Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 345 An unexpected gain

By the creek, a man in traditional hunter attire was putting water in the water. When he was about to lift his pants, two black figures rushed out of the woods behind him. In the blink of an eye, they pushed him to the ground and put his hands on his back.

The person who was arrested was a man who had just entered old age. He had a rosy complexion, and his clothes and shoes were of good quality. He was a man with a small fortune.

"One of our own!" the man shouted, "I am one of our own!"

Spike, the young soldier who held him down, sneered and asked, "Who are you and your friend?"

The man continued to shout anxiously: "I am really one of my own!"

Metzger came over and saw that another soldier only found an ordinary dagger and some coins from him. He thought if this man was either an ordinary person or a well-trained spy.

"Where are you from?" Metzger asked.

The man replied: "My name is Farben, and I am the steward of Hoffman Village."

Metzger asked again: "Where is this village?"

Farben replied: "It only takes half a day to walk downstream along the creek."

Metzger frowned and memorized all the maps nearby. There was no village with this name around.

"It seems you are dishonest." He shook his head and said, "Just dig a hole and bury it directly."

If the water hadn't just been released, Farben would have peed out right now.

It has always been common for the army to kill civilians. From having fun after meals to using fellow villagers' heads, from the wind being a little noisy today to the rice they just ate having too much salt, the most indispensable thing is excuses to kill.

Not to mention that it was war time. Farben felt that before being stripped naked and buried in a pit, his ears would be cut off and become part of their military merit.

"Master, please spare my life!" Farben struggled desperately, but was pinned down tightly and could only bully the grass beneath him.

He continued to shout: "I am one of our own, and many people in our village are related to your Mr. Hoffman!"

"Also, my son, he works in Mr. Benz's car factory, and he even talked to Duke Wesson!"

Metzger raised his eyebrows and asked him with interest: "Which Mr. Hoffman are you talking about?"

Farben said hurriedly: "That's Mr. Hoffmann who has four wives!"

Metzger thought for a moment. Hoffman’s hometown was just downstream of the creek, and it might be the same place this man was talking about.

On the top of a hill nearby, the regular army and militiamen formed a circular defensive position. Hoffman was lying in the grass like everyone else. When Metzger sent someone up to call him, his head was full of questions.

Hoffmann went down to the foot of the mountain and was shocked when he saw the man on the ground. He asked, "Sir, why are you here?"

Farben did not expect that Hoffman would appear here, and said hurriedly: "No, no, no, you are the master!"

"Mr. Hoffman, I'm here specifically to see you!"

"Master... no, that pig that can only sleep, he was sent to guard Byro City. Madam said that she can help bring people in!"

Hoffman frowned and said nothing. The knight in the village was very old and very sick. Now he slept more than twelve hours a day. Everyone was waiting for him to wake up one day and how could he be sent to defend the city.

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Farben hurriedly said: "Archduke Franken gave the sleepy pig a secret medicine. After taking it, he can be as energetic as before, but he will not live until next spring."

"The Grand Duke has said that as long as he agrees to take the medicine and defend Byro City, after the battle, he will be conferred the title of eldest young master and inherit the knighthood."

Hoffman curled his lips. Not to mention the secret medicine, the young master couldn't even ride a donkey, but he could actually become a knight.

Farben continued: "You should know that Madam was actually sold to sleepy pigs..."

Hoffman shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Farben choked and thought to himself, he used to be a serf, how could he know what was going on in the big house.

"That's right," Farben explained briefly, "My wife's family was a businessman. They owed a large sum of money at that time, so my wife's family sold her to Sleepy Pig. By the way, the second lady is not the child of Sleepy Pig, she is just a child of Sleepy Pig. I know he is the escort knight of a foreign lord."

"The madam said that she can take people to Sleepy Pig. After that, she just wants to give the second lady a place to be admitted to Weisenberg University without taking the exam."

Hoffman nodded. His wife had asked him about university quotas several times before. After she was elected as a member of the parliament, she even went to Weissenburg to ask. However, the right to exempt university admissions from examinations only belongs to Duke Weissen. Not even His Excellency Richard Nall, and I couldn't do anything about it.

From this point of view, it should not be surprising that a mother would help her daughter.

Hoffman had no control over the matter and turned to look at Metzger.

Metzger was thinking about it. The city of Barrow was a larger city in the Principality of Franconia. It vaguely supported each other with the enemy camp. It was the main defense direction of the large forces blocking the retreat. It was also the expected direction of Franconia. The archduke's main escape destination has a very important geographical location.

However, it is unreasonable to entrust such an important place to a knight who takes drugs and consumes his life. No matter in terms of his title or ability, it is unreasonable.

He was too lazy to think about it. Firstly, he did not have the authority to handle such a big matter. Secondly, it conflicted with his established goals and it was impossible to cross the line and participate in this matter.

They carried communicators and reported the situation immediately.

The headquarters quickly replied: "Read it, continue to perform the original mission. -001"

Metzger told Farben: "Duke Wesson is already aware of this matter and has no reply at the moment."

This was the first time for Farben to see the legendary communicator. He had lost his virginity just now. After coming back to his senses, he asked: "Duke Wesson didn't refuse, did he?"

Metzger replied: "There was no explicit rejection."

He added: "You have seen us. Logically speaking, you cannot be allowed to go back and report the news."

"Now you have two choices, either follow us, or..."

Before Metzger finished speaking, Farben immediately chose to follow them. The second option was a dead end.

Next, the team rested for two hours by the creek as originally planned. Half an hour after starting to rest, everyone took out dry food and water for lunch.

When the break was about to end, the headquarters called the team's communicator and got the latest order.

Metzger was a little surprised, so he called Hoffman and asked: "Is there a larger open space near the rest point tonight?"

Hoffman thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "No, it's all mountains. There's only some grass by the river at the foot of the mountains."

Metzger reported this situation back to the headquarters, and soon received an order from someone to meet them tonight, asking them to place luminous signs in appropriate places, and finally added to prepare some dinner.

That night, the team arrived at the reserved camping site as planned, leaving a stewed pheasant for dinner.

In the second half of the night, someone panting met them, apparently running all the way, and then left with Farben.

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