Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 354 Chaos arose

Archduke Regens's shout caused a series of reactions. The guards outside the tent thought he was being assassinated and rushed in with their swords drawn. Archduke Franken's guards thought it was a signal that the other party was going to assassinate their master, so they rushed in without saying a word. He attacked them with force.

In the tent, the vassals of Archduke Regens saw several of their guards being hacked to death in an instant. They were on the land of the Principality of Franconia. They subconsciously thought that the other side was trying to kill them, so they took up arms. Pounce on everyone in the Principality of Franconia.

Everyone in the Principality of Franconia also believes that the other party is going to destroy them. Don’t you see, everyone has been fighting for a few years and now they are coming all the way to help. They are trying to be courteous for nothing and are either treacherous or deceitful. They must have been bribed by Duke Wesson. .

If the two Grand Dukes had spoken to dissuade him at this time, things would have turned around, but they began to become suspicious.

The idea of ​​the Archduke of Franken was similar to that of the vassals, but the state of Wesson was too strong and had to suppress the idea. But what if the Archduke of Regens and the Duke of Wesson united to plot their own plans?

The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was possible, because Archduke Regens married a woman from the royal family of the Osmaga Empire and had the empire as a backer.

Not to mention the relationship between Duke Wesson and the Osmaga Empire. Princess Mary, who had escaped from the struggle for the succession of the throne, followed him to Constantbul. There are channels for the two parties to unite.

This made sense. Archduke Franken thought about it. No wonder Duke Wesson, who was always known for taking the initiative to attack, just surrounded himself. He was waiting for the Grand Kilometer of Legens to cooperate.

At this time, Archduke Legens was a little scared. It turned out that Archduke Franken was going to attack him. It seemed that they had captured and tortured his missing pet.

When he thought about the pet he loved so much in the past being tortured by them until he was covered in bruises and blood, he couldn't even feel the warmth in his pants in his anger.

It's not surprising if Archduke Regens thinks about it carefully. Now the old emperor of the Osmaga Empire can no longer get out of bed and is about to die. The battle for the throne among the princes and princesses has entered the final stage. Archduke Franken supports the eighth prince. The fourth prince who is on his side is the enemy.

The relationship between Duke Wesson and Princess Mary, the biological sister of the eighth prince, is well known. Although Princess Mary does not participate in the battle for throne succession, they are biological siblings after all, and it is normal for them to help mediate communication.

Archduke Regens finally determined that the eighth boss of the Osmaga Empire was behind this war, and asked Archduke Franken and Duke Wesson to act together to lure him out of his territory so that he could be eliminated.

It seems that there was a problem with the surrender of the three sword masters from the Franken Archduke when the Dharma God Bor on his side was killed. To say that he was allowed to slaughter the city in Nuremberg for ten days as compensation was just to paralyze himself. Smoke bombs, in order to weaken his own strength and wait for action today.

The more the two princes thought about it, the more they felt that they were right, and the fragile alliance suddenly collapsed.

Near the coalition camp, Bobo and the others immediately reported the chaos in the enemy camp, and the news quickly reached the headquarters.

Chief of Staff Helmut was hesitant, unsure whether the enemy was in complete chaos or controllable chaos, or even a conspiracy. He couldn't make up his mind for a while.

Franz Jr., as the commander, immediately ordered: "The main forces on the road will immediately attack with light equipment, attack forward, and attack from both sides. The surrounding blockade troops will closely monitor the road. Only civilians without weapons are allowed to leave. Nobles will be killed or captured."

"The air force was dispatched to carpet bomb the enemy barracks."

Sudden changes in the battlefield situation will test the level and quality of the commanders and soldiers, especially when the original plan of strict defense suddenly turns into an active attack. The transition between silence and movement is not as simple as selecting the destination with the mouse and then clicking on it.

On the road north of the coalition camp, a brigade of the main force interspersed here was commanded by Bernd. He and his two regimental commanders, Michael and Miloslav, were both second-generation knights who grew up with Frederick. Staff Officer The officer is Eugene, who just joined the Wesson Army last year and is now a cadet at the military academy.

After receiving the order, Bernd looked at the map and thought carefully for a few minutes. Without raising his head, he asked Eugene: "How long will it take us to prepare for the counterattack plan?"

Eugene immediately replied: "After the order is given, the cavalry company can set off first in ten minutes, the two quick reaction companies can set off on bicycles in light equipment at the thirty minute, and the follow-up troops can set off on the carriages pulling the baggage in the forty-fifth minute. Artillery and baggage trains followed.”

"Okay!" Bernd quickly made up his mind, "Eugene, you stay at the camp with 500 people, and at the same time pay attention to what's going on in Byro City. If there is any need from the principal, go to the principal immediately for support."

"Miroslav, you take the cavalry company and the quick reaction company first. You must arrive at the battlefield as quickly as possible and at least put pressure on the enemy."

"Michael, you take the infantry in a vehicle. When you arrive on the battlefield, you must first capture a commanding height."

"The artillerymen and I will arrive soon and set up artillery positions on the commanding heights."

The order was conveyed quickly. The cavalry, which was the counter-charge force, were already with the war horses. After receiving the order, they immediately mounted their horses and rushed out of the military camp as a whole team.

The quick reaction company is equipped with a large number of bicycles and tricycles. It is a light infantry that relies on road firefighting, plugging leaks and rapid maneuvers. Once it is unable to ride on the road, it becomes ordinary infantry.

Because of their nature as firefighters, a large number of weapons and equipment were placed on the vehicle in advance, and they quickly set off behind the cavalry.

The infantry and artillery were originally in defensive positions, and it took time to prepare and board vehicles, so they had to set off last.

The detailed and complete plan and sufficient training played a huge role at this moment. The entire military camp and position were busy but not chaotic, and the attack was completed within the scheduled time.

At the same time, Metzger was listening to Hozenplots talk about how to knock down trees on the roadside to stop caravans from snatching carriages. The latest order from the headquarters came: "Guard all roads and allow civilians without weapons to pass. Nobles will be allowed to pass." Killed or captured.”

The two looked at each other. Could it be that the main force had launched a general attack in advance and he was trying to intercept the defeated troops?

Metzger and Hozenplotz discussed it and immediately moved forward six kilometers and concentrated their efforts to set up a roadblock at the intersection where the mountain roads converged.

That intersection was within the attack range of the enemy's cavalry, so I never considered it. Since we were gathering broken troops, we could be bolder.

Metzger led the regular soldiers lightly and arrived at the predetermined location in less than half an hour. An hour later, Hozenplotz arrived with the militiamen carrying supplies.

A simple checkpoint was built with chopped trees on the road. Several soldiers were guarding it with guns. Pea Gatling was hidden and arranged on the mountain behind. Dozens of fleeing farmers had been blocked outside.

Wesson soldiers wearing gas masks were so intimidating that the farmers were so frightened that they could not communicate with each other.

Fortunately, Hoffman came over and talked to the farmers with a local accent, and soon got a lot of strange information.

"The Archduke of Franken and the Archduke of Regens fight."

"The Archduke Regens was killed."

"The Archduke Franken sent a plague and wanted to use everyone's lives to summon the evil god!"

"The Archduke Regens was tortured to death and he screamed loudly before he died."

More and more farmers and soldiers appeared on the road, bringing all kinds of news, including the fact that the Archduke of Franken attempted to rape the Archduke of Legens.

Metzger ordered them to leave their weapons and leave.

Fortunately for the farmers, they didn't have much. Except for a few rags and ragged blankets, they only had peach stone sticks. Metzger asked them to leave the spearheads on the sticks.

One soldier wanted to keep his sword. Metzger nodded. Spike shot the man in the head and hung him upside down on the side of the road. The soldiers behind him all behaved.

Not long after, a dozen cavalrymen ran over from the front, led by a knight.

Metzger asked them to stop, but the cavalry charged instead, and were beaten into honeycomb by the Pea Gatling behind them and hung upside down in the tree.

The nobles who arrived later became better behaved, especially after learning that the person standing in front of them was Metzger, the world-famous "Emperor Killer", and they just demanded decent treatment according to tradition.

Hoffman boiled water and made tea in front of the checkpoint. Everyone sat on the ground and chatted. When they were anxious, they went to the newly dug toilet next to it. It looked so uncomfortable that some nobles who didn't know the truth thought this was a gathering point and took the initiative to dismount and join. Finally became a prisoner.

Later, someone adapted this incident into the play "Hoffmann Captured the Baron with a Cup of Tea", which spread into the space era.

At this time, Frederick had just woken up from bed. Last night, this was a city in the Principality of Franconia, and now it was the new territory of Wesson.

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