Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 190 Just show off

The Rhine River has thousands of miles of sailing all year round. The convenient water transportation has brought huge wealth and also irrigated large plains on both sides of the river.

It is now the autumn plowing season. In the farmland, farmers are driving their cattle and horses to work. Some dilapidated or brand new houses can be seen in the distance.

The sound of horns from the river made the farmers raise their heads and take a look. The water level was now low and the ship's hull was blocked by the river embankment. Only the golden double-headed eagle flag flying at the top of the mast was visible.

There have been many troop transport ships passing by on the Rhine River recently, and the farmers also know that another war is coming, because the knight left with about ten people and requisitioned an extra portion of oats.

On the first ship of the Weissensee fleet, a conscripted militiaman said to Frederick: "Sir, there is a village behind the river embankment. I used to live there."

Frederick asked him: "Won't you go back and take a look?"

The militiaman just shook his head with a wry smile, seeming to have some bad memories in his hometown.

Frederick was about to change the subject when a young officer came to him: "Commander, the place where the ship will rest today is coming."

Frederick looked up at the sun above his head, turned back and said, "Okay, stop the ship as planned."

The young officer in front of him had a hooked nose, sharp eyes, and the aura of an eagle.

Helmut was a good friend that Franz met when he was traveling around the country. He was born in a family of down-and-out knights in the Principality of Mecklund. He was very smart and had many years of experience in combat.

After little Franz came back and took up an important position in the Wesson Army, he wrote a letter asking him to come over. However, communication was inconvenient at this time. The day after he came to Weissenburg City was the first anniversary of the victory in the Six-Day Defense War.

After the interview, Frederick agreed to Helmut's appointment as undersecretary of staff to assist Franz in managing the staff.

During this expedition, Frederick asked little Franz to stay at home, and the staff team was led by Helmut. Sixty percent of the team members were newcomers, so it was considered as a way to gain experience by spawning monsters for them.

At the same time, Frederick's quota for sending troops this time is 1,500. The number of troops is not limited. You can bring more people, but the supplies provided by the royal family's logistics are only given for that many people.

1,500 men was almost the number of an infantry regiment, so Frederick led the expedition according to the organization of one infantry regiment and three cavalry companies.

The personnel of this unit were drawn from the original two regiments. Helmut currently serves as the regiment commander, and the two regiments of Shoujia recruited troops in advance.

According to the plan of the Ministry of Military Affairs, the army needs to gradually expand to more than 10,000 people, and the establishment needs to be adjusted. Large-scale reorganization will be carried out after returning next year.

The fleet soon stopped on the right, and in the afternoon, the fleet of the Principality of Byrne stopped on the left.

As night fell, Frederick, Archduke Byrne, and the Archduke of Mainz, who had been waiting here for a long time, had a barbecue on the river bank, with guards standing guard 100 meters away.

The Archduke of Mainz picked up a skewer of grilled pork belly and handed it to Frederick, and said with a smile: "Commander, you eat first."

Frederick did not accept the skewers, but shook his head and said: "A commander in Taohuashi once said, 'The general will not speak of thirst before the army's well is drained; the general will not speak of hunger before the army's food is cooked; the general will not speak of hunger before the army's fire is fired. "Cold; the army has not yet deployed, and the general will not say he is trapped." The translation is... bah bah bah..."

His peach blossom stone language taught by Psyche stunned the two old men. After being translated into the local dialect, they couldn't help but nod in agreement.

"This is what a person who has been a commander-in-chief said." Archduke Byrne said, "My grandfather said something similar to me, but I didn't fully understand this until I was forty years old."

The Archduke of Mainz said to Frederick: "What else did he say? Please tell us when you have time."

Frederick just smiled and nodded, picked up a skewer of roast lamb and ate it. Just now, the Archduke of Mainz called himself the commander and handed the skewers to him, which was considered a fool.

Archduke Byrne smiled and said, "It seems you are very sober."

While eating, Frederick asked: "Is it the fault of His Majesty William?"

The troops sent out this time are only for defense along the river. If each party only manages its own defense area, everyone will be in peace.

However, now the three of them are brought together, led by Frederick, who has the lowest title, age and seniority, and two highly respected archdukes listen to his command. Even if these three families are an alliance, it is not normal.

Moreover, Frederick's soldiers had 1,500 men, and the other two had 1,000 men. It seemed that the commander had the most men, but his number did not constitute an absolute majority. If the other two united to oppose him, their number would be greater than his.

This kind of arrangement seems to be meant to sow discord.

The Grand Duke of Mainz was more familiar with the affairs in the palace. While brushing the chicken legs with oyster sauce, he said: "This matter was decided by the Minister of Military Affairs, Count Pisto, and the king must have nodded."

"Wesson, what are you going to do?"

Frederick shrugged, poured beers for the two of them, and then said: "I have three countermeasures, two of which actually mean the same thing, and one is unacceptable."

Grand Duke Bain asked with great interest: "Oh, what other ideas do you have?"

After taking a sip of beer, Frederick said: "First, you two are apparently following my command."

"Second, I will divide the defense zones and let everyone do their own thing."

"Third one, let's put a sack on Count Pisto and beat him up."

"Which one do you two choose?"

The Archduke of Mainz and the Archduke of Bain immediately replied in unison: "The third one."

The corners of Frederick's mouth twitched for a while, and then he said: "Okay, I'll give you two a lookout."

The three of them ate the barbecue in silence for a while, and Frederick said, "Let's do this. Let's divide the defense zones first."

"Anyway, as long as we defend, we will build forts in key places and leave a small number of soldiers to stand sentry. If there are enemies coming, they will report to the rear. The main force in the rear will either attack the invading enemies head-on or find a place to ambush."

"The defense zone is simple. With Hanma City as the center, the two of you will guard the left and right sides. I will go to the Weisen Territory in the south."

"We lined up along the river like this, supporting each other, like a snake. If we hit the head, the tail will come. If we hit the tail, the head will come. If we hit the middle, both the head and the tail will come."

This is the best way he can think of. When there are no enemies or there are few enemies, everyone goes their own way. When there are more people, they cooperate strategically.

Moreover, these two uncles are living comfortably relying on the defense of the big city. It would not be too bad to go to relatives' houses by themselves, which can be considered as comprehensive.

Archduke Byrne seemed indifferent at this time and agreed while eating kebabs.

The Grand Duke of Mainz said with a smile: "Don't be so nervous. This operation is actually just a show."

"The nobles along the boundary river are all small nobles who have no say in the war and are used to consume the enemy. The territories of the big nobles are behind them. It's just that what happened in April made those big nobles a little worried, so the king asked us to go Station the troops by the river to calm their minds."

"Anyway, many of the nobles by the river have gone to your place. If you want to rob, there is nothing to rob. The other side will not do the loss-making business."

"And those people across the Elbe River have followed the Osmaga Empire to attack the Piast Kingdom. Who will cross the river?"

Frederick was stunned when he heard this, thinking that this was not a show, so he asked: "So, this time the king wants us nobles from the Rhine Valley to go east to perform a show for the nobles from the west of the Elbe River?"

The Grand Duke of Mainz nodded and said: "Yes, it is the king who pays for it anyway."

"Believe it or not, everyone will be drinking and drinking in Hanma City."

"I came here today to tell you about this in advance. Then it will be enough to just show off."

Frederick was speechless.

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