen who arrived were invited to the stage for identification.

Under the microscope, the thickness and color of the two human hairs are the same, which is obviously different from the dog hair. For them, this is enough.

At the suggestion of a businessman in a plaid skirt, everyone signed a physical evidence appraisal form.

Next came the identification of the blood stains. The doctors who were invited by Frank to compile the "Common Disease Treatment Manual" unanimously determined that it was human blood and issued a physical evidence identification certificate in the name of the doctor.

The defendant's lawyer had nothing to say and whispered to Chaiper: "I'm sorry, I tried my best on this."

Chai Per had a gloomy face and replied helplessly: "It's not your fault."

He knew that these lawyers were on the same side as him, so he was naturally very kind to them at this time.

But Chaper had one more thing to worry about.

Sure enough, Dominic showed the bloody clothes and pants found in Chaper's room.

There was an uproar at the scene. The clothes and the front part of the pants were stained with blood, and now they have turned dark red.

Before Chaiper could come up with an excuse, another defendant's lawyer asked: "Your Majesty, Magistrate, how can you prove that the blood stains on the clothes belong to the deceased?"

Dominic replied calmly: "I can't prove it."

Chaiper's racing heart instantly calmed down, and he said with a smile: "I killed a few bandits on the way to Wesenland and left these clothes. I kept these clothes to show off to my friends when I went back!"

At this time Otto hit the table with a wooden hammer and asked Chaper: "Is what you said true?"

Chaiper subconsciously thought that these clothes were the only thing that could connect him to the deceased, so he replied firmly: "Yes, what I said is true. This happened 10 days ago."

The defendant's lawyers immediately looked at each other and said, it's over, this teammate can't take him with him.

At this time, the plaintiff's lawyer asked: "Can the defendant explain why the blood stains on your clothes are dried to the same degree as the blood stains left at the scene?"

Chai Po was stunned for a moment and asked, "Isn't all that blood made of dried blood?"

Dominic looked at this guy like a fool, and then said to the judge: "The blood dries from the outside to the inside. When it dries, it will form a hard shell. The blood inside will only dry completely after three to five days."

"It can be judged from this that the blood on the defendant's clothes was stained yesterday."

He was a little lucky because after taking off these clothes, they were thrown under the bed and became a hard shell. Otherwise, it would be difficult to tell the time.

Chaiper realized that the situation was not good, and there was a layer of sweat on his forehead.

At this time, Dominic presented the most important piece of physical evidence-the dagger found in the sewer.

The coat of arms on the dagger was exactly the same as the coat of arms on Chaper's button, and it matched the sheath found in his room, and even matched the wounds on the body.

Chaiper trembled instantly, and his back was soaked with cold sweat. He didn't expect that they could fish such a small thing out of the sewer.

Next came the witness testimony session. People from the tavern where Liya was and the drinkers who were there that night all came to testify about the conflict between Chai Po and Liya.

The testimony of two witnesses is most important.

A co-worker in the same tavern as Liya testified that Chaiper's servant asked her where Liya's home was with a few silver coins the day before yesterday, but she thought of what happened that night and did not reveal it.

A waiter in the teahouse next door cried and testified that when Chai Po's servant came to the shop yesterday morning, he asked him about Liya on the grounds that he planned to fall in love. It was he who told him that Liya went home in the early morning every night. If you are interested, you can be a flower protector.

When Chaiper saw his servant being brought up and did not dare to look at him, his whole body suddenly became soft.

"That woman slapped the master." The servant said tremblingly. "The master pushed her to the ground in anger, sat on her and took off her clothes, and asked me to hold down her hands."

"The master was very angry when he saw her eyes staring at him, so he cut her throat with a knife, and then stabbed her like crazy. I was scared at the time."

"The master asked me to drag the body to the sewer and throw it down. When he saw her eyes still staring at him, he dug out her eyes..."

Suddenly the shouts of killing were deafening in the square, and countless voices finally merged into one sentence: "Kill him!"

The defendant's lawyer asked the servant: "Is your testimony true and reliable, or was it coerced?"

The servant trembled and replied: "I swear to the God of Light that what I tell is the truth."

He answered this way, and the defendant's lawyer also understood that he chose to die happily among the many ways to die, so he stopped asking questions and just made sure that he was not tortured to extract a confession.

Chai Per's face turned pale and he turned to look at the lawyers, his eyes full of pleading.

There is still a glimmer of hope in his heart. He is a noble and can only pay a fine for killing civilians according to tradition.

In his opinion, how to explain to his family after returning is the most troublesome thing.

I am a branch of the Wittelsbach family, and I finally got a job hosting a chamber of commerce. Later, I made several big deals and got the title of palace noble. If I work hard for a few more years, I might be able to get a territory.

If something like this happens now, it will bring shame to the family, and those who have conflicts with him will definitely take the opportunity to make trouble for him.

He found that these lawyers suddenly became more aggressive.

What follows is a direct battle between the lawyers, and the focus of the argument is the sentencing issue.

The current legal system is relatively confusing. The statutory system and the case law system run parallel. Both sides quote classics and go back and forth. One moment, the plaintiff's lawyer who demands that the defendant be hanged prevails, and the other moment, the defendant's lawyer who finds various examples to exempt the defendant from the death penalty prevails. .

Chaiper's heart felt like a roller coaster. He was panicked when the plaintiff prevailed, but he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when his lawyer said that as long as the fine prevailed.

People in the square were also on tenterhooks, fearing that the prisoner would be acquitted accidentally.

Frederick sat quietly at the plaintiff's table, not saying a word from the beginning until now.

He didn't need to say anything. He had already made his attitude clear by sitting there. He only had to watch the lawyers perform according to the script.

It was indeed a performance. They prepared the debate outline in a short period of time and everyone had a chance to perform.

Frederick also admired this group of people. In one noon, they worked together to come up with a large number of laws, judicial interpretations and cases to refute each other and fill their own loopholes. Not only the Weisen Territory, but also the Rhine League and the older Third The laws and cases of the Erpulan Empire were brought out, and almost all loopholes were plugged, which was worth an income of one hundred florins a year.

After all, it is a propositional composition. No matter how exciting the process is, the final result will not change.

“Dong dong dong!!!”

Otto banged the wooden table three times with the wooden hammer in his hand, and the whole square fell silent.

"The verdict is as follows: The defendant Chaiper Wittelsbach is guilty and sentenced to death by hanging and imprisonment, to be executed immediately!"

Hanging is just hanging on the gallows, and the prisoner is taken away after confirming his death.

After being hanged or while still alive, the prisoner was placed in an iron cage and hung on the wall to warn people to abide by the law. Generally speaking, it would be enough to hang him for a year.

As the judge's voice fell, the cheers in the square echoed through the sunset.

"You can't do this to me!" Chai Per suddenly jumped up, "I am a noble, you can't do this to me!!"

Then he paused and suddenly pointed at the dock and roared: "I want to accuse him, accuse that young boy, accuse him of insulting the nobles, humiliating the nobles, and trying to kill a noble!"

Nowadays, the nobles with military merit are the most noble. They are proud to bleed to death on the battlefield. Even if they are sentenced to death, they will be beheaded or something like seeing blood.

In the eyes of the nobles, hanging, a bloodless death penalty, was reserved for lowly people.

The whole place was in an uproar, and they couldn't figure out how his mind worked.

The defendant's lawyers all covered their faces. You might as well appeal if you want.

Frederick looked left and right, up and down, and realized that the person opposite was him.

So he left the plaintiff's seat, walked up to the judge's desk, waved Otto away from his seat, sat down, and picked up the hammer.

"Dong dong dong!"

"Who in the hall is suing me?!"

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