Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 257 Night Battle

The sea is vast, but the tracks of ships are not traceable. From the perspective of safe navigation, the route of a fleet can be inferred through wind direction, ocean currents, rocks and other conditions.

When the Kirov 1 airship released by the Lexington did not find the enemy fleet on the southern coastal route, it meant that the enemy chose to fight and take the extremely risky open sea route.

The wind blows from the south for a long time. It is not strong now, but it is enough to allow a well-prepared fleet to pass through the area called the Dark Sea to the east of the inland sea.

So Kirov 2 airship took off from Saratoga to search the eastern waters, and Kirov 1 began to move eastward to search the southeast.

The person in charge at this time was not Lilu, but her adjutant Alfred.

Alfred had an encounter with Frederick in the cafeteria when he was at the Marine Academy, and later graduated with all honors. After graduation, he went to fight pirates with Baron Adicon, and soon became famous in the North Sea region.

After the Flying Tulip was launched, Lilu paid a lot of money to hire him as an adjutant.

Lilu knew very well that her advantage was in trade, and commanding naval battles was only considered a passing grade, so she found an assistant who was proficient in naval battles.

She let Alfred take command of this battle and went to the top of the bridge to see how the ship was being modified.

At this time, the ship was very noisy, with clanging and clanging sounds everywhere. Carpenters were installing weapon launchers on the sides and bow of the ship.

Although the ship was equipped with six jet mortars, the number of enemies that followed far exceeded ours, so we temporarily transferred a batch of Pea Gatling and Iron Fist launchers from the army defending Majiapu City to install them, and also specially Soldiers who do not get seasick were selected for operation.

A twin-mounted Pea Gatling is installed at each of the four corners on the top of the bridge specifically to defend against enemies approaching in small boats. There is also a Iron Fist individual rocket launcher next to it to deal with large ships of about 100 meters.

These were originally weapons for defending the city wall, and Helmut asked the fleet to carry as many as they could.

Now not only the Flying Tulip, but also the Lexington and Saratoga flattops were assembled to the teeth.

After lunch, Kirov's No. 2 discovered a fleet of more than a hundred three-masted ships in the sea more than 100 kilometers east, sailing north in two columns, carrying Hayreddin's Jolly Roger.

After Alfred received the news, he immediately asked Hayreddin for confirmation. Then Hayreddin scolded his old enemy Hedem of the Ghazi Empire for ten minutes on the radio using "expletive language from the Kingdom of Ekush".

Obviously, the fleet of the Ghazi Empire was going to circle counterclockwise from the east and pretend to be the fleet of Hayreddin heading south from the mouth of the Danube.

The battle siren sounded on the Flying Tulip, and everyone, including Lilu, put on helmets and life jackets.

The water wheel began to rotate faster, making bursts of water splash, and the ship began to sail toward the northeast.

Soon after, Hayreddin's voice came over the radio to greet Alfred's family: "[Pirate greeting to the whole family]! Why did you rush up?"

Alfred said excitedly: "I have calculated that we will catch up with the Ghazi Empire's fleet in the early morning!"

"Then what?" Hayredin asked angrily, "You only have three ships, so you dare to rush up and challenge more than a hundred ships on the other side?"

Alfred replied matter-of-factly: "Yes."

Lilu covered her mouth and snickered. Alfred's actions were always bold but well calculated. It seemed that the decision of a narrow escape was not as dangerous as it seemed.

Hayredin was silent for a long time before continuing to scold: "[peach blossom stone expletive]! Don't forget that Wesson's woman is on the ship. If something goes wrong with her, believe it or not, Wesson will dig up all your ancestral graves!"

"It doesn't matter." Alfred said calmly, "No one knows my last name so far, and the boss can't find where my family's ancestral grave is."

"Well...if he is found, at worst, I will pay him my sister. My sister's figure is hundreds of miles away...Ouch! Captain, please spare your life!"

At this time, Hayredin was completely speechless. Alfred even resorted to the trick of asking Lilu to interrupt the call. Nothing he said was of any use.

Hayredin told this matter to Helmut, who was staying in Majiapu City, but he just reported it and went through the process.

"Are all the people in Wesson State crazy?" Hayredin shook his head and sighed, "Wesson alone dares to break into a battle of ten thousand people, and with eight hundred men, he dares to attack a hundred thousand people. With three ships under his command, He dares to charge more than a hundred ships and also wants to fight at night. Is his woman as crazy as him?"

Helmut just smiled and said nothing.

There was a slight deviation in Alfred's calculations. The Ghazi Empire's fleet did not directly turn counterclockwise on the sea, but went all the way north and docked overseas at the Kerium Peninsula in the north of the Dark Sea late at night.

The beach was brightly lit, and a camp of several thousand people had already been established.

All the boats lined up along the coast, and small boats kept shuttling between the coast and the boats, allowing people on the shore to board the boats.

Obviously, their goal is not only to destroy the fleet outside Majiapu City, but also to attack the city.

The flattops Lexington and Saratoga had recovered the Kirov airships and were loading them with incendiary bombs.

At three o'clock in the morning, when the Ghazi Empire's fleet was about to load all the mercenaries on the shore onto the ship, someone saw two monsters flying from the sky with blood-filled mouths wide open.

These two monsters were about 100 meters away from the sea, and they were not flying very fast one behind the other.

On the Kirov 1 airship, the bombardier shouted: "We have entered the bombing route, maintain altitude and speed!"

The captain repeated to the pilot: "Maintain high speed!"

After a moment the bombardier shouted: "10 seconds countdown!"

The captain suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, music!"

Then she flipped a switch.

People on the ground and at sea watched in amazement as these two unprecedented "warcraft" flew by. While everyone was talking about it, a loud music sound suddenly came out.

To the sound of a symphonic version of "Over the Moon", the Kirov 1 airship dropped a bomb on the first ship.

I saw this big black lump hitting the deck of the inner bow, making a loud noise. A black hole was smashed on the deck, and the sound even penetrated the second deck.

The captain of the Kirov 1 airship shouted in surprise: "Why didn't it explode?"

The bombardier immediately replied: "There must be something wrong with the fuse again!"

The captain complained: "What happened to the people in the maintenance squad? Next time, don't date their squad leader."

They complained, but the work at hand did not stop. A 50kg incendiary bomb was dropped on every third ship.

Because the airship flies neither too low nor too fast, the direct hit rate reaches half. Most of those that do not hit the target are closer than the killing radius.

It's just that there was something wrong with the fuses of these incendiary bombs. They actually didn't work. They smashed a hole in the deck of the ship or caused a splash of water.

Fortunately, there is a timer fuse inside the incendiary bomb. The principle is like the pull tab of a wooden handle grenade. The incendiary bomb will detonate about 15 seconds after leaving the bomb delivery bay.

At first, people thought that this monster could only throw stones, like an eagle, which would take a turtle up into the sky and throw stones on it to smash the turtle shell, and its cry would be deafening.

Someone tried to set up a bow and shoot an arrow, but was discovered by the machine gunners on both sides of the pod, and the greetings of the twin Pea Gatling were quickly summoned.

The timed fuse started working, and the first ship instantly turned into an erupting volcano. Hot flames spurted out from the holes, hatches, and portholes, and even the sails were ignited.

A few people on the deck of the entire ship jumped overboard in time to survive. The people in the cabin and the entire ship burned for three days and three nights.

The second incendiary bomb hit the main mast and exploded, and the entire ship was baptized with fire from stem to stern. There was no one alive on the deck, and people in the cabin were scrambling to jump out of the ship through the portholes.

Seeing this, people on other ships jumped off the ship and fled. The Kirov airship ignored them. All it wanted was to drive away the crew and prepare for the next step.

The Flying Tulip, Lexington, and Saratoga arrived. The three ships lined up in a straight line and sailed arrogantly less than 100 meters away from the Ghazi Empire fleet.

The two Kirov airships only carried 32 incendiary bombs, and the ships beyond them were not attacked.

Alfred assigned tasks to each ship. The Flying Tulip at the front was responsible for opening holes in the enemy's hull, and the two ships at the back fired all flammable weapons into the holes.

The beach seemed to be wearing a fiery red necklace, and the bright beads were the burning ships.

Someone on the shore wanted to put out the fire. At this time, Alfred had ordered the fleet to turn around. If you put out the fire on the shore, the sea will burn more intensely.

The monsters on the sea and in the air left. The survivors of the Ghazi Empire and the mercenaries they hired sat on the beach illuminated by the fire. Many people's minds were blank and they still don't understand what happened.

On the two flat-top boats, after the airship landed, it was checked that there was no serious problem, and it was immediately reloaded. This time it was loaded with 5kg personnel anti-personnel bombs, which were specially used to eliminate dense unprotected crowds.

The people sitting on the beach were a little sparse. This time the airship rose to an altitude of 1,000 meters, and the bombs dropped on everyone.

The enemies on the ground collapsed in the explosion, and everyone who could run ran away from the sea without looking back.

After receiving the report of the airship, Alfred ordered to return. The people of the Ghazi Empire lost their ships and had the ability to swim to Majiapu City.

Many years later, a new custom emerged in the surrounding areas. People who made a living at sea would tie a fat flying shark with cloth and paper and hang it on the highest point of the mast around the summer solstice.

This is telling the flying shark in the sky that we already have your little baby here, so there is no need to use this boat to lay eggs.

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