Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 118 Gas Mask

In the smelter, a coke oven stopped, waiting for the new thing the master was working on.

On the other side, Frederick directed a group of people to fish out the broken wood that had been soaked in water all night.

These scraps of wood come from wood processing places. After being collected, they are first washed in a water tank to settle the sand and gravel, and then soaked in water overnight to absorb the moisture.

The process of absorbing water did not exist when Frederick's hometown was processing activated carbon, because it was necessary to prepare for the subsequent magic processing.

Wet pieces of wood were piled on the clean slate floor, and a magician nearby cast a water-repelling spell on them.

The free water and absorbed water in the broken wood flew out quickly under the action of the water element, leaving behind a series of fine holes.

This is a new discovery made by a concentrated soup factory when studying concentrated soup materials using a microscope. Increasing the water detachment speed can leave holes in the dehydrated material, which can speed up the water absorption when soaking in hot water.

A row of earth jars with an inner diameter of 25cm and a height of half a meter have been prepared next to them. Workers put the broken wood into them and then closed the lids to seal them.

The sealed clay pots were put into the coke oven, placed with gaps between them, and then started to light.

Alfred, the craftsman of the former blacksmith shop and now the director of the smelting plant, specially transferred a set of steam blowers and kiln workers with the best digital technology to fully cooperate with the master's experiment.

Under the action of the centrifugal fan, a large amount of air is blown into the combustion chamber, and the coke covered with coal tar burns quickly.

Frederick was a little helpless. The current level of alchemy was limited, and the coal tar produced by coking had little use and could only be used to start fires.

Next, first use high fire to burn the clay jar filled with broken wood until it turns white, then turn to high heat and burn it for about 10 hours, then seal the stove completely and suffocate it for about 12 hours.

When the furnace was opened the next day, Frederick brought his secretary Vanessa to the smelter early in the morning. At the same time, Frederick came to see what the principal had made to deal with poisonous smoke. BASF brought The experimental equipment was customized by the principal. Ogilvy and Schmidt were working here because of the steam engine materials, so naturally they would not miss the opportunity to watch the excitement.

Friedrich thought thoughtfully and said: "Charcoal? Charcoal can indeed remove some dirt in the water. It can be used to purify water in the wild, but can it really be used to purify the air?"

Frederick watched the workers get into the coke oven and take out the clay pots, and said at the same time: "Charcoal can absorb dirt like a towel absorbing water because the original content on the wood has been heated and evaporated by the heat, leaving a lot of gaps. "

"Now that this charcoal has been smoldering for a longer time, more things are evaporated by the heat, leaving more voids and holes, which can absorb more dirt."

Friedrich nodded and said, "Well, that makes sense."

BASF said on the side: "If slime glue can also be made with such holes, it would be good for filtering water."

Frederick smiled and said: "It would be best if it could be made waterproof but breathable."

By this time, the workers had opened the clay jar, and the broken wood inside had turned into black charcoal.

Frederick asked them to move a jar of charcoal to the laboratory.

In the laboratory, BASF took off the sleeves and gloves from the shelf and volunteered to do the experiment.

Frederick was the principal present, and Friedrich and Omet were professors. He and Schmidt were the only two, so naturally they were the ones to take action.

"Schmidt, Schmidt! Come and help!!" BASF shouted twice.

Vanessa comes from the Kingdom of Sardinia. After working as a secretary for Frederick, she often met with fellow countrywoman Katie, so her dressing style also followed Katie's. The dark gray slim-fitting suit highlighted her beautiful figure.

She has slightly curly brown hair, a high nose bridge, and very charming eyes. She has a particularly confident temperament because of her good education and experience working in a bank.

Schmidt had been paying attention to Vanessa as soon as he appeared today. BASF shouted a few times before going over to help with a blushing face.

The two of them followed Frederick's instructions. One person ground some activated carbon into powder, the other added half a cup of water to the beaker, and then added some blue dye.

BASF adds a tablespoon of activated carbon powder to blue water and stirs it quickly with a glass rod.

After stirring for a few minutes, the water in the beaker returned to clear and transparent.

BASF added some more dye. When he felt his hands were tired, he switched to Schmidt and continued stirring. After a few minutes, the color of the water became much lighter, but then it became lighter and slower. After about ten minutes, there was still a little blue. Color is in the water.

"The toner is full." Frederick said with a smile, "It seems to be working well."

Friedrich thought thoughtfully and said, "It can absorb so much dye. Maybe it can absorb toxins in the intestines and stomach, and then add laxatives to speed up their elimination."

Ogilvy said to Frederick: "Principal, I think it can be graded by using equal weight of carbon to absorb different concentrations of dyes within a certain period of time."

Frederick replied: "That's okay, but you have to consider the purity of the dye."

Then he turned to BASF and said, "It's time to prepare the instruments you brought."

BASF pointed to something on the table on the other side and replied with a smile: "It's ready, no problem!"

The main part of the instrument he brought was a square pipe more than 1 meter long, made of transparent slime glue, with a side length of 10 cm. One side can be opened, and inside are partitions full of holes. The space between partitions is 1cm.

One end of the pipe is open, and the other end has a cover and cavity. There is a pipe on the cover connected to a small bellows.

BASF and Schmidt placed the activated carbon particles between the partitions according to Frederick's instructions. There was an empty partition between the two layers, and 10 layers of activated carbon were first installed.

After the activated carbon is installed and the lid is tightly sealed, one of them pulls the bellows at one end and the other tries to press the air with their hands at the other end.

"Hmm...it seems there is no problem with the air flow." Frederick also stretched out his hand to test the air pressure, "You can light a cigarette."

Friedrich gave BASF a powder that he brought that had a pungent smell when burned but was non-toxic. BASF put the powder on one end of the square tube and ignited it, then immediately closed the lid and started to pull the small bellows to blow.

The white smoke quickly flows along the pipe to the other end. It becomes much lighter when passing through the first layer of activated carbon. It becomes lighter after the second layer. After the third layer, the white smoke is no longer visible.

Friedrich put his nose to the other end of the pipe, smelled the air coming out carefully, and said after a moment: "There is really no smoke at all, it's all filtered out."

Frederick asked him: "Is this method effective in dealing with poisonous smoke?"

Friedrich nodded and said: "Yes, yes, but why put so many charcoal particles in front of the nose? It would be too thick to make a mask."

BASF immediately replied: "Don't worry, the principal's glass factory has a kind of gas mask, which is equipped with a poison filter tank. The tank is still filled with lye. It is much easier to replace it with carbon particles."

Frederick nodded, and then wrote a note asking Schmidt to take Vanessa to the glass factory to pick up some gas masks.

The glass factory used the characteristics of arsenic to sublime easily to remove bubbles in the glass liquid. Frederick was worried that workers would be poisoned, so he designed a somewhat complicated canister.

The inhaled air needs to pass through the alkali solution first, and the arsenic vapor in the air will react with the alkali in the water and be removed.

Although it is troublesome to wear a gas mask and a can hanging on the waist when working, and it is troublesome to change it every half a day, so far, no worker in the entire factory who abides by the rules and regulations has shown symptoms of poisoning, and the workers have accepted this Protective measures.

While waiting for the gas mask, All Might reported to Frederick the production progress and plans of the folding shotgun.

Gun barrels and jet cans are now produced by pressing hot steel blanks into molds under the power of magic muscles, and then further processed by acid etching, so output has increased.

At present, the production of weapons and ammunition is the first task in the territory. The Springfield Arsenal and the Lakeside Forge have been working in three shifts for a long time. Ordinary blacksmith shops make helmets and cast bullets after receiving material molds. Even Benz's carriage factory It also devotes more than half of its production capacity to military production.

It is expected that by the end of next spring, after completing the equipment for the main force, urban defense force and basic militia, three to four thousand folding rifles can be produced to equip one-minute soldiers.

Frederick nodded. Everyone had worked very hard and he couldn't be too demanding.

The gas mask from the glass factory was quickly returned. After studying it for a while, Friedrich said: "This one only covers the mouth and nose. It also covers the eyes."

"No problem, I will change the design." Frederick replied. He had used a military gas mask in his previous life. When he was a militiaman, he had to pass the test and must take it out and put it on within the designated time.

The corrugated hose connecting the mask and the canister is fine, but the canister naturally needs to be redesigned.

They discussed for a long time in front of the square pipe where they had just done the experiment, and finally decided that the breathing tank was made of metal. The iron cover at the front had several air inlet holes, and an elastic film was used as a one-way valve.

The first layer of filtration is two layers of cotton cloth sandwiched between absorbent cotton to filter out large particles.

The second layer uses activated carbon with a thickness of about 10 cm as the main filter material, which is enough for one day.

After the initial finalization, Ogilvy and Mather will organize the production of a few pairs and then slowly modify them.

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