Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 158 Rent a piece of land

"You can't move here."

"It's okay, just move."

"When I put it back together carefully, I found a few extra parts."

"I'm not that stupid."

"Are you stupid?"

"Accident, accident."

Frederick finally put the disassembled calculator back together, but nothing happened after turning it on.

"You're stupid." Psyche laughed at him from the side, "I told you not to move this place. As soon as you touch the magic brain crystal, the magic supply will be cut off. Without the magic power to maintain, the 'little man in the bottle' inside will naturally Ruined."

Frederick sighed helplessly and asked, "What should we do?"

"There is no way." Psyche shrugged, "This calculator is already a brick, so I can only go to Ogilvy to flash it."

Frederick could only collapse on the sofa and stare blankly at the ceiling of the living room.

This calculator from Ogilvy can be said to be a kind of golem puppet with only calculation function. It can currently perform four arithmetic operations with ten digits.

It converts numbers and symbols into magic signals through the keyboard and inputs them into the magic brain, and then the magic brain outputs the results through magic signals. The output terminal is the kind of color-changing crystal used on pea guns to show whether there are bullets in the barrel. The effect is a bit like an LCD screen, and it is also divided into two lines. The top is the result, and the bottom is the numbers and symbols being input.

"I have never understood," Frederick asked Psyche, "what is the principle of this magic brain?"

Psyche was sitting on the sofa next to her, reading a comic book, and replied without raising her head: "I just said it, the little man in the bottle."

"The magic brain uses one's own or someone else's soul as the master, uses the magic of the virtual soul to copy a section, and then stuffs it into the empty magic crystal."

"This virtual soul is in the container and behaves a bit like a person, so it is called the villain in the bottle."

At this time, Frederick asked in surprise: "If you completely copy a person's soul, wouldn't there be a second identical person?"

Psyche raised her head and gave him a blank look, raised the comic strip in her hand, pointed at a character on the cover and asked, "Do you know this person?"

Frederick read this comic book and replied: "This is the "Two Bears" drawn by Thomas. This man drew it after Huo Zhenplozzi."

Psyche asked again: "So is the portrait on the cover the same as a real person?"

Frederick replied: "Of course it is different. Not to mention that this is just a portrait, but the image is also slightly distorted due to the engraving."

"The same goes for virtual souls." Psyche continued to read the comic strip and said, "Affected by factors such as observation methods, understanding of the ontology, limitations of copying technology, operator level, and material limitations, the industry has struggled for hundreds of years. It’s always 50 years away from perfectly replicating the soul.”

"So far, virtual souls have no thinking ability and lack of understanding. They only have the ability of conditioned reflexes. After receiving orders, they can do whatever they want in the virtual memory."

"Whether it's an undead skeleton or a golem puppet, it's easy to just kill people in combat, but more complex actions will be troublesome."

"Another research direction is to simulate animal golem puppets and replicate the souls of animals. It's quite useful."

After hearing this, Frederick reluctantly understood it, and said thoughtfully: "So, it can also be used to calculate many things, and maybe it can also type automatically."

Psyche asked him curiously: "Do you know the principle of the typewriter?"

"I understand a little bit," Frederick replied, "I remember it's a combination of connecting rod and lever. I don't care, I'll leave it to them to study when I have time."

He has always had a lot of ideas, but it is difficult to implement them, so he can only take his time.

Psyche rolled her eyes at him and said, "You're so lazy."

Frederick said unconvinced: "You still say that I seem to be very diligent. I leave the castle twice a month to go to your soy sauce shop, and I go back to my room to lie down when I have nothing to do all day long."

Psyche said nonchalantly: "You will understand when you are my age."

Frederick had black hair, and when he reached her age, whether or not the grave would be there would still be a question.

He glanced at the new wind-up clock in the living room. It was time for self-study in the evening.

At this time, his mind suddenly twitched and he said to Psyche: "How about we have a few moves tonight."

Psyche put down the comic strip and looked at him doubtfully, her eyes seeming to ask, "Isn't it good to be alive?"

Frederick shrugged and replied: "Master asked."

Psyche closed the comic strip with a cheerful smile on her face.

On the training ground, as soon as Frederick picked up the two-handed sword for training, a group of elemental puppets appeared around him.

"Hey!" Frederick shouted hurriedly, "Didn't you take action yourself?"

Psyche looked very innocent and said: "This is how I act. How can a lady wield a sword by herself?"

Frederick was speechless, and then he was beaten by a group of people all night.

Psyche said "I'm doing this for your own good" while controlling the elemental puppet to strike hard.


When Frederick lay in the tub, the warm potion stimulated the bruises on his body, and he grimaced in pain.

The special bruise potion is very effective, and the bruised area will no longer hurt after a while.

This was already a daily routine for Frederick. That day when Richard Naer saw him on the mountain, killing a general and seizing the flag among thousands of troops, his feet were shaking with fear. Then he increased the intensity of training and studied by himself every night. There are high-intensity sparring exercises, and the intensity is subject to breaking bones.

"I really envy you." Someone in the bathroom said, "You have a master training with you every day."

The speaker was a girl in her early 20s, with dark blond hair, green eyes, and a tall figure. She was tied with two white cloths and was mixing sesame oil in the bathroom.

Frederick leaned his head on the tub and couldn't help but ask her: "You are also a princess, and you are good at summoning. Isn't it difficult to find a master to accompany you?"

The girl smiled bitterly and said: "So what about the princess? I still owe you a large amount of ransom money and will be your slave."

"My father has too many concubines and twenty or thirty brothers and sisters. To the royal family, I am just a name on the annual annuity list. I am just a person who scares people outside. I am nothing at home."

"If I were really that rich, I wouldn't work for Ansbach."

Frederick said "Oh" after hearing this.

At this time, the sesame oil was mixed, and Altasha easily took Frederick out of the bathtub with one hand and placed him on the bed beside him. He began to apply sesame oil on him that could activate blood circulation, remove blood stasis, and relax meridians. Regular massage.

During the formal massage, the body was very relaxed and hypnotic, and Frederick yawned.

"Let me ask you something." He asked, "Do you have any specialties on Green Island?"

Altasha replied: "What else can there be, other than the fire crystals in the ground, the sheep on the ground, and the fish in the sea."

Frederick had done his homework before and had a certain understanding of this island located in the Arctic Ocean in the northwest of the mainland with an area of ​​more than two million square kilometers and many volcanoes and hot springs.

He said nonchalantly: "How about we do business? You buy fire magic crystals and wool from Green Island and sell them to me. If I see what is suitable here, buy it and sell it back."

Altasha was rubbing the bruise on the back of his right shoulder and said helplessly: "Forget it, I don't have much strength and I can't keep my business."

"My territory is on Cod Island, which is seven or eight hundred kilometers away from Green Island. The cargo ship was robbed as soon as it landed on Green Island."

Frederick asked doubtfully: "Isn't it okay to trade in your territory?"

Altasha replied helplessly: "My territory has no port and no money to build one."

By now the bruise on the back of Frederick's shoulder had disappeared, and she turned the guy over.

"Then I will lend you money." Frederick said, "I will set up a trading point in your territory. I will place and receive goods there."

Altasha was a little tempted. When she was working at Ansbach, she also studied the local specialties of Wesson Territory, and knew that they would sell well in her hometown, but in the end she shook her head.

"I don't have anything to pledge to you." She shook her head and said, "Do you want me to pledge myself to you? Your hair hasn't grown yet. When you grow up and you can use it, I will be old and worthless." ”

The corner of Frederick's mouth twitched.

Even though Altasha is in good shape now, because she is located in an alpine area, her diet is rich in oil, meat, and wine. After the age of 25, she starts to look like a wine barrel.

Given the age difference between the two of them, she saw that giving Frederick a bath was no different from handling the big fish in her hometown. She removed the scales, soaked them in blood, applied sesame oil, then rolled them in flour and fried them. The only difference was that there was no need to remove the scales and the last two. Just steps.

Frederick thought for a while and said: "Then I will rent a piece of land. It will be like my territory. I have the final say. I will build a port there and the customs duties will be divided equally. I will return it to you when the money is paid back. "

Altasha quietly looked at the bruises on Frederic's left arm, looking like he was thinking about it. After putting the guy back into the tub, he said, "Let me think about it."

Frederick said: "Don't worry, you are a member of the sisterhood, and with Teacher Psyche here, I won't trick you."

He felt that Altasha was a bit stupid in learning magic and was suitable to be a scholar but not a manager. Otherwise, he would have immediately opposed this proposal similar to a concession, which at least meant that troops could not be stationed.

However, Altasha had a nail-sized red maple leaf tattoo below her navel, which was the symbol of a member of the Witch Sisters, and Frederick did not dare to go too far.

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