Frederick had seen many beauties, large and small, in his previous life, and he had seen even more after coming here. There were blond maids in the castle, Katie from the south, who had the traditional appearance of the First Pulan Empire, and others who came here. The dark-skinned pagan merchants doing business, and Psyche with the Aegean style, etc., thought that they would never be moved by beauty again in this life.

However, when he saw Philip's six-year-old daughter Maria running out of the castle and running across the suspension bridge toward him...with Philip beside him, he felt that his heart rate had exceeded the sky.

Maria's skin is as white as winter snow, her facial features are as delicate as a doll's, her rosy face is like a ripe apple, her laughter is like the sound of nature, her hair and eyes are as black as charcoal, and like Katie, she is the first The style of Pulan Empire.

Philip happily picked up his daughter and did not notice a pig appearing next to him.

A look startled Frederick and he immediately came to his senses.

A noble lady walked out of the castle gate. She had black hair and eyes like Maria, and she was looking at Frederick with a half-smile.

Philip's wife Sofia walked to the carriage and said to her daughter: "Hurry up and greet the guests."

The father and daughter were talking about their longings before they realized there was a guy next to them.

After some introduction, Maria gently raised the hem of her skirt with both hands, bowed and said, "Baron Wesson, welcome to Lore."

After she finished speaking, her big, watery eyes looked curiously at the peer in strange clothes in front of her.

Frederick returned to normal and said with a smile: "Miss Eltar, nice to meet you."

Then he greeted Sophia again and was surprised to find that the lady's face was pale and her eye sockets were a little sunken. She must be sick.

After some greetings, Sofia took Frederick's hand and said, "You're welcome here, it's just like coming home."

Frederick immediately replied: "I feel sorry for disturbing my lady."

"It doesn't matter." Sophia pulled him towards the castle. "The hiking trails here are very famous. They are fun in spring, summer, autumn and winter. Come here often when you have time."

"It's very hot this summer, but it's very cool in the mountains. If you're interested, you can go there recently."

Phillip pulled his daughter behind and heard something wrong in his wife's words after only a few steps.

Yesterday someone rushed back to report the news, and today Sophia has prepared a residence for Frederick and his servants in the castle.

Taking into account the tiring journey, the lunch was not luxurious, but the portion was substantial.

Arriving at the restaurant, Frederick saw a lot of Wesson bags on the dining table.

Wesson buns have been spread here, but the food sandwiched between the two pieces of bread has been replaced by local specialties.

And because eating them with big mouthfuls looks very inelegant, these buns are not very big and can be finished in two or three bites.

Frederick picked up a small Wesson bag at the hostess's greeting, and his eyes suddenly lit up after taking one bite.

I don’t know what spices were added to the fried beef patties. After being sliced ​​and fried, it has a mellow taste, which is different from the ones from Weisen.

The green sauce is made of parsley, sorrel, borage, anise, chives, parsley and dill. It has a light taste and a unique aroma. If Gul'dan had made this pot of stuff, Taste, Hellraiser can drink two more bowls.

There is also cheese with a slight yogurt flavor and fresh vegetable leaves. The combination of the taste is not bad.

Now Frederick's appetite began to increase, and naturally a small Wesson bag couldn't fill his stomach. Seeing Sofia chatting with Philip, he reached out to get another one.

When he was eating his fourth meal, he suddenly found Maria across the table looking at him and snickering, so he asked her: "What's so happy about it?"

Maria replied: "You eat so much!"

Frederick said: "Because it's delicious."

Unexpectedly, the little girl pouted and said, "You eat so much, my father doesn't have to eat."

Frederick was speechless and immediately changed the subject: "I'll bring you a toy. I'll teach you how to play with it later."

When it came to having toys to play with, Maria immediately asked curiously, regardless of whether her father was full, "What kind of toy is it? Is it fun?"

It turns out that checkers are very attractive to young children in this era of lack of toys.

Especially when Frederick asked her to win two games and then lose one. As a result, she was dragged by the little girl to play checkers all afternoon.

In the study, after having lunch, Philip began to deal with the work accumulated during the trip.

Sophia came to the study and said reproachfully: "You are so tired along the way, why don't you take a rest?"

Philip was reading a letter of appointment from the Grand Duke of Mainz appointing himself as the governor of the glass mirror workshop. After putting it down, he said: "Baron Wesson's carriage is very special. It is fast and not bumpy, and you are not tired when you sit on it."

"When this time's work is over, I'll go to his place and buy you a car, so you can go out more often."

Sofia sat down on the chair in front of the desk and waved the maid away. They were the only two people left in the study.

"What do you think of Baron Wesson?" Sofia asked.

Philip replied: "He has been a very smart boy since he was a child. He has a good reputation in the territory. His vassals are loyal to him. Now he is taught by the sword master Richard Nall and an unknown teacher. For the indispensable reason, Limited.”

Sofia asked again: "Is he engaged?"

"I haven't heard of it." Philip was suddenly startled, "Do you want to..."

Sofia did not answer immediately, but walked to the bookshelf and took a thick book and put it in front of her husband.

"You have been busy outside, so I will take care of Maria's affairs." She said, "There are suitable candidates within a radius of 300 kilometers. Take a look."

The expression on Phillip's face changed for the better as he breathed. Instead of flipping through the book, he asked, "Where does this come from?"

Sofia replied: "I heard about it all in the salon and had someone verify it."

Philip was speechless. Noble ladies had their own social circles. National affairs aside, all kinds of family news spread real and fast. Maybe his daughter's information was also recorded in other people's homes.

"There is no need to be so hasty," he said softly to his wife, "Maria is only six years old, it is too early to discuss marriage."

A helpless smile appeared on Sophia's pale face, and she sighed and said, "I know my own body. I'm afraid I won't be able to wait until that time."

Phillip stood up and walked behind the lady, held her shoulders with both hands, and said softly: "Don't worry, there will be a way."

"Baron Wesson has many scholars from the East Puran Empire's Constantbule. I will ask after a while, maybe there is a way."

Sofia just smiled slightly, stretched out her right hand and gently patted her husband's hand on her left shoulder, and then held it tightly.

She had heard similar words from her husband many times over the years, and had visited many doctors and pharmacists. In the end, there was no other way except eating and drinking and taking some drugs that treated the symptoms rather than the root cause to reduce the symptoms.

Sofia tilted her head, pressed her face on the back of her husband's hand on her right shoulder, and whispered: "The only one I'm worried about is Maria. I'm worried that someone will bully her after I leave."

"I think Baron Wesson is pretty good. You said he's smart. He also has the Sword Master. He won't let Maria suffer no matter what."

At this point, Philip would not directly refute his wife, but said softly: "They are still young now, let's talk about it in a few years."

At this time, Maria felt that it was no longer challenging to beat Frederick in checkers, so she took out her toys and played with them.

She took out a cylindrical object from the box and pulled Frederick to the highest watchtower of the castle.

Luol is surrounded by mountains, and birds fly from time to time.

"Look!" Maria proudly handed the monocular to Frederick, "With this, you can see the birds in the mountains and the lambs in the fields!"

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