Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 186 Let’s do a favor

"Gu~ kill me!"

"Who will step on the sewing machine if I kill you?"

“When am I going to step on it?”

"Stread it until it smokes!"

In the castle carpentry shop, the carpenters were making baby carriages, and from time to time they looked up to see the master bullying the girl.

The newly made sewing machine is not smoking at the moment, and it stops after the two pieces of cloth are filled with threads.

Belle Burke pouted and took off the cloth and began to count the number of stitches. She said unhappily: "I thought you had figured it out when you asked me to come back, but I didn't expect you to ask me to do all this work."

Frederick asked her with a smile: "Then you will go back to build the railway now?"

Belle Burke pouted again and stopped talking.

By late August, the sewing machine was ready for use, and the skipping rate of more than 500 stitches was less than 1%.

The next thing is...I can't do anything.

Frederick is now short of people, very short of people, not just workers, but the capable students of Ogilvy and Mather have all become their own bosses. Schmidt and Benz combined to build a 50-horsepower tractor in a leap. For a while, no one built a sewing machine factory.

And he didn’t want to leave the sewing machine factory to others. “Four turns and one beep” were all money-making tools, so he had to keep them in his hands.

Putting aside the sewing machine thing for now, there are some things that need to be sorted out here, Belle Burke.

Frederick had two prisoners of war and slaves who had a special status.

Princess Artashia is now ordered by Psyche to teach Frederick the common sense of summoning. Whether he can summon him or not depends on him.

Belle Burke was thrown to build the railway from the beginning. She usually lived with the captives' families and did the same heavy physical labor when working.

When they were alone in the study, Frederick pinched her, nodded and said, "Well, she is much stronger than last year."

Today, Belle Burke was wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt and trousers commonly worn by prisoners of war. She lifted up her clothes nonchalantly and said, "I'm so skinny now."

Frederick touched her waistcoat line, nodded and said, "It means you are not lazy at work."

Belle Burke asked him: "Do you really want me to do hard work for three years?"

Frederick did not reply. Instead, he took out a purple silk money bag and a silver mailbox from the drawer and placed them on the table. He pointed at them and said, "See for yourself."

Belle Burke's face suddenly turned pale, and her family's coat of arms was on both the purse and the mailbox.

Frederick said softly: "It's a letter from your mother, I didn't read it."

"You are alive and dead, and your family thinks you have been caught by me, so your grandfather wrote a letter in person to ransom you. The ransom is one thousand... uh... why don't you... Comfortable?"

He suddenly discovered that Belle Burke's face was not looking good, she was so pale that there was no blood at all, and her hands were trembling.

Belle Burke said with a hint of tears: "He... they... still... haven't... let me go."

Frederick frowned, unable to understand what was going on.

Belle Burke pointed at the mailbox with her trembling fingers and said to him: "Help...help me see...what's written in the letter."

Frederick's frown deepened, he picked up the mailbox and left the study, going to Psyche's room.

As usual, Psyche lay in the bedroom reading novels when she had nothing to do. When she saw Frederick sitting down by the bed, she asked him: "What are you going to do again?"

Frederick said to her: "When I open the mailbox later, if anything happens, please help me stop it."

After speaking, he opened the mailbox. As a result, there was no explosion or poisonous gas as expected. There was just a roll of paper inside. Psyche checked and found no problem.

Frederick breathed a sigh of relief. Just now he thought that Belle Burke's family was going to clear her honor, so he was afraid.

While reading the letter, he returned to the study and found Belle Burke pacing anxiously to and fro.

"It's nothing." Frederick said in confusion, "It's just that your mother wants you to go back and marry the grandson of the finance minister."

When Belle Burke heard this, she immediately stiffened, trembled, and fainted to the ground.

Frederick hurriedly moved her to the sofa and laid her down. He wetted a towel with some cold water and sprinkled it on her face.

Belle Burke woke up faintly and saw Frederick standing next to him. She hugged him and cried loudly. The heartbreaking cry frightened him.

Frederick stood there with a question mark. He waited until she was tired of crying before pushing her away. Then he sat next to her and asked, "What's going on?"

Belle Burke's body was still trembling. She suddenly turned around and hugged Frederick's arm, and said nervously: "If you want to save me, you must save me! As long as you don't let me marry that bastard." , whatever you ask me to do!!”

Frederick said: "Please explain this matter clearly from beginning to end."

Belle Burke swallowed her saliva and said in a voice that was a little hoarse from crying: "My family has no money. That bastard's family is rich, so they want to marry me in exchange for money."

"That bastard, he's not a human. He fucked his own maid when he was the same age as you. You should understand what fucking means by now, right?"

Frederick nodded with a black line.

Belle Burke's body trembled even more, and he continued: "Many people in Cologne City know that when he was eighteen years old, he was... kicked by someone, and then he died."

"Who knew he was going to die, so he started doing things that normal people couldn't do... He... he went to the countryside to catch women and let his dogs and horses... fuck those women while he watched."

"He got married three years ago. The girl was the daughter of a small lord. Later...it was said that she was fucked to death by a horse!"

Frederick heard a dark clue. Is this something that carbon-based organisms can do?

Belle Burke said with tears: "Please show mercy and save me. I don't want to be like that."

"Just reply to my family and tell them that you have kept me as your mistress, and let them stop thinking about it."

Frederick said depressedly: "How young am I to let you be my mistress? Do others believe it?"

Belle Burke said hurriedly: "You can store it like a squirrel for later use. You can't touch it now if you can't do it!"

As for mistresses, Frederick felt that he was not a saint, and there might be one in the future. Belle Burke was pretty good-looking, but his mistress was about the word "love." He had no feelings for her at all. She was addicted to the opportunity, and since she was a prisoner of war, she had no psychological burden.

Frederick remembered something and asked, "The powerful people in your family will do their own thing even if you get married. They won't kill you, right?"

Belle Burke hesitated for a while and then said: "Five years ago...at the palace ball...he wanted to...force me...I kicked him."

"I participated in that war just because I wanted to make some meritorious service so that a big noble could take a fancy to me, marry me back, and let me leave the city of Cologne."

Frederick understood. Although he didn't know what kind of trouble her family was in and was eventually threatened by the finance minister's family, he was still sure that she would die miserably if she married.

If Belle Burke had done something evil first and then been avenged by the other party, Frederick would have sent this person back now, but she was protecting herself at the time, and the truth was on her side.

Frederick nodded and said: "Okay, I will help you this time, but I will help you in my own way."

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