Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 194 Big Business

Frederick finally saw Mrs. Delden's energy. As soon as the 30 "second-hand" revolvers were delivered, she sent someone to invite the Minister of Military Affairs, Count Pisto, and the Minister of Finance, Duke Hegel, to have dinner with them. A neighbor soon arrived.

It's just that Count Pisto had a pair of dark circles under his eyes. When Mrs. Delden saw him, she smiled and asked, "Hey, what kind of new eye shadow is this?"

Count Pisto just said a few perfunctory words and glared at Frederick fiercely.

Last night he attended a dance at the house of Lord Shakespeare, the chief minister of the Heraldry House. When he went to the toilet, he was beaten with a sack bag over his head. The assailant did not conceal his identity at all. The voice that broke out was obviously Wei Duke Sen.

When Mrs. Delden saw it, she immediately hugged Frederick who was sitting next to her and said unhappily: "What, you want to bully Frederick? Are you used to bullying children without parents? You used to bully my sister and me. , rode a horse to destroy my wheat field, and now you want to bully him? Let me tell you, whoever bullies Frederick now is bullying me!"

Frederick was a little moved. Such words should not be said randomly. Now Mrs. Delden said it in public. If she can't do it in the future, it will become a joke.

Count Pistol was stunned. Today is different from the past. Who would have thought that the eldest cousin who could only cry would later become the queen, and the little cousin who hit her with a piece of mud would marry one of the deputy leaders of the royal knights.

Now she doesn't need to find this cousin to get anything done, but she can still do it if she wants to mess with her.

At this time Duke Hegel arrived, and Frederick was startled when he saw him. He had not noticed how he appeared just now.

However, Frederick still noticed that after he appeared, he immediately looked at Psyche, who was standing in the corner of the living room with Mrs. Delden's maid. There seemed to be some eye contact, but he immediately treated it as nothing happened.

Duke Hegel was not tall, only half a head taller than Frederick, and as skinny as a monkey. No one dared to look down on a sword master because of this.

He glanced at Frederick, waved and said, "Come here, let me take a look."

Mrs. Delden let go of Frederick and let him pass.

Frederick went over to say a few polite words to him, and then he stretched out his hand and pinched several places on his body.

"Not bad, not bad," Duke Hegel looked satisfied. "The physical condition is good and I didn't slack off in training. Richard Nall really caught a good fish."

Frederick had a black hair. It seemed that everyone in the circle knew that his master loved fishing.

Duke Hegel continued: "I originally wanted to steal a disciple, but you are more suitable for his style. If you are not suitable for me, I won't delay you."

Frederick immediately said: "I would be honored if I could get your advice."

Duke Hegel said seriously: "Eat well, rest well, and sleep well. If you try to date women after the age of 16, there are only so many things you have to pay attention to."

The corners of Frederick's mouth twitched and he thanked him politely.

At this time, dinner was ready, and everyone was eating and talking at the table.

Today's main dish is roasted whole pig. The roasted pig skin on the table is different from the smooth and oily skin of other roasted pigs, but has crispy skin with bubbles.

At the beginning of the meal, Mrs. Derden's daughter, Josephine, chatted with Frederick. She was curious about the engravings that had recently appeared in Wesson.

After she had finished talking about this topic, Mrs. Delden began to get down to business, first asking the two ministers whether the knights could be equipped with revolvers like Duke Wesson's.

The royal knights are different from the mages. The leader is the king. Whoever is the king is the leader. Each of the five deputy leaders leads a team of knights. They are not subordinate to each other and restrict each other.

Earl Delden is one of the deputy captains, so there is no problem for Mrs. Delden to ask questions on behalf of her husband.

Duke Hegel took a sip of beer and said: "This weapon is very useful and can save your life at the right time. I suggest that a knight can bring two or three of them."

There was a slight smile on Frederick's face. He ate a lot when eating barbecue. The sword master at the peak level of martial arts said this. This is more useful than any advertisement.

Count Pisto saw Frederick making sales at the ball yesterday and said, "It's just that this weapon is too expensive. Ordinary enchanted weapons are not that expensive. I can't explain it to Your Majesty."

"But it's not impossible. If Duke Wesson is willing to sell other weapons, I will only have to report the total number to His Majesty. I think Your Majesty will agree."

Frederick washed down the roast meat in his mouth with a sip of beer, and said with some helplessness: "The spears equipped in my army look powerful, but they were damaged a lot after the battle. Some of the bullets were loaded by myself. It fell out. If Ansbach and the others hadn't wanted to kill me, I wouldn't have been equipped with such immature weapons. So what I sell now are foldable and open-loaded revolvers and larger revolvers, and the bullets have been replaced with lead. The mushroom head, be lighter and shoot further. When those guns and bullets are used up, replace them with new ones. After all, money cannot be wasted."

The sale of folding rifles by the State of Wessen and the purchase of revolver rifles by the Principality of Mainz and Bayern were both public and introduced in the "Wessen Daily News", so the other three people felt that Frederick was telling the truth.

Count Pisto asked him: "How much does a revolver cost?"

Frederick replied: "The barrel of this kind of gun is very troublesome to make, so one costs 100 florins, if more, 90 florins."

"So expensive?!" Count Pistol was a little surprised.

According to Frederick's calculation, even after deducting profits, his several thousand troops would cost two to three hundred thousand florins. So Count Pisto asked with some distrust: "Then where did you get so many florins in the first place?" Money buys so many weapons?”

"Borrowed." Frederick shrugged. "I borrowed it from the pagan businessman using my territory's customs duties and elemental metal trade as collateral."

After hearing this, Count Pisto felt that it made sense, and then looked at Duke Hegel.

Although Duke Hegel is the finance minister, the king gave him this position in order to win over him so that he can make money. The specific work is done by the people below, but he still understands how much money is in the treasury.

"There is not much money in the treasury." Duke Hegel said, "You can buy more short ones, but the longest ones can be equipped with the Guards later."

Count Pisto nodded, and then began to bargain with Frederick. By the time the dinner was over, everyone had reached an agreement.

Frederick provided weapons to the Praetorian Guard and Royal Magisters of the Rhine League at a price of 50 florins a revolver and 120 florins a revolver rifle.

At the same time, he also negotiated a business to sell Wesson specialties to the Pisto family and the Hegel family at low prices.

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