Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 361 Promoted

On June 16, His Royal Highness Prince Rudolf of the Rhine League and Princess Antonia of the Kingdom of Gaul held a grand wedding in the city of Cologne.

Duke Wesson was unable to escape due to the war, so he sent his foreign minister, Baron Christian, as his plenipotentiary to attend the wedding and presented him with a carefully prepared gift - a delta-wing paraglider.

Wesson State also wishes His Royal Highness a happy wedding, because the Duke of Wesson has ordered a day off today.

At the beginning of June, the entire Wesson government system, from Administrative Minister Frick to the cooks in the town's government canteen, were too busy to stop.

Occupying a place is not just about coloring it on a map, it is also necessary to establish a complete set of government agencies to manage it. Now that the territory and population have more than tripled, this will end the life of the Executive Yuan.

Previously, the administrative divisions of Wessen were divided into three levels: state, city, and town. Now the "Principality of Wessen" is a certainty. The Principality of Franconia and the Union of Regens were merged and split into "Lankenni" from west to east, In the three states of "Faya" and "Puts", the administrative divisions are divided into four levels: principality, state, city and town.

As a result, there will be a large number of vacancies within the government departments. It is necessary to transfer outstanding employees and officials from Weisen to new positions or to take up posts in new positions after their salary is upgraded by one or two levels. At the same time, it is necessary to arrange for the retained employees to work in other places, and to organize the retained employees to study. The entire administrative system is extremely busy with this.

The most eye-catching among them are the governors of the four states. The former governor of Wesson was the Duke of Wesson. Now there are definite rumors that he no longer holds the position of governor, and enterprising people are beginning to gear up.

The first thing to be reported was that Franz Sr., chairman of the Football Association, would serve as governor of Putz State.

Everyone has no objection to this. The old baron is loyal and hard-working. In recent years, he has been retiring in the Football Association. It is understandable that he will enjoy the glory of being a governor before completely retiring.

Then Baron Neuer, the Minister of Taxation, served as the governor of Lancney. He is also an old man from Wesson. His daughter Tarot is the personal maid of Duke Wesson - now called the secretary of life, and she is also a loyal person for generations. This arrangement is seen by everyone. It makes sense.

Not long after, the governor of Faya was elected. People were a little surprised that it was Agriculture Minister Matias.

Some people think that the Duke of Wesson made this arrangement to balance the power balance between the old Wessonists and the academics. Some people think that Faya was originally a region with developed planting industry, and letting an agricultural expert manage it was to develop local agriculture. Each has its own reason.

The debate did not last long, and everyone was waiting for the appointment of the new governor of Wesson.

It is believed that the Wesson State is the most elite region in the hands of the Duke of Wesson, and the governor must be someone with outstanding ability and loyalty.

Some people even believe that the current administrative minister Frick is preparing to retire, and the governor of Wesson is a candidate for administrative minister.

Nowadays, it is generally believed that the person who finally took this position was Finance Minister Erhard. Although he was born in Nuremberg and only took up an important position under Duke Wesson eight years ago, he has performed well over the years and has been awarded Wesson many times. Duke Sen’s praise.

Even Fatih believed that Erhad was the perfect candidate for the governor of Wesson, but he lost a feast of roasted whole camel, and he had the camel sent from his hometown.

On the day of the prince's wedding day off, Omet's house was kept clean, the flowers in the garden were in full bloom, an awning was set up on the lawn, and a place was left in the center of the long dining table for a roasted wind dragon.

Today’s guests are a star-studded group, mainly heroes from all walks of life who were born at the Royal University of Constantbul. They are:

Vice President of Weissenburg University, expert on necromancy, winner of the Golden Durian Magic Award, and convenience food tycoon Manuel;

The incoming governor of the state of Faya, an expert in plant magic, winner of the Golden Durian Biology Award, a person whose achievements are too advanced to show, and seed industry tycoon Mathias;

The next Minister of Agriculture, livestock breeding expert, winner of the Golden Durian Biological Award, and feed tycoon Monoflo;

Monalz, the director of the Metallurgical Department of the Ministry of Industry who is about to succeed Ogilvy as the Minister of Industry, a senior expert in metal materials, the winner of this year’s Golden Durian Alchemy Award, and the person whose achievements are too advanced to show off;

The first echelon of the wealth list, the winner of the Golden Durian Human Medicine Award, the pharmaceutical giant "the toxicologist who does not do his job" Frederick;

Fertilizer magnate Fritz, dean of the School of Alchemy at Weisenberg University;

Diesel, one of the founders of the Wesson military ordnance industry, an expert who enjoys special treatment from the Wesson state government, and a rising implosion machine tycoon;

Julius is the director of the Wesson Army Explosives Research Institute, an expert who enjoys special treatment from the Wesson State Government, the winner of the Golden Durian Alchemy Award, and a person whose achievements were too advanced to be displayed.

The eight of them, together with the new governor of Weissenburg, the golem puppet and simulated soul expert, the winner of the Golden Durian Magic Award, and Omet, whose achievements are too advanced to be displayed, are called the "Nine Nine" of Weissenburg University by the busybody. "Head Siren" is the core figure of the academic school.

In addition, there are students from Ogilvy and Mather, including Schmidt, the director of the Wesson Heavy Machinery Factory, who was hailed as the "Pearl of Wesson" by Frederick, the slime glue giant BASF, which ranks first on the fortune list, and the thermos cup. Tycoon Duval and others are the backbone of the academic group.

People are in high spirits during happy events, and All Might held a wine glass and joked with everyone.

Diesel said with a smile: "After eating grilled swordfish at Matthias' house a few days ago, I only ate some steamed buns and vegetables, just to wait for today's meal."

All Might smiled and said, "Okay, I'll finish the tail for you later."

The wind dragon is not large in size, and its tail is about the same as a human leg. It lives in the dark continent in the north and is rarely sold in Weisen State.

Manuel came over to talk about business: "I didn't expect you and Matias to become governors. It's beyond everyone's expectations."

All Might raised the wine glass in his hand and said, "This is all cultivated by the principal."

Manuel sighed with emotion: "It has been ten years in the blink of an eye. Who could have imagined today when we got off the ship?"

"Yes." Diesel nodded, "In the first six months, I didn't even dare to unpack all my luggage, for fear of leaving suddenly again."

At this time, Mathias came over and said with a sad face: "There are so many things that I couldn't think of at the time. I'm really afraid that it's just a dream these days."

"Now I can't sleep well every day. I read whenever I have free time, for fear of screwing up."

Manuel asked him curiously: "Are you reading the book "The Nature and Research of Wealth" published two days ago?"

The manuscript that Frederick wrote on El Chapo Island in the Inland Sea at the beginning of the year was finally published after being improved overnight by the Secretary of Commerce Adam and reviewed by Psyche. The books he wrote were valued by the world, and the sales were extremely hot. Naturally, Manuai and others I also bought a copy and went back.

For the people of Wesson, this book is a teaching material to guide them, but for out-of-town businessmen, part of it is a fortune-teller's prophecy - the Duke of Wesson asserts that the tulip market that is now in full swing will be finished.

For this reason, many foreign businessmen blocked the door of the printing factory overnight, trying to get the books and send them back as soon as possible.

People gathered in front of the telegraph office, and people asked about the current tulip market at home.

But Mathias shook his head and said, "It was "How to Be a Governor" written by Duke Wesson not long ago."

All Might continued: "I also got this book, which was sent together with the appointment letter."

Everyone here is a scholar and they are all interested in books. The title of this book was very impressive. Manuel asked the question that everyone wanted to ask: "Can you lend it to me?"

Next to them, Diesel and Julius worked in the arsenal and were very sensitive to confidentiality issues. Their notebooks were all classified. Julius asked, "Is this book classified?"

Diesel also said: "If there is a secret level, forget it."

Manuel thought the same thing. Things in the government cannot be made public at will, so he said: "I took the liberty, just pretend I didn't ask."

All Might and Mathias looked at each other, then shook their heads together.

"There is no classification mark on it." All Might said. "I'm afraid the content is not what you think. It is more like a philosophy book."

"The principal analyzed many cases that have been published in newspapers and advocated that only through analysis, comparison, rejection, and exclusion can people understand and discover the laws of things and solve problems encountered at work."

Matthias also said: "The principal advocates eliminating all doubtful things, leaving only things that are absolutely unquestionable. Reduce complex things into the simplest things, and use various parts, aspects and factors to connect each other. The overall method of understanding and grasping is to derive complex things from simple things. The more comprehensive and thoughtful the statistics, the better, to ensure that nothing is missed.”

He shook his head again and said, "Let's stop this topic here, lest it turns into a philosophical discussion later, and I'm still waiting to eat the roasted wind dragon."

Everyone around laughed. Philosophical discussions are serious matters for academics. They are difficult to end and can easily consume an entire day.

Everyone is also discussing who will win the several awards of the 1034 Golden Durian Awards to be held next month.

This time it was Fritz's turn to quibble. The project he applied for this year is very likely to allow him to get rid of the label of being the only one among the "Nine-Headed Sirens" who does not have a Golden Durian Award. He is expected to become one whose results are too advanced and not shown. .

At this time, the main dish of grilled whole wind dragon cubs was brought up. Everyone took their seats, raised their glasses to wish the principal good health, and then started eating.

At this time, people did not know that an unprecedented storm was coming.

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