Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 130 Pre-war Propaganda

"Although we don't want to encounter it, it is difficult to avoid the covetousness of bandits. There is no way. The peace of our homeland does not lie in groveling to bandits, but in strength."

"All around us - the Counts of Reese, Counts of Eichstadt, Counts of Ansbach, Counts of Fürth, Counts of Roth - are obsessed with grabbing our last copper, raping our families, and killing them with the sword. After killing us, they will point their fingers at our bones and say: 'Look, these are slaves!' It is for this reason that no one is willing to trust the safety of their homeland on their mercy! We must unite Rise up, gather all your strength and hold it in your hands to give the invader a blow on the head when he comes, otherwise we will only die in defeat."

"Since 1024, our security has been seriously threatened. The current major problems cannot be solved by compromise and concession - today they dare to extort 2 Kreutz from everyone, and tomorrow they dare to extort 2 Florin - the only way to solve our security problems is with iron and blood!"

Under the bright spring sunshine, several Weisenberg University students parked a carriage in the square of Lingen City. One of them stood on the roof of the car with a small speaker and gave a speech to the citizens, while the others distributed leaflets around.

Heinrich had a mission to go to Wesson to inquire about information, so Frederick asked him to take a look around.

On this day, he arrived at Lingen City, which is 20 kilometers east of Weissenburg City. There is a small river passing by outside the city, and it is surrounded by flat farmland. It is an important grain producing area in Weissenburg.

Lingen City has just been upgraded from a town to a city. It is not large in scale, with only more than 2,000 people.

Today is Sunday, and there are many stalls on the square. Many surrounding villagers come to the church next to the square to buy some things after worshiping.

People were attracted by the students' speeches and soon surrounded the carriage on several floors, and soon they all let out angry roars.

Heinrich listened quietly to the student's speech outside the crowd. His accent did not sound like someone from Wesson, but his impassioned tone and angry expression were exactly the same as those of the locals around him.

The content of the speech was exactly the same as the article written by Frederick in the "Wesson Daily News" two days ago, with some colloquial modifications.

A female student walked up to Heinrich. She was wearing the Weisenberg University uniform like other students, with a white shirt and a light gray suit vest on her upper body. The boys wore straight pants and the girls wore pleated skirts. Full of youthful energy.

Because Heinrich was wearing a traditional scholar's robe, the girl saluted him and said, "Hello, sir, would you like a leaflet?"

Heinrich recognized her Constantbullian accent and asked after taking the flyer: "Are you from Constantbul too?"

The girl just smiled politely, her eyes full of sadness and did not answer.

Heinrich felt as if he had mentioned a topic that should not be touched upon. After receiving the flyer, Heinrich asked: "Can I take the liberty of asking what the badge on your collar means?"

The girl has a round copper badge pinned to her left collar. Below the pattern is an open book, and above it is what looks like a palette.

Her eyes immediately shone with light, a heartfelt smile appeared on her face, and she said happily: "This is an art teacher qualification badge, which means that I can be an art teacher in primary school. I got it with great difficulty. "

Seeing that she looked like a child showing off her treasure, Heinrich smiled and said, "Then I should call you professor."

"How is that possible?" The girl said a little embarrassed, "Only scholars who teach in universities can become professors."

Heinrich nodded and asked about the income of university professors to find a way out for himself.

"Professors' salaries are not very high." The girl replied, "But if you have the ability, you can build your own factory or cooperate with others, and you can make more money."

"My boyfriend is a student of Professor Manuel. He first studied necromancy and wanted to join the army. Now he has taken out a loan to open a cannery. He is expected to earn more than two hundred florins a year. It's not like... The battlefield is so dangerous."

Heinrich asked hurriedly: "How much? How much is your annual income?"

He suspected that he had heard wrongly. An ordinary magician in the royal magic corps only earns two hundred florins a year. An outstanding magician earns three hundred florins, which is equivalent to a baron. An outstanding magician like himself earns five hundred florins. One hundred florins, similar to the previous Wesson family, and the money was exchanged for lives.

"More than two hundred florins." The girl replied, "But after paying off the loan in the first ten years, there is less than two hundred florins left."

"We are no better than others..."

Then she went on and on about how much money other professors and students had earned recently. It was not a secret at Weisenberg University.

Heinrich fell silent, turned around and left with the flyer.

The day before yesterday, he wanted to make Diesel's wallet bleed. He asked this guy to treat him to a luxurious dinner on the grounds that he was blown up in the cave. As a result, the meal turned into a show of wealth, and expensive spices from the south were sprinkled casually. , the wine has been aged for at least fifty years, and what's even worse is that the gold chain around his neck is at least one kilogram.

As for himself, Heinrich sighed, thought no more, picked up the flyer and read it.

The leaflet has a red background and colorful characters. The upper part of the pattern shows the busts of five men and women holding Wesson's new weapons. From the clothes, there are soldiers in military uniforms, farmers wearing hoodies and straw hats, and There are workers in blacksmith uniforms, businessmen or clerks in suits and top hats, and students in school uniforms. Below are the black silhouettes of defeated soldiers.

Judging from the large characters at the top, it is calling on everyone to join the "One Minute Man".

Heinrich has been reading the old "Wesson Daily" recently and feels that these "one-minute men" are recruiting militiamen, but they don't have to leave the local area, so they save logistical supplies and don't spend much money.

The weapons used by these militiamen were used by him and the other knights who came with them to the shooting range.

After entering 1026, Weisenland successively opened several shooting ranges, providing folding rifles for territorial residents and hunters who wanted to join the One Minute People to learn and use.

The shooting course has 20 hours, including 5 hours of cultural courses such as theory, safety, law and maintenance. After passing the exam, a gun license will be issued. Only with the gun license can you buy your own gun.

At the same time, Weisenland also promulgated a new "Weapons Law", requiring residents to fold their guns and put them in special bags when carrying guns in public places.

During the previous military exercises, many people saw the new weapons carried by the soldiers. Later, when the city defense army also started to equip the new weapons, everyone saw more of them. Therefore, the shooting range attracted a lot of people's attention as soon as it opened.

Naturally, various forces sent people to study it, and Heinrich and the others also tried it. The final conclusion was that this weapon has a similar range to bows and arrows, is more powerful, and has a similar reloading speed. Moreover, the materials are extremely expensive and the government subsidizes them. The latter sold for 4 florins, making it impossible to equip them on a large scale.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but Heinrich felt that this weapon was much less labor-intensive than bows and arrows, and its power was considerable when used on a large scale.

Of course, the premise is that you have the money to equip it on a large scale.

The world is not peaceful now, and many people in the Wesson area want to buy this new weapon. Although many people cannot afford 4 florins at once, Wesson Bank can provide locals with gun licenses with free service for one to five years. For interest-free loans and low-interest loans of 6 to 10 years, long queues formed in front of the shooting range and bank buildings.

Heinrich felt that it would be beneficial to urban defense if citizens and farmers were equipped with such weapons in large numbers.

However, the current siege warfare is mainly based on siege warfare. It is useless to say anything if the food in the city is cut off.

Heinrich walked around the square for a while and found that a stage had just been set up in the corner of the square, with wooden benches set up. Out of curiosity, he went over to take a look.

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