Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 373 Don’t miss any opportunity to make money

Sauer's story begins a new chapter after leaving the castle.

Wesson Bank prepared the most comfortable car and parked it in front of the castle gate. The vice president in charge of loans personally invited them to get in the car and take them back to the most luxurious VIP room in the bank building, saying that Sauer's loan amount could be increased to five times the original amount. , after the first batch of products is released, more loans can be obtained if the production scale needs to be expanded.

Next up was the secretary of Wesson's new governor, All Might. The governor invited Sauer to have tea in his office tomorrow to talk about how knowledge can be converted into gold coins.

When Sauer returned home, he found many carriages parked outside the door, all of which were investors who wanted to cooperate.

No one has absolute confidence in themselves, but they all trust Duke Wesson's vision.

The second page of the "Wesson Daily" published the next morning had another piece of news about someone who became rich overnight by unremitting efforts to invent. Everyone liked to read this, so much so that the front page headline was that Duke Wesson was involved in a construction site. Not many people paid attention to the announcement of a cleanup campaign in urban and rural areas after dozens of people suffered from diarrhea due to hygiene problems in the canteen.

On the edge of a village east of Weissenburg, Fatih said to little Louis: "The most terrifying thing about Weissenburg is that he can convey his decree to every village."

Little Louis nodded and said: "He also knows how to delegate power and hand over some power to the subordinates. He only needs to concentrate on managing the general direction."

Fatih narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "This is only possible because he does not have enough nobles in his territory to compete."

Little Louis nodded. There has always been a tradition of concentrating state power within the royal family. After many kings and nobles tugging at each other, it has some effect. It is better than the dispersion within the Rhine League, but it is far worse than the state of Weisen that can mobilize strong men in every village. .

Not to mention the Ghazi Empire. There are a lot of warlords in the country. Fatih himself was also a warlord, but his father was the emperor. After his father died, he survived until the end of the massacre of his brothers and sisters before becoming the emperor.

He also knew that centralization of power was good, but he had to kill all the warlords in the country first, which was not easy.

They came to inspect the village's swamp land reconstruction project today, and they happened to catch up with the village council meeting in the sun drying field.

The documents of the urban and rural cleanup campaign were received by the village chief yesterday afternoon. They held a meeting to discuss them this morning. The guests were surprised by the high efficiency.

The topic of the village council today is to implement the spirit of the urban and rural cleanliness movement. The specific proposals are regulations on the filling of stagnant pools, penalties for littering, and regulations on penalties for open defecation in the village. The first one requires the use of public funds from the village to pay those who work. , the latter two belong to the village rules and regulations, and voting is based on household units.

Many men in the family have not returned after being drafted, and more than half of the players on the field are women.

The three bills were passed quickly. There were other precedents for the payment of filling the waterhole, so it should be as usual; someone moved the fine for littering in Weissenburg City. Everyone felt that the amount was too high, so they lowered it and passed it; Article 3 After a longer discussion, the women felt that only men could do such a thing as urinating outside. A particularly fierce aunt suggested that when the criminal was caught, she should apply spicy oil on the crime tools, and finally the vote was passed.

Fatih and Little Louis looked at me and I looked at you and took a breath.

The meeting ended and the villagers began their work today.

This village is a bit special. Most of the land is swampland. It used to be a very poor place, but in recent years it has become a well-known and wealthy village.

The terrain here is somewhat special. Instead of pumping water and reclaiming it into farmland like in lowland areas, the marshland was first filled with earth and built embankments to divide the swamp into rectangular plots of three to five thousand square meters, and then dug pits to build fish ponds.

There is a ditch on the earth embankment next to the fish pond, which can drain water when the fish pond is pumped, or pump water from the river to draw new water to replenish the fish pond.

There are a lot of fish in the water. There are several water pumps driven by windmills beside each fish pond to pump the water from the bottom of the pond and flow it back through the artificial ladder waterfall to replenish oxygen. There is also a pontoon extending into the middle, which is when feeding the fish. use.

The fish in the pond reproduce naturally, and large fish are removed regularly with large mesh nets, leaving the young fish behind.

What surprised the guests was that there was a square floating bed with a side length of two or three meters floating on the water. On it, aquatic vegetables and medicinal herbs that are common in swamps were planted. Some people put on life jackets and paddled rafts to harvest the vegetables that had grown. .

Little Louis sighed: "People here will not let go of every place that can make money."

The people around kept nodding. Everyone had seen the fish pond, and some vegetables in the swamp were delicious, but no one had thought of combining the two before.

Prince Moritz said depressingly: "Since they won't miss the place to make money, why don't they make money in the tulip business?"

His question is what many common Gallic nobles want to ask. Since Duke Wesson values ​​making money so much, why did he order a ban on entering the tulip business? I heard that he even had a quarrel with Armand's sister over this.

They have all suffered miserably due to the tulip bubble recently, and it would feel better if everyone lost money together, but now there is a different person standing here, saying early on that this business will definitely be ruined, which is uncomfortable.

Armand said seriously: "Because Duke Wesson has mastered the rules of making money in business and knows which businesses can make money and which ones cannot."

When he said this, everyone looked over. They all spoke in Gaulish. Fatih brought a translator and turned his head after hearing this.

If someone else said this, everyone wouldn't believe it, but Armand's sister had a close relationship with Frederick, so she might know something.

Armand continued: "The book "The Nature and Research of Wealth" recently published by Duke Wesson said that things that become commodities have a use value and a selling price. The use value of tulips is limited, and the selling price far exceeds the use value. If it is abnormal, the final selling price will definitely return to normal levels.”

Prince Moritz said unconvinced: "Tulips also have use value."

But there was no confidence in his words. In the Kingdom of Gaul, the main consumer of tulips, the only use of this flower was to pin it on the chest when attending a dance or to put it on a hat as a decoration when hunting.

Armand continued: "The important factors that determine the selling price are the supply of goods and the number of buyers. When the quantity of goods is far greater than the demand of buyers, the price will be reduced."

Everyone looked at Prince Moritz. His family planted the most tulips in the Kingdom of Gaul and also cultivated many new varieties.

It stands to reason that his family, as producers, is the only one making money in the tulip business, but in order to obtain new varieties and cultivate more new varieties, he invested all that money, and in the end he suffered heavy losses.

"Forget it." Prince Moritz sighed, "Let the past be in the past. The important thing now is to look forward."

The other Gallic nobles sighed together and could only look forward, otherwise what else could they do?

At this time, Fatih said to them: "Actually, tulips are not only beautiful flowers, but also have some medicinal value."

"Its bulbs are poisonous, but they are not very toxic to humans and can be used as an emetic."

"It is very toxic to wolves and dogs. We have hunters there who dry the bulbs and put them in bait to hunt wolves, and the effect is good."

Little Louis thanked him for the information and asked curiously: "How do you know this?"

Fatih was even more curious than him: "Don't you know that tulips came from us?"

The Gauls all shook their heads.

Fatih didn't know what to say, so he motioned to go to the construction site by the river to have a look.

A fish processing plant is planned to be built here. The fish meat will be used to make cans or fish balls, and the scraps will be dried and ground into fish meal to be sold as feed.

Little Louis sighed again: "Even fish bones are used to make money. People here really won't let go of any money-making place."

The group of people watched outside the village all morning, and when they were about to leave, they heard cheers from the village.

The guests sent someone to inquire and found out that the militiamen were recruited and all the good ones came back.

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