Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 153 Status upgraded

Wessen Daily News, Wesenberg City, May 8th: His Royal Highness Rudolf Otto, Crown Prince of the Rhine League, signed the Treaty of Wessen with Duke Friedrich von Wessen in Wesenberg on the morning of the 8th. Archduke Dahl of Mainz Burg von Mainz, Derwig Wittelsbach of Bayernstrasse, Max Merkel, Mayor of the Free City of Nuremberg, and Archbishop Victor, the plenipotentiary envoy of the Church of Light, witnessed the signing of the "Wesson Treaty" .

The main contents of the Treaty of Wesson are as follows:

1. The Otto family and the Wesson family of the royal family of the Rhine League are from the same family. Duke Friedrich von Wesson recognized and firmly supported the authority of his brother, King Wilhelm Otto, and the Wesson family was loyal to the Otto family.

2. King Wilhelm Otto canonized Friedrich von Wessen as Duke of Wessen, and the fiefdom was the state of Wessen, which included the former Wessen Territory, Reese Territory, Eichstadt Territory, Ansbach Territory, and the Philippines. Altland, Rotterland and the Free City of Nuremberg.

3. The false charges originally imposed on Count St. Henry von Wesson will be immediately cancelled. The false accusers, Counts Rees, Eichstadt, Ansbach, Fürth, and Lot, will be deprived of all their titles. The family All property was compensated to the Wesson family. Crown Prince Rudolf Otto presided over the consolation ceremony at Weissenburg Castle Church.

Wesson Daily News, Weissenburg Castle, May 8th Duke Friedrich von Wesson held a grand canonization and investiture ceremony in Weissenburg Castle Square at noon on the 8th. At the ceremony, Duke Wesson canonized more than 20 people who had outstanding performance during the war as knights and awarded the Medal of Meritorious Personnel. A grand military parade was held after the ceremony.

"Are you unhappy?" Maria asked Frederick curiously.

The direct promotion of Baron Wesson to Duke Wesson was a major event that changed the strategic pattern of the region. Naturally, the Archduke of Mainz wanted to come and see it in person. In addition to his heir and a group of officials, he also brought Maria with him.

Frederick folded the newspaper and put it on the dining table, and said somewhat helplessly: "It's okay, it's because the reporters and editors of the newspaper didn't do a good enough job."

Many of the reporters in the newspaper were women brought back from Constantbul by Richard Nall. They had a high level of education, and some of them went to work at the Wesson Daily after learning Rhineland.

It's just that these people who have lived in purdah for many years only casually chatted about political topics in the salon. When writing current affairs news, they lacked understanding of the political and ideological aspects of news. They did not even mention the funerals of fallen soldiers.

Frederick had no choice but to do this. New things could not reach the level of perfection all at once, so he could only write more commentator articles.

At this time lunch was served, and while eating, he asked Maria: "Where else do you want to go?"

Maria replied: "I'll play with Mingxiao first, and we'll play together after you're done."

Frederick could only nod.

There were many things to be busy with after the war. The first was to conduct in-depth negotiations with Rudolph.

Rudolf knew nothing about political negotiations, so he could only ask Baron Christian, who had come to send a letter of war, to return to Cologne and report to King William. This guy had been in Ansbach during the war and survived in the end.

King William fainted on the spot after learning that the Allied forces had been wiped out and the crown prince was captured. He lay in bed for three days. When he woke up, the left corner of his mouth was a little crooked.

Frederick gave the royal family a semblance of respect in exchange for territory and the property of five other families.

No matter which era, face is secondary, interests are the most important.

The two parties also reached a private agreement. Except for Mrs. Lott and the foolish son of Earl Rees, all members of the Allied families were brought back to Cologne by Rudolf, and Frederick allowed them to take away some gold and silver.

In this era, what nobles pay attention to is to keep a thin line in their conduct so that they can meet each other easily in the future. What he did is also in line with tradition.

The next step is to digest the territory. This matter involves the reform of Wesson state government institutions. There is currently no detailed charter and a meeting is required to discuss it.

Now the entire Weisen state government is as busy as fighting a war from top to bottom. From the tax department to the fire brigade, they all go to the new territory to investigate according to the master's request, and then hold small meetings to collect data and hold mid-level meetings to analyze the data in preparation for the general meeting. prepare for.

In the end, the most troublesome thing for Frederick was his relationship with his two neighbors.

In the past, he was just a baron, so he could naturally hold his own, but now he has become a duke. Compared with the two grand dukes, he is only one short of setting up his own court in terms of administration. Everyone is already talking to each other on an equal footing.

The earl has the rules of survival of the count, and the duke has the rules of survival of the duke.

For counts and barons, the main goal is the continuation of their families.

When you reach the level of a duke, in addition to your own family, you must consider the issues of your vassal families internally and make them feel that they have hope for the future; externally, you must carry out foreign affairs activities and exert influence on the surrounding areas.

On the chessboard of intrigue, the Duke is already qualified to be the chess player, and the rules of survival are naturally different from those of the chess pieces.

The problem now is that a ten-year-old kid is sitting next to the chessboard. I am afraid that only the God of Light can know what he will do. So both the Grand Duke of Mainz and the Grand Duke of Byrne feel that they need to combine many things with Duke Wesson made it clear to prevent the situation from developing in an unforeseen direction.

Especially Archduke Byrne, who secretly supported the Allied forces with a batch of poison gas bombs during the Six-Day War. Now that Wesson's army is at its peak, they are a little afraid that they will come over.

Frederick has no public plans to settle accounts with Archduke Byrne. Anyway, even if he does, he will at most introduce a scapegoat, just like King William, who put all the blame on the dead man.

What I have to do now is to digest the territory, and focus on easing relations with the outside world.

So now the three of them drink tea together every afternoon at the manor where Frederick cultivated seeds, or walk and chat by the fields.

Diplomatic matters were quickly settled by the three parties. The two archdukes taught Duke Wesson for several days the principles of maintaining peace and uniting and helping the south. Finally, Frederick promised that he would not use force against their territories. Breathed a sigh of relief.

On this afternoon, the three of them walked to the vegetable greenhouse. The farmers were putting away the greenhouse film.

It can be seen that the princes are very interested in Wesson's new crops and vegetable greenhouses.

Especially Archduke Byrne, who pretended that nothing had happened before, and spent the whole day dragging Frederick around asking questions, and coaxing the children from time to time. He really regarded himself as a grandfather.

Archduke Byrne is over 70 years old this year. It can be seen that he was handsome and artistic when he was young. He has sponsored many artists all year round.

Compared to old soldiers like the Archduke of Mainz, Frederick paid special attention to those who studied art, because you didn't know where their upper limit was.

Archduke Byrne pointed to the rolled-up greenhouse film and said, "Wesson, how about selling me these old transparent cloths?"

Frederick said nonchalantly: "If you want to sell, sell new ones. There is no reason to sell old ones."

"If you are willing, I can also send people to teach you how to build a greenhouse and how to grow vegetables in winter. Of course, you can't let their wages be reduced."

For him, he has no way to send vegetables to the Principality of Byrne for sale in winter, so he sells slime film. The more greenhouses are built there, the more films he can sell here. .

"Really?" Archduke Byrne was a little happy, "Don't worry, I won't lose you the price."

Frederick's lips curled up slightly and he said seriously: "Two Grand Dukes, there are some things that we have not said clearly. I am young, so let me tell you. If I say something wrong, I will treat it as a child's talk."

The Archduke of Mainz smiled and said: "Then you say it, we won't spank you if you make a mistake."

Frederick curled his lips, and he could see that he was unhappy at being treated like a child.

But this also has an advantage. As long as you don't make excessive demands, the other party won't be angry even if they disagree. It will be treated as ignorance rather than any conspiracy.

So Frederick and the two archdukes sat down at the table and chairs next to the greenhouse where the farmers were resting, and told them their thoughts. From then on, the geopolitical pattern was determined for many years.

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