Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 144 Another victory

Late spring nights are not silent.

Countless bugs are singing in the bushes and beside the streams, either to declare their territory or to find a mate.

However, singing sometimes brings disaster, and from time to time the sound suddenly stops.

The carriage drove slowly along the dark mountain road. Mrs. Roth opened the window and chatted with Jurgen who was riding beside the carriage from time to time.

"I haven't heard the insects chirping in the mountains in my hometown for many years."

Mrs. Lott sighed.

Jurgen breathed a sigh of relief. She finally stopped asking herself questions such as whether she can be made a knight, how much she earns per year, whether she has bought a house in Weissenburg, whether she has found a girlfriend, and how much grass a unicorn consumes per hundred kilometers. Questions like that.

But the young man was too happy too early. After recalling the night in her hometown, Mrs. Roth continued to ask Jurgen: "What kind of girl do you like? Is she tall or short, mature and steady or cute and lively?" Are you good at housework or a gun dancer, have big breasts or a round butt? There are many young ladies of your right age in Luo Te Ling. Would you like me to organize a garden tour for you to get to know them? Just tell me whoever you like, if you are embarrassed to be alone, you can call Lothar, Andre and the others, they don’t have girlfriends either..."

Jurgen's face suddenly turned darker than night, so he decided to divert trouble and said: "Madam is so well-informed, why not introduce some people to our master?"

Mrs. Roth smiled and said: "Who doesn't know what Frederick is thinking now? He has good taste. Miss Eltal is not only beautiful, she also has a copper mine at home. I don't know how many people there are in the Principality of Mainz." I’m secretly angry.”

"You'd better think more about yourself. Let me tell you, Judge Lott's daughter..."

Jurgen sighed helplessly, mistaking her words for the chirping of nearby insects.

Finally, the castle of the Eichstadt family appeared in front of everyone.

Lot sighed, and then said to Jurgen: "Razinger is still the housekeeper at home now. He is old. I will try to stabilize him. For my sake, don't hurt him as long as he doesn't go too far. he."

Jurgen replied expressionlessly: "As long as he doesn't get in our way."

The convoy did not conceal its whereabouts, and came to the castle in a swaggering manner under the flag of the Lot family.

The mountains surrounding the basin where the castle is located are like a "", and the castle is located on the top of a small mountain protruding from the middle, with only one road in and out.

The convoy did not go around the main road into the basin and then up the mountain as before, but took the mountain road over the mountains, which made the defenders guarding the castle instantly nervous.

Mrs. Lott carried her daughter to the gate in front of the castle gate and shouted angrily: "It's me who's back!"

An old sergeant stood on the door and asked, "Is it Miss?"

"It's me!" Mrs. Lott recognized the man, "Oh, you are still serving as a soldier. Didn't you go home to kill pigs?"

"It's really Miss!" the old sergeant shouted happily, "Miss is back, open the door quickly and inform the old housekeeper!"

Jurgen paid attention to the movement on the pass and at the same time observed the military camp at the foot of the mountain in the distance.

The military camp has a capacity of 3,000 to 4,000 people. It is now in a dark state and has no popularity at all.

The door was opened, and the convoy, the cavalry company, and the mage company passed through the heavy gate without any danger. The castle was more than a hundred meters in front, and on both sides were hillsides more than a hundred meters high.

The gate of the castle opened, and a frail old man walked out hurriedly with a stooped waist and a cane. After seeing Mrs. Roth, he said happily: "The young lady is back, the little lady is also back, just come back, why not Let me tell you in advance, how many days are you going to stay?"

Mrs. Lott held her daughter in one hand. The little girl looked at the old man in front of her curiously. She supported the old housekeeper with the other hand and said, "I'm back and I won't leave."

"Oh," Ratzinger asked in surprise, "Miss and Count Lot had a fight?"

Then he immediately said: "Oh, it's not good to stand here and say these things. Miss, go and rest first."

Mrs. Lott asked doubtfully: "You don't know what happened in Lott's territory?"

Razinger replied blankly: "I don't know, what happened?"

"Huh?" He saw the person behind Mrs. Roth, "Aren't you little guys from the Wesson family? Why did you escort the lady back?"

Mrs. Lott immediately said: "Well, you also know that there are those rude mountain people everywhere now. Without them to protect me, I wouldn't dare to walk at night."

"Yes, yes." Razinger nodded repeatedly, "Those people are so hateful. They make trouble in the city every day. After the eldest lady left, they made more trouble. We didn't dare to go down the mountain for fear that they would get beaten up after drinking too much. ”

"But it's fine now. They started packing their things in the evening and left not long after."

Mrs. Lott looked relieved and said: "That's good. Let's go in first, and you ask all the officials in the city below to come to see me. I have something to say."

"And them, arrange for them to have a good rest."

There is a military camp next to the main building of the castle. Mrs. Roth and Jurgen entered the castle first, while Razinger arranged for others to rest in the military camp.

Mrs. Roth and Jurgen discussed the next plan of action in the living room. Soon after, Razinger came in personally carrying tea and milk, and said: "Oh, the young man from the Wesson family is really good. Guard." I don’t want to rest while driving the lady’s carriage, so I’ll have people move things in later.”

Mrs. Roth asked the old housekeeper to sit down on the sofa nearby, and the two of them began to do their daily chores until a group of officials led by Eichstadt arrived.

They didn't know about the occupation of Fort Roth, and they thought Mrs. Roth was angry and ran back to her parents' house to relax.

When everyone arrived, the teacup in Mrs. Lot's hand suddenly fell to the ground with a crisp sound, and the delicate glass instantly shattered into pieces.

When everyone was in shock, the door of the living room was suddenly pushed open, and a group of Wesson Army cavalry rushed in with a roar, each holding a bright saber in their hands, and surrounded everyone present.

"Everyone," Mrs. Roth held her daughter and said coldly and ruthlessly, "I have cooperated with Baron Wesson. Now Baron Wesson occupies the Eichstadt Territory. Who objects?"

Someone immediately stood up from the sofa and said angrily: "I object..."

Before he finished speaking, a golden light flashed, and the man's head fell to the ground. His body shook and fell on the sofa.

Jurgen continued to stand behind Mrs. Roth with an expressionless face, as if what just happened had nothing to do with him.

Everyone in the living room looked at the dead heads on the ground. The smell of blood rushed into their nostrils, and they did not dare to act rashly for a while.

Mrs. Lott said calmly: "Objection has no effect."

At this time, Razinger stood up tremblingly, opened his mouth several times, and finally asked: "Why?"

"Because my niece is too stupid!" Mrs. Roth said angrily. "Look at the stupid things she has done, and she is sending the Eichstadt family to hell!"

"This idiot actually wants to be an enemy of Wesson. Is Wesson easy to mess with?"

"Look around you. They are all masters trained by the Sword Master Richard Nar. How many lives do you have to fight them?"

"Have you forgotten that Wesenberg owns Wesenberg University? How many magicians are there? There are more than a hundred who are following me today. How many lives do you have to fight them?"

"Let me tell you, in half an hour, they broke down the city gate and the gate of Rothburg. Twenty minutes of it were still spent on the road. How many lives do you have to fight them?"

"Most of those rude mercenaries outside the city were killed by them in a short while. How many lives do you have to fight them?"

"If Baron Wesson hadn't missed his old friendship, I would have been beheaded!"

"Baron Wesson said that as long as you surrender and pay a symbolic ransom, not only will you be free, but if you are more conscious, you can also be reinstated to your original position. Although you can't be here, you can also be an official in Lotland or other places. There are Those who are capable can also serve as officials in Wesenland."

"If you don't want to be an official, you can invest in some industries if you have money."

"If the entire territory performs well, it won't be a problem to rent a 99-year farm in two years to grow high-yield wheat, grow pumpkins, raise chickens and slime."

After Mrs. Roth finished speaking, the living room was silent. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. No one dared to jump out first.

Jump out and agree, what if Earl Wesson loses this war?

There is no need to think about jumping out to object, the tax collector is not cool yet.

Everyone is procrastinating, as if this will solve the problem.

Mrs. Lott gave her daughter to Razinger and asked him to take her to rest. Jurgen sent someone to protect her.

She spent time with these people to see who could outshine the other.

When it was getting dark, someone walked in.

Frederick threw a pile of rags on the ground and said expressionlessly: "I'll give you five minutes to make a decision."

The Eichstadt officials present recognized these rags as the mercenary flags that had been in the military camp a while ago. Obviously, these people were killed by Baron Wesson.

Many people secretly glanced at the tax officer who had completely cooled down, and then made their choice.

At dawn, the mountain mercenaries and peasant soldiers returned to the camp. At this time, they had become prisoners, all with gray faces, and were guarded by the original Eichstadt city defense army. These prisoners were about to face the fate of building the railway. .

Near noon, the city defense forces from Langnar City began to take over the defense, and the Snow Leopard Regiment responsible for last night's battle held an entry ceremony into the city.

Under the command of Bernd, the Snow Leopard Regiment was ambushing on both sides of a turning mountain road. The long queue could not see the situation in front and behind. For a while, explosions, screams and wails were heard endlessly, and morale quickly collapsed.

When the Snow Leopards launched their bayonet charge, most of the enemy surrendered.

In the end, half of the three thousand mountain mercenaries were left, and the peasant soldiers who carried siege equipment did not suffer much loss.

Frederick asked Mrs. Lott to organize the citizens to clean the battlefield, and at the same time let the two regiments rest for a day outside Chengdu. The priest gave psychological counseling to the soldiers, and then headed to Heim City.

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