Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 184 There is a sewing machine to step on

Frederick hurried back to the castle, washed his face and changed clothes, and then came to the living room.

In the living room, apart from Omet and the family's tailor Romon, there was also a bearded man. Omet had already asked someone to move a shelf and hang up the drawings. These drawings were drawn on parchment.

When the bearded man saw Frederick coming in, he hurriedly bowed and greeted: "Dear Duke Gui'an of Wesson, your reputation for taking down the enemy general's head in the midst of thousands of troops has resounded throughout the east of the Elbe River."

Frederick nodded slightly as a greeting, and after sitting on the sofa, asked him where he was from and what he did.

This bearded man is called Schneider, a tailor, and his home is on the east side of the Elbe River, just across the river from Baron Wesson's territory.

After Baron Wesson returned last winter, they began to brag about Frederick, including the fact that Frederick offered a reward of 500 florins for a machine for sewing clothes.

After Schneider heard about it, he thought about it for most of the winter. As soon as the weather got warm, he took the drawings at the bottom of the box and most of his savings and came over to try his luck while chewing black bread.

After he finished introducing himself, Romon said to Frederick: "I asked just now, Schneider is indeed a good tailor."

Frederick saw that since it had been reviewed by peers, it meant that this person was at least an experienced tailor and should be reliable.

So he looked at All Might, who said, "I've seen his drawings and I think it's feasible."

Frederick nodded and said to Schneider: "You start introducing your machine. If it works, the bounty will be yours."

Schneider was so nervous that his hands were shaking a little, and he pointed at the parchment and started: "Sir... sir, my machine is... like this."

"There is a wheel on the side of this machine. It will turn when you shake it. When it turns, it will drive the needle on the other end. The needle will move up and down. Under the needle is a board with a The needle kept pricking into the hole, just like fucking my wife at night.”

"The hole of this needle is at the top of the head, and the thread goes through it. When the needle goes under the cloth, the thread goes with it. When the needle is pulled up a little but not all the way out, the thread will be pressed by the cloth next to it. As long as the needle moves, the thread will A circle will appear.”

"There is a shuttle like a woven fabric under the cloth and board. It is placed on a shelf, and another thread is passed through its head. When the thread makes loops, the shelf passes through it with the shuttle. The thread on the shuttle Just go through it."

"When the needle reaches the end, the thread on the needle head is tightened, and the thread of the shuttle below is caught by the thread of the needle above."

"The needle is inserted once, and the cloth moves forward a little, and the cloth is sewn on."

Frederick nodded, basically understanding.

He is no stranger to sewing machines. In his previous life, his mother's dowry included a sewing machine bought by his grandmother. He wanted to make a replica of it, mainly because he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to sell horse bones for a fortune.

Although the sewing machine designed by Schneider is missing many accessories and is hand-cranked instead of pedal-operated, the most important parts look quite reliable.

Frederick did not know that what he saw in his previous life was a rotary shuttle sewing machine, and Schneider's design was closer to the previous generation of vibrating shuttle sewing machines.

He chatted with Schneider for a few more words and learned that the tailor's wife weaved at home. He was inspired by the loops and shuttles on the loom that would appear when the thread on the top of the awl was pulled out when repairing shoes.

Frederick looked at Romon, who said: "This method should be feasible."

Then Ogilvy said: "It is not difficult to make such a machine. The only thing is that the relative movement position of the shuttle and the needle must be controlled more accurately to ensure that the shuttle passes through the coil."

Frederick nodded, thought for a while, and then said: "Let's try to make a machine first, mainly the key components of the shuttle and needle. As long as it is sure to work, the bounty will belong to Schneider."

Schneider laughed immediately when he heard it, but he was a little nervous and had no idea whether such a machine could be built.

Frederick didn't say much, and asked Alfred to find a place for Schneider to stay in the castle, and then went to the carpenter's shop in the castle with All Might.

A sloping table was covered with white paper, and Frederick said: "Let's get started."

Several people discussed, first drawing the motion relationship between the needle and the shuttle, then determining the transmission structure, calculating the required gear ratio, and finally determining the size of each component.

Three days later, a rough model of a sewing machine, which was mainly made of wood with a few parts made of iron, was ready.

"Come and give it a try," Frederick said to Schneider.

Schneider stood carefully in front of the sewing machine and threaded the thread. Romon helped him gently pull the thread through the needle and watched him put a piece of cloth under the needle and shake the wheel.

The needle soon pierced the tight linen downwards, and the sound of the shuttle moving under the drive of the swinging frame was heard from below.

As the wheel continued to rotate, the needle was lifted up. Romon gently pulled the thread, and the linen was pulled up a little, without the thread coming out.

Schneider breathed a sigh of relief, and the smile on his face was brighter than the sun in the sky.

He immediately continued to shake the wheel, and slowly pushed the linen forward with his other hand, and a long seam appeared on the cloth.

Schneider cut the thread, picked up the linen, turned it over and looked at it, and was stunned.

On the back, less than half of the shuttle passes through the thread hole, and more than half of the thread just leaves a small loop there.

He looked nervously at Frederick, a layer of sweat forming on his forehead.

Frederick smiled and said: "Not bad, there is a success rate of about 40%, which shows that this technology is feasible."

Schneider said cautiously: "Sir, this...this...more than half failed."

Frederick shook his head and continued to say with a smile: "When we look at something, we should not only look at the failures, but also the successes."

"Look, if the cable is hooked up, it means it is successful. As long as we solve the problem, there will be more and more successful places, don't you think?"

Schneider nodded hurriedly. He was worried just now that his 500 florins were gone, but now it seems that he may still have them.

Frederick said seriously: "Although many details of the sewing machine need to be perfected, the technology you provide is the most important. Without this technology, no matter how many details you have, it will be useless."

"You have decided on these 500 gold coins. Do you want cash, or do you want to exchange them for the same amount of goods and transport them home to sell them?"

"We will have an army go to Baron Wesson's territory the day after tomorrow. We can take you with us without charging you for shipping."

Schneider immediately said: "Then exchange the goods. I heard that the glass tableware here is very valuable. I want to buy some and take it back. I got off the boat at Hanma City and then went to Burling City. I can buy it there. I opened a tailor shop in the city."

Frederick nodded and said, "Okay, I'll give you the cost price. Send me a letter when the time comes. When the sewing machine is finally ready, I'll send you one."

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