Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 37 The machine can send you

"When we hear the earnest call,

The world should be united,

In some places, people's lives are hanging by a thread.

It's time to lend a helping hand to life,

This is the best gift. "

As more and more victims arrived at the camp, people employed in Wesson territory also came here in carriages and singing songs to strengthen the management and construction of the camp.

Frederick sat by the water pump on the embankment, listening triumphantly to various songs that he had finally translated into Rhineish.

Compared with words and dry preaching, songs are easier to remember and more likely to penetrate people's hearts.

Frederick remembered that in his previous life, he had read a question on a certain forum about how to distinguish between real and fake soldiers. One of the highly praised answers was that he asked him about the three disciplines and eight precautions. What he sang directly at the first moment must be true.

He still remembered a scene in "Underground Traffic Station". During the training of the fake Eighth Route Army, the puppet soldiers who had been captured also sang it when recalling the three major disciplines and eight major precautions.

Therefore, in terms of building spiritual civilization, he invested a lot of energy in music and plagiarized and adapted many songs, so much so that his music teacher went on strike because of his different ideas about music.

However, Frederick also faced a problem. The development of music and the development of musical instruments were in sync. The current musical instruments could not achieve the effect he wanted, and he did not understand the history of musical instrument development, so he had to make do with it.


A nice but timid voice brought Frederick out of his thoughts. He turned around and saw Maria standing next to her with her head lowered and her hands holding the hem of her skirt.

"Maria, uh, what's wrong with you?" Frederick noticed something was wrong with the little girl.

Maria lowered her head and asked, "Am I a bad boy? I made you angry and you stopped playing with me?"

Frederick blinked, and it took him a while to understand what she meant.

He first lived in the castle of Maria's family. After the camp was built, he moved to the camp to facilitate on-site work. Even the maid Tarot and the coachmen who came with him were no exception.

When he lived in the castle, he still had time to play checkers with Maria, but as the camp was built and the victims began to arrive, he no longer had that time.

"No." A bright smile appeared on Frederick's face. "I've been too busy recently. Can I find you to play with after a while?"

Maria looked visibly relieved and had a smile on her face.

Frederick saw Philip and an old man standing in the distance, followed by several masters, and said to the little girl: "There are many bugs here. You should go back to the castle quickly. I will go back to the castle for dinner tonight."

"Really?" Maria smiled even brighter, "Don't lie!"

The little girl left after Frederick gave her repeated assurances, and was brought back to the castle by the maid.

Then Frederick was blocked.

Phillip looked at this guy like he was looking at a little pig trying to grow his own cabbage seedlings.

The old man's eyes were like sharp knives, as if he wanted to stab someone into a colander.

Frederick made a cute expression and tried to pass the test by being cute.

A burst of steam rose up, breaking the brief confrontation.

The old man looked at the water pump nearby, frowned and asked, "What is this?"

In front of them was an iron box the size of a washing machine. The top and bottom were connected to clay pipes leading to the river and the camp respectively. There was a handle like a bellows at one end that pulled it back and forth. The principle of this reciprocating pump was the same as that of a bellows.

Pulling the handle on the side is a strange machine. There is a metal rod three fingers thick on the machine. There is a magic circuit connected to the metal rod. It is expanding and contracting rhythmically, driving an iron rod to pull the reciprocating pump.

There is a shelf next to the machine. On the shelf is a wooden barrel with an oblique cut. A stick is passed through it. There is a water pipe as thick as a little finger at the top of the reciprocating pump to fill the barrel with water. When the water reaches a certain level, it will Pour the water yourself onto the machine’s ever-retracting metal rods to cool down.

"His Excellency the Grand Duke of Mainz, this is a water pump." Frederick said in a lovely voice, "The water level in the river is much lower now, so we can only use it to pump water across the dam."

Frederick could tell the identity of this old man at a glance through the guards. He was Philip's lord Dahlberg von Mainz.

Dahlberg seemed a little interested in the machine. After looking around, he asked Frederick: "Who made this?"

Frederick replied: "This was done by scholars at Weisenberg University."

The reciprocating pump is not a high-tech one. This one was modified from the bellows from the ironworks, and the seal was reinforced with slime glue.

The reciprocating machine was a technical verification machine made by Ogilvy after listening to Frederick's suggestion and asking the students to dismantle a golem they brought and use the magic muscles inside. The golem's limbs and The magic muscles in the waist were put together to make ten machines, five of which were horizontal machines, and five machines were vertical machines with vertical movement. Later, I found that the vertical machines were very convenient for blacksmithing, as long as the heat dissipation was solved.

Dahlberg nodded and said, "It looks very useful."

"Of course!" Frederick said immediately, "It is very powerful, equivalent to ten horses, and can also replace the waterwheel to drive the mill in the mill."

"As long as the magic crystal has magic power, it can work continuously throughout the day. It also needs watering to cool down and the occasional replacement of worn parts."

"We have also done comparative experiments. Grinding a ton of wheat consumes less magic crystals than horse feed."

"And it's not expensive, only 100 florins."

Dahlberg thought it sounded good at first, but then he shook his head when he heard the price.

"It's too expensive," he said. "You can buy 50 strong draft horses for this price."

Frederick shrugged and said: "There is no way to arrange 50 horses to work together here."

Dahlberg frowned, shook his head and continued, "It's too expensive."

Frederick said "Oh" and stopped talking about the machine. Instead, he said: "I am really sorry that my fault has affected the Principality of Mainz recently. I ask the Grand Duke for your forgiveness."

The cost of this machine is less than 10 florins, and even if it is brand new, it only costs about ten florin gold coins. He set a high price mainly because he did not want to give people the impression that the price of magic-powered machines is very low, otherwise how will future machines be sold.

At present, the potential customers of the magic power machine are only the wealthy landowners, and there are no competitors.

Unlike maltose, rich people have no shortage of honey and can only target the vast civilian market at a relatively low price.

Therefore, Frederick naturally sold it as expensive as he could, and no one cared about too much money. In a sense, "climbing the technological tree" is synonymous with "spending money like running water".

However, he is not in a hurry to sell it. The heat dissipation problem has always restricted the use of this machine.

Dahlberg was actually interested. He was a wealthy man who owned a mine, and he also encountered the problem of pumping water, and this machine could be used in a mine tunnel with a small space.

100 florins is not much for him. His war horse with unicorn blood can buy 10 of these things, and a set of armor can buy 5 of them.

But his money didn't come from strong winds. He had to bargain if he could, but he didn't expect that Frederick wouldn't accept it.

"100 florins is 100." Dahlberg said boldly, "I know you are short of money, so just go with your asking price. I will buy 3 units."

The Wesson family was plotted against the victims by King William. Although the benefits outweighed the disadvantages in the long term, in the short term it really hurt Frederick.

Everyone in the luxury goods circle knows that the gold utensils in the Wesson family are almost sold out, and there are rumors that they are preparing to sell silver tableware.

Seeing that Frederick handled the matter in an orderly manner, Dahlberg had some ideas in his mind and decided to take advantage of the opportunity to provide help in times of need.

However, Frederick was more generous and said seriously: "I can give 5 sets to the Grand Duke. I just want to ask you for a favor."

"This job is not a big deal. It is to take the lead in expanding the scope of the Patent Law, from weaving patterns, cooking and wine-making techniques to other fields."

Dahlberg's gaze at Frederick instantly became sharper.

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