Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 305 Make Glory Purer

The vast majority of tourists on Cyclops Island are people who have money and leisure to have fun, and they will go wherever there is fun.

Recently, a new piece of music has been reported in Lacheng. The city owner, Duke Guedin, is planning to kill four elephants and remove the bones on site to see if they are really the same as the bones of the Cyclops.

Nowadays, all the houses and rooftops around the central square of the city have been rented out. If the city lord hadn't suddenly remembered, Frederick would have almost gone to live somewhere far away.

Carpenters were busy building shelves in the square, and Frederick directed a group of people to install the skeletons just brought from the fishing port on the shelves.

There was only a circle of rope around it, and there were city defense troops to maintain order. There were people standing outside to watch the fun.

To keep them occupied, Frederick hung up Sir Clare's sketches of bones, which included three views of the whole body and partial details of various parts.

The skeleton of the Cyclops was erected little by little under the spotlight, and the elephants waiting to be slaughtered were also kept in the fence next to it.

These four elephants are a pair of saber-toothed elephants from Linhai and a pair of gray-skinned elephants from further south. They were originally pets of the nobles in the surrounding areas, and now they are all donated.

As the skeletons were put together, everyone gradually discovered that the two sides seemed to be somewhat similar.

Yvette and her younger sister Lulu also came to the square that day, and managed to squeeze in to the front of the female guest area.

Lulu counted the bones: "1, 2, 3..."

Yvette asked her little sister curiously: "What are you counting?"

Lulu pointed to the legs of the skeleton and replied: "I'm counting how many toes there are on its legs. Are they the same as the ones next to it?"

Yvette asked her again: "Is it the same?"

"They're the same." Lulu said thoughtfully, "And the position of their knees is also very close in proportion."

At this time, Frederick came over. Before even saying hello, Lulu pointed to the skull that was about to be hoisted and said, "But its teeth are not as long as the others."

After greeting them, Frederick said: "This is normal. There is a big gap even between people."

Lulu was stunned for a moment, looked down at the reason why she was called "brother" by this hateful guy, then turned to look at the second sister with a great ambition, gritted her teeth and said: "Come out, believe it or not, I will beat you to death!"

Frederick just smiled and asked them: "Why don't you see Ai Lei today?"

Lulu pouted and said, "What are you doing with eldest sister? Do you want to date her?"

"Hmph, I won't agree to it!"

Frederick smiled and said: "No, I just want to ask her if she agrees with me dating you."

Lulu immediately blushed and stared at this guy with gritted teeth.

Yvette looked very sad and said, "Oh... no one wants to date me."

After joking, Yvette asked Frederick: "When can you finish here?"

Frederick replied: "It's quick. It will take up to two days to put the skull and ribs on."

Yvette smiled and said, "Really? I'm looking forward to it."

Lulu pouted and said, "I still need a nose."

Frederick just smiled and did not answer her words. Instead, he started chatting with Yvette, which made her pouting even more angrily.

The next step was to hang the skull on the shelf. Frederick wanted to watch, so he ended the chat.

Three days later, the square was filled with people and the surrounding rooftops were packed.

After the Cyclops skeleton was assembled, Frederick accompanied the city lord, Duke Gedin and his daughter Marama, around twice, introducing data such as the number of bones and body size.

Duke Guedin behaved very calmly, but his daughter was quite interested and kept asking all kinds of questions.

A high platform was set up nearby. After a group of people sat down on the high platform, Duke Gadding waved his hand, and a tsunami of wailing and exclamations suddenly sounded in the square.

Duke Guedin's men stabbed the elephants through the heart with a spear, and the four elephants soon fell heavily to the ground.

A group of hunters hired from the south appeared. They skillfully skinned and fleshed the elephant's carcass, then put it on a carriage and took it away.

Behind the window of a building next to the square, Eliud sat there quietly, his left hand pressing the "Holy Scripture" on his knee, and his right hand rhythmically moving a string of small pebbles to drill holes directly. Rosary beads.

Sitting beside him was a thin old man who was also wearing a white divine robe. Frederick would be shocked if he saw it.

"Victor," Alfred asked, looking at the elephant being dismembered, "what do you think of what Wesson said?"

Victor replied in a low voice: "What Wesson said, 'Don't add entities unless necessary' is like a razor, removing the glory of the God of Light from many places."

Eliud did not get angry because of this, but continued to ask calmly: "So, he is a devil trying to tarnish the glory of God?"

Victor's tone of voice didn't change at all, he was still so calm: "I think he made the glory of the God of Light purer."

Alfred didn't respond at all, and he didn't know if he heard it.

Victor continued: "There is no archbishop or above in the Holy City who does not have more than five children. You have six children, as many as me."

"The wealth of a priest has long exceeded the requirements of 'just food and shelter from cold' in the Holy Scriptures. The total amount of land I control is comparable to that of a count."

"The nobles have long been dissatisfied with us. What we lacked from being guests to pigs and cows in the slaughterhouse is just an opportunity. Excuses have never been a problem."

After he finished speaking, he sat there in silence. Everyone knew these things, but no one wanted to tell them. The paladins behind him broke out in cold sweat.

Alfred said in a deep voice: "Victor, you changed after you walked the path of repentance."

Victor's voice suddenly became louder: "When I repented, the angel brought the oracle of the God of Light. True repentance is to use actions to make up for previous sins."

Eliud still seemed calm, and the entire Holy City knew that Victor received the oracle during his confession.

As for the attitude of other priests, you can see it from the "nephews" and "nieces" who keep popping up.

As a result, Victor now looks so out of place in the Holy City, and some people find it an eyesore.

The room fell silent, no one spoke anymore, and Alfred was thinking as he plucked the pebble beads.

The hunters in the square moved quickly, and in the afternoon, four elephant skeletons with all their flesh removed appeared in front of everyone.

The onlookers ignored the smell of blood. They kept the Cyclops bones in their minds for the past two days and carefully compared them with the elephant bones.

Half an hour later, a priest came behind Eliud and said seriously: "The number of bones is the same, the structure is the same, and there are a few differences in appearance and size."

Alfred nodded, stood up, looked at the elephant bones spread out on the ground and said, "Victor, next month you can run for Cardinal and then return to the Rhine League."

Victor stood up and saluted and replied respectfully: "Yes, Principal."

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