Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 151 Counterattack

Earl Felt was very angry. Although he broke through Wesson's defense line, this charge was the most depressing one in his life.

Thinking about the previous battles with the Franconian Principality, whether it was a collision between knights or breaking through the infantry square like cutting butter, every time it was not full of passion and blood.

But today, Wesson's army was like mice. They dug many trenches on the ground. Although they were not wide, once people squatted down, there was nothing the knights could do.

He glanced at the command tower in the distance and decided to charge the heavy cavalry there after passing through the trenches. In time, the thousand infantrymen who detoured behind the mountain were also ready to come over the mountain. By then, they and the light cavalry behind him would sweep across. Wesson's army's position.

As he rushed forward, Earl Fürth suddenly found that his speed had slowed down. There was nothing he could do about it. There were more trenches at the rear, and the horse did not have enough distance to accelerate after jumping over a trench.

This made him a little worried. If the heavy cavalry lost their speed, they would be a turtle waiting to be slaughtered, let alone the light cavalry following behind him to break through.

The count soon no longer had to worry, because he found that he seemed to have entered a trap. The trenches here were dug into adjacent equilateral triangles. He was in the middle. Now there were people shooting at him from three corners. rain of bullets.

Amid the screams all around, Count Felt heard a series of explosions from the other side of the mountain, and then saw something as big as a fist falling on the horse's head, and then he didn't know anything else.

On the other side, the soldiers in the trenches, after sparing the heavy cavalry, began to fire at the light cavalry following, isolating the two sides.

However, it was inconvenient for the tin cans to turn back, and the battlefield was extremely noisy. Wearing a helmet affected their hearing. Count Fürth did not know that these heavy cavalry were isolated until his death.

The side positions on the nearby mountains also opened fire, and a large number of the light cavalry who followed were instantly knocked down.

The light cavalry, which suffered heavy casualties, retreated, regrouped, and launched an attack toward the middle of Wesson's position.

At this time, the soldiers on the position had just finished dealing with the fire element giant, put on new magazines and began to fire at the light cavalry.

The Allied infantry began to advance, and Altasha also began to cast new summons.

The newly summoned thing made little Franz frown, and Frederick's forehead was covered with black lines.

If you read it correctly, this guy should be a Triceratops, 9 meters long, 3 meters high, and estimated to weigh more than 10 tons. The huge bone shield on the head and the 1.5-meter-long bone horns shocked the entire Wesson Army.

If nothing else, it’s just that little Franz and a group of young officers rode unicorns all day long. A unicorn with one horn is so powerful, wouldn’t this big guy with three horns be even more powerful now?

Those triceratops walked towards the position unhurriedly, their heads and bone shields actually showed a thick khaki light, and there was no movement when bullets hit them.

Little Franz immediately ordered to avoid their frontal bone shields, shoot with pea guns from the sides, and shoot with cherry cannons from behind.

"The animal trainers on the opposite side can't do it." Little Franz said to Frederick after giving the order. "If these three-horned beasts line up in a row and the infantry follows, they might be able to break through the first line of defense."

Now these three-cornered beasts were spread out, their flanks were exposed, and they were quickly beaten into honeycomb briquettes.

Frederick also thought about raising a group of them, which would be good for heavy cavalry, but after seeing their size and their appetite, he finally gave up.

At this time, there was a south wind in the sky, and the Allied infantry advanced to a distance of two hundred meters from the position.

Count Ansbach's face was terrifyingly dark and he ordered: "Use poison gas bombs!"

The archers prepared long arrows with poison gas bombs attached to them, lit the fuses and fired them all at once.

A wall of smoke suddenly appeared in front of the position, drifting in the wind towards the Wesson Army in the north.

At this time, little Franz said: "We can launch a counterattack."

Frederick just replied: "You take care of the details yourself."

The Allied forces have stopped here, and the archers are firing poison gas bombs with all their strength, even in the nearby mountains and forests. The thick white smoke makes people feel like they will hit a sheep if they bump into it.

Count Ansbach considered that the opponent would counterattack, so he arranged all the heavy infantry to the front line, followed by pikemen and archers at the rear.

Rudolf asked Count Ansbach anxiously: "Will Wesson lose now?"

Count Ansbach breathed a sigh of relief. After losing Count Lot, Count Felt, and almost all the magicians and cavalry, he finally waited for this moment.

"We will definitely win." He said easily, "No matter what kind of weapon it is, as long as it is used by people, the weapon will be useless if the person doesn't use it."

"Now we have more than double their number, so the advantage is on our side."

As soon as he finished speaking, a loud trumpet sound came from behind the thick smoke.

What followed was the sound of rumbling hooves, and three unicorns with black horns and purple bodies rushed out of the white smoke first, followed by a large group of neatly arranged cavalry.

These cavalrymen, both men and mounts, all wore gas masks and dark gray military uniforms. An additional armor plate was installed in front of the helmet with a golden double-headed eagle emblem inlaid on it.

The heavy infantrymen in the front row of the Allied forces held their halberds horizontally, preparing to meet the enemy.

The iconic halberd of this kind of mountain mercenary is a spear with a very heavy battle ax attached to the head. There is a hook on the back of the ax. This weapon can stab directly and use the ax to chop through the armored enemy. The hook can hook the cavalry off the horse, and the spikes at the end can pierce the ground, absorbing the impact of the cavalry's impact.

Coupled with the combination of plate armor and mail armor they wore, even heavy cavalry had to consider whether to attack after forming a military formation.

However, the Wesson Army's cavalry was equipped with 3.5-meter-long high-explosive spears, and the explosives at the spearheads instantly blew these heavy infantry into pieces.

The three captains of the cavalry company, Jürgen, Lothar and Andre, led the first platoon of cavalry to use high-explosive spears to open a gap in the heavy infantry defense line on the east side of the Allied Army, and then fought with the two platoons behind. The soldiers also drew their sabers and revolvers, first fired all their bullets at the enemy in front, and then swung their swords to kill the infantry.

Within a moment, the cavalry broke through the infantry phalanx in front of them and began to sweep through the archers behind.

At the same time, elsewhere, a golden double-headed eagle flag appeared in the white smoke, and then rows of dark gray shadows walked out of it.

Not only the mountain mercenaries and the allied city defense forces, but also Count Ansbach and Rudolf had never seen gas masks. They subconsciously believed that what appeared in front of them were devils coming out of hell, otherwise they would not have been affected by it. Effects of poisonous smoke.

These dark gray devils raised their weapons. The soldiers of Cherry Company fired grenades at the heavy infantry. The shock wave and steel balls after the explosion of the angina pectoris medicine were unable to withstand the half-plate armor and mail armor. In a few breaths, all the heavy infantry fell. Got off.

Then came the soldiers armed with mushroom guns. They opened fire 50 meters away from the Allied forces, and the spilled steel balls disrupted the formation of the pikemen.

Then the soldiers using pea guns launched a bayonet charge towards the enemy who was far outnumbered. Cherry Company and the soldiers using mushroom guns took off the engineer shovels behind them and joined the ranks of hand-to-hand combat.

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