Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 161 Visiting old friends

The weather was getting hotter and hotter. When Frederick led the workers to deal with the problem of mold expansion for pouring columns, a manor outside Cologne welcomed distinguished guests.

The guest was familiar with the owner here and asked his wife where the owner was. Then he came to the study room with a wine bottle, took out two crystal wine glasses from the tea cabinet, poured the wine into it, and placed it on the desk.

The golden wine exudes the aroma of apples, with a hint of mint, and the crystal clear glass wall is filled with bubbles.

Archduke Dahlberg of Mainz sat on the chair opposite the desk and said with an unhappy look: "Help me freeze the wine. Hey, you are not a poor person, why don't you install an air conditioner in the study?" You'll suffer here in the hot weather. If you don't have money, just tell me and I'll give you two."

Becher, the leader of the Royal Mage Group of the Rhine Alliance and the "Burning God" did not even raise his head. He continued to write and draw with one hand, and took a glass of cider with the other hand. The glass left on the table changed in the blink of an eye. Hot, steam with the aroma of wine comes out.

Dahlberg continued to chatter: "Well, I thought I was going to make peace this time and help you lower the ransom. I didn't expect you to run away. It's a pity. I also wanted to make a profit in the middle." It’s a price difference.”

Becher still ignored him until Dahlberg asked: "Well, I heard that your 'phlogiston theory' was overturned by this little guy Frederick?"

These words were very irritating. Becher suddenly raised his head and said seriously: "The phlogiston theory has not been overturned. He just discovered problems that we have not yet been able to explain."

A smile appeared on the corner of Dahlberg's mouth, and he picked up the hot fruit wine on the table. A ring on his hand flashed, and the wine immediately turned cold to relieve the heat.

He took a sip of the sweet and sour cider, and then said provocatively: "What about the double-slit experiment with the fire element? Have you found an explanation? I heard that other magicians used other magic elements to conduct experiments, and they also appeared. There is a corresponding phenomenon.”

Becher looked at his old friend of decades in front of him with confusion and asked: "Why, you are already eighty years old and you are actually becoming interested in academic research on magic?"

"You don't know?" Dahlberg asked in surprise, "Weisenberg University publishes a magazine called Magic, which contains many papers on magic research. These are the latest topics for discussion."

Becher said "Oh" curiously, and Dahlberg began to show off proudly: "I also wrote a paper on whether the fire element is a particle or a wave. The magazine replied that it would be published in the magazine's issue this month. One publication.”

"Hmph, let me tell you, the articles in this magazine are very particular about the ranking. The more important articles are placed at the front. The first article is the most important article of the month."

The Burning Magic God's head was filled with questions. The guy who was talking in front of him had been saying things like "I don't need to study magic. I can just hire a magician when I need it" since he was a child. If his father hadn't been holding a whip back then, Damn, he really didn't learn at all.

This guy can actually publish magic papers now, and it is also the most cutting-edge field of particle theory and wave theory. It is not true no matter how you look at it.

"Hey!" Becher asked with a frown, "Did you sell someone's paper and publish it under your own name?"

"Slander!" Dahlberg's eyes widened for a moment, "You are slandering me out of jealousy!"

Becher sneered and said calmly: "Don't blame me for not reminding you. Magicians like to play tricks on rich people like you. They will leave flaws in the results, take the money and run away. Then you will be embarrassed. you."

"Don't tell me what you are writing. I will ask someone to buy the magazine. If there is any problem, I will be the first to submit an article to refute and laugh at you."

Dahlberg replied confidently: "Just try it."

Seeing how confident he was, Becher suddenly felt uneasy, because many magic experiments cost a lot of money, and these wealthy men with mines at home might actually be able to make some new discoveries if they spend their money.

He also stopped discussing academic issues so as not to get upset when talking about experimental funding, so he asked: "Why do you have time to come to me?"

Dahlberg took a sip of cider and said: "I came here to tell you that I published a paper, and stopped by to see His Majesty William."

Becher understood that the royal family was not in good shape after the Six-Day War, especially since the king seemed to be in a bad state of mind after waking up from a coma. However, the news had been blocked, and the various princes had to wait and see.

"How is the king's health?" he asked. "I have no news here either."

Dahlberg took another sip of cider, and instead of saying anything about the king, asked him: "I heard that you are helping Frederick?"

Becher understood it immediately.

The words of the Grand Duke of Mainz carry a lot of weight. If he says the king is good, then it is really good. If he says there are problems with the king, there will be problems even if there are no problems.

Everyone knows that the King may not say it is okay when something is wrong, which means that His Majesty is indeed in trouble.

Becher gently placed the gold dip pen in his hand on the pen holder, leaned on his chair and thought for a moment, and then asked his old friend: "Are there any jobs with less work and higher pay?"

Dahlberg rolled his eyes at him and replied: "How is the job of the Grand Duke of Mainz?"

"It's not impossible." Becher looked like he was seriously considering the feasibility. "It's just that there won't be any trouble if you put a piece of wood in that position. It might be better than now. It's really a waste to let my nerds do it. So talented.”

Dahlberg said angrily: "That's really aggrieved."

Then he stopped joking and said: "That nerd in your family can go to Wesson. Their translation department is in short supply of talents who understand multiple languages."

Becher took the wine glass and took a sip of the cider, savoring the mint coolness between the sour and sweet, and then pointed to what he had just written on the desk and said: "I plan to ask the third child to go to Wesson. Wesson plans to use magic to make steel and boil water. I have researched it and found that it is feasible as long as the efficiency of using magic elements is improved."

"Now I'm sorting out some of my ideas and handing them over to Lao San so she can tinker with them."

Dahlberg squinted his eyes slightly and looked at Becher steadily, as if he wanted to see through him.

Becher didn't care, raised his glass, and studied the cider.

Dahlberg asked him: "Are you willing to send your precious little daughter to Wesson?"

Becher nodded slightly.

A smile appeared on the corner of Dahlberg's mouth, he held his chin and said, "Well, she is there alone and is not familiar with the place. I will let someone in my family take care of her."

Becher said nonchalantly: "I don't care about the children."

Dahlberg asked him again: "Where is your boss?"

Becher took a sip of wine and sighed and replied: "I asked him to return to the territory. I'm afraid the peaceful days will become less and less."

"The conflicts between the Piast Kingdom and the Osmaga Empire in Bohemia are becoming more and more intense, and a war is inevitable."

"If the Osmaga Empire loses or shows signs of decline, the princes they control in the east will have to reshuffle their cards. The war will not stop and it will definitely affect us."

Dahlberg finished his glass of cider in one gulp and sighed deeply.

He thought for a moment and then said: "I am going to upgrade the crossbowmen in my territory to riflemen. I will invite people from Wesson to train next year. Please send some people from your family as well."

"Really?!" Becher was shocked. He had watched the last battle of the Six-Day War from beginning to end, and was no stranger to Wesson's weapons.

Dahlberg shrugged and replied: "It is not the kind of rifle used by the main force of the army that can fire many bullets at a time, but a folding rifle that can only fire one bullet at a time. It is sold in large quantities by the private sector and is good for defending the city."

Becher thought about it and realized that this was normal. No one would sell their most important weapon. It would be good to buy a civilian version.

"By the way," he asked again, "can you help me buy some high-yielding wheat seeds in Wesson?"

Dahlberg smiled bitterly and said: "Not this year. They don't have enough territory. I can't even buy it. Let's do it next year."

Becher has nothing to say except to wait another year.

He suddenly asked seriously: "How far do you think Wesson can go in the future?"

"I don't know." Dahlberg filled his empty wine glass with cider. "It may stop here, or it may exceed our imagination. It's hard to say."

"If he swallows up the neighboring Principality of Franconia and the League of Regans before he turns twenty-five, then no one in the Rhine League can stop him, and maybe he can restore the glory of the empire."

Becher nodded slightly.

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