Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 337 Secret Connection

The clouds of war in Wessen did not affect the feasting in Cologne.

At the beginning of the lanterns, there was a line of gorgeous carriages in front of the theater. The nobles in the city were wearing brightly colored clothes and sparkling jewelry. They didn't know whether they were coming to watch the show or to show off.

Today is the third day of the performance of the play "Cut a Large Meat" written by Duke Wesson himself. It is said that this play was inspired by his travels and was then handed over to Lord Shakespeare, the chief minister of the Hall of Arms, for personal polishing. and orchestration.

Many nobles were envious and envious of the Shakespeare family. This family, who was born as an actor, had more and more money after the woman in the family became the mistress of Duke Wesson. They even got an unused horse that Duke Wesson gave to Prince Rudolf. The same bang bang car he pulled was unparalleled in the limelight for a while.

In recent years, after the Shakespeare family became rich, they expanded the family's theater troupe, funded many playwrights, and even invited famous people from the Kingdom of Gaul and Sardinia. This "A Big Piece of Meat" has everything from adaptation to actors. He is a popular practitioner, and many actors come here because of his reputation and even pay money to be a background figure.

The atmosphere in front of the theater that day was a bit strange. A variegated mule was walking slowly in front of the road. The old man riding the mule was wearing linen clothes like a farmer and a straw hat on his head. He didn't care at all behind him. Followed by a long line of expensive carriages.

The carriage of Count and Lady Delden, one of the deputy heads of the Royal Knights, is in the convoy. Lady Delden is asking her husband: "Are you ready?"

Earl Delden just nodded and said nothing more.

Mrs. Derden added: "It would be great if Lord Hegel would agree to go with you."

Earl Delden replied: "He came today, which means that he has agreed to our invitation in principle, and all that is left is to bargain."

Mrs. Delden breathed a sigh of relief and added, "I didn't expect Frederick to be so generous this time. He sold nearly 100 kilometers of farmland along the river valley at his request."

"And... that person... alas... I won't talk anymore."

Earl Delden knew who his wife was talking about and shook his head.

He suddenly said: "It would be nice if that man was as smart as Duke Wesson, or..."

Mrs. Delden's face suddenly turned pale and she asked hurriedly: "Is this your own nonsense, or does other people also mean this?"

Earl Delden was silent for a moment and said: "It's all our nonsense."

At this time, the Ammu mule walking in the front stopped at one end of the red carpet in front of the theater, and Duke Hegel jumped off the back of the mule.

The eldest son of Earl Shakespeare, who was waiting aside, bowed and saluted: "Welcome, Duke Hegel, to come to watch the performance. Because my father has difficulty with his legs and feet, I will take you to the box."

Duke Hegel's grandson was burned to death in the "Angels Cry" incident because of his many evil deeds. Later, the Hegel family dispersed their property in Cologne and escaped. Duke Hegel took his family back to their territory.

Over the years, Duke Hegel has handed over the territory to his son to manage. He has been living a farmer's life in the manor, but he is still very well-informed about the news in the royal capital. He has received letters from Count Shakespeare and news from some nobles. Finally decided to take this trip.

But he found that there seemed to be some things that he didn't know, such as Earl Shakespeare's injury.

Duke Hegel came to the box and saw Count Shakespeare lying on a recliner with his entire right leg in a plaster. He frowned and asked, "Why, did you fall because your leg went numb when you went to the toilet?"

The upper limit of trauma medical treatment in this world is very high, and the Shakespeare family is not without money, so there is no reason why they cannot receive high-end treatment.

As the king's domestic diplomat, Earl Shakespeare often dealt with nobles, and he knew the sword master's temper very well. He said with a helpless look: "If my bones are as hard as your nails, That won’t be the case.”

Duke Hegel waved his hand after sitting down on a lounge chair nearby and said: "There is no need to compliment me like before. Why, was he assassinated?"

He is a speed type among sword masters and is good at assassination, so he naturally thought about it.

Earl Shakespeare shook his head and said: "It's nothing, it's just that I haven't pedaled for a long time. I accidentally lost my hand and was smashed. The bones of my thigh and calf were broken."

Duke Hegel was speechless for a moment. Wheel riding is a very common sideshow. People lie on the ground or on a shelf, and their legs pedal a carriage wheel to perform different tricks. A wheel is not light, and it might kill someone.

He took a sip of the happy water with floating ice cubes brought by the servant and then said: "You are a lot older and your grandchildren have children. You think your body is as strong as mine."

Earl Shakespeare said with a sad face: "What can I do? Our future Crown Princess, Princess Antonia, insists on watching my performance, so I can only bite the bullet and do it."

"Well, I'm getting old. Cardinal Victor said that the bones stored in my body at my age are too nutrient-poor, so I can't cure them all at once with healing techniques. I can only nourish them slowly."

Duke Hegel frowned and asked: "That woman is so silly, why doesn't Rudolf stop her?"

Count Shakespeare hesitated to speak, and finally sighed and shook his head.

Duke Hegel narrowed his eyes slightly and realized that this matter was not simple, so he asked directly: "Are you dissatisfied with Rudolf?"

He was a sword master and would not be called upon for saying something, but Earl Shakespeare could not speak so openly and immediately said: "Don't dare, we are more loyal to His Royal Highness than Duke Wesson's hot air balloon." high!"

Duke Hegel turned to look at him, understood the meaning, and said calmly: "Rudolf is a good boy and can still be taught well."

Earl Shakespeare nodded and said, "Yes, we think so too."

Then he said straight to the point: "The worst plan is to let Duke Wesson become the regent."

Duke Hegel took a sip of happy water and said slowly: "Your idea is very good, but can you guarantee that Duke Wesson has no other ideas?"

"I have power that far exceeds yours. Duke Wesson has power that far exceeds yours in the military. At this point, I have the same way of thinking as him."

"Can you guarantee that Duke Wesson will not have other ideas when he is only one step away from the throne?"

"Don't expect your granddaughter to control Wesson on this kind of thing. You know who the woman will choose to help at that time."

Count Shakespeare seemed not to have heard what he said, and talked about other seemingly unrelated things: "The Kingdom of Gaul has lost all its profits from the Kingdom of Lisenberg, and these losses must be recovered from other places. Make it up."

Duke Hegel understood what he meant. When Frederick secretly helped the Kingdom of Lisenberg to regain its lost territory, these nobles all provided more or less help.

It’s just that they originally wanted to use the Kingdom of Lisenberg to slap the Kingdom of Gaul, but they didn’t expect that they pushed Gaul into the sea in the end. If it weren’t for a young man who led his men to fight to the death outside the port, the entire Gallic army would have been dumped. .

No one knows how much Frederick contributed during this process. They only know that the Dawn Chamber of Commerce of the Wesson family is now almost tax-free at the port of the Kingdom of Lisenberg.

If the Kingdom of Gaul wants to regain its blood, the most convenient thing is to put on the vest from the lowlands and attack the northern region of the Rhine League. Not only will it bring benefits, but it will also avenge it.

Earl Shakespeare continued: "There are deep conflicts between the Kingdom of Gaul and the Kingdom of England across the sea to the north. We have been sending people to the Kingdom of England and have made considerable progress."

Duke Hegel nodded slightly. If he could really provoke the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Gaul to fight, the west of the Rhine League would be safe.

Earl Shakespeare added: "Emperor Ferdinand of the Osmaga Empire is about to die soon. No matter who takes the throne at that time, it will take three to five years to settle down the country."

Duke Hegel continued to nod. Another powerful enemy in the west would not be exposed to the outside world for a short time.

Count Shakespeare finally said: "The Piast Kingdom was frightened by Duke Wesson in the early years. Now they are attacking the barbarians in the east and ignoring the west."

Duke Hegel turned the international situation around in his mind, and then asked in surprise: "What are you planning to do next, east of the Elbe River?"

Earl Shakespeare nodded and said: "The opportunity to regain our homeland is right in front of us. Such an external environment is rare. If you miss it, you don't know when it will appear again."

"As long as Duke Wesson occupies the Principality of Franconia and the League of Regens and cuts off the Osmaga Empire's passage to the north, we can cross the Elbe River to the west."

Duke Hegel's eyes began to shine. Foreign war means land and wealth. Because of his existence, the family will definitely be able to cut a big piece of the cake. There is no reason not to support it.

The key to the Eastern Expedition is to help Duke Wesson occupy the Franconia and the League of Regens first. Without the support of the Osmaga Empire, the loose nobles east of the Elbe River are no match for the Rhine League.

"Okay!" Duke Hegel agreed, "I agree to join you."

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