Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 376 Where does the money come from?

The early morning sunshine illuminated the imperial capital, and the early summer sunshine failed to dispel the gloom in the hearts of the residents.

His Majesty Emperor Ferdinand is still in a coma, relying on nasal feeding to maintain his life every day. No one knows when the weak fire of life will be extinguished.

The nobles and nobles in the city have been staying at home recently, cultivating themselves at home to avoid problems at this critical moment of the succession of the throne.

But the spies from each family were busy, and the entrances around the palace were almost turned into a restaurant street by them.

Now all news from inside and outside the palace is cut off. Even the carriage that delivers food every day has to be changed outside the palace. The people who move the goods all wear gas masks, and they can't even wink to people outside.

Everyone only knows that all the princes and princesses are inside. No one knows whether they are killing people like rivers of blood or playing cards every day.

The news that Duke Wesson was coming to the city of Ven was like a boulder being thrown into calm water, causing an uproar immediately. Some people said that he was here to help a certain heir kill other competitors. Some people said that he had learned the news of the emperor's death in advance, and brought him with him. The troops wearing white clothes and armor came to visit just to pay their respects.

The person in charge of the Weissen State Association in Wien City quickly came forward to refute the rumor. The Duke of Wesson only used a hot airship to invite a few master sculptors to Weissen State, and no one else came.

Although many people don't believe it, the spies triggered a round of economic development around the vacant land in the port area rented by the Wesson Association.

Early the next morning, four airships landed at the port one after another, dropping off the pilots from last night's red-eye flight. After resting in the hotel they booked, they took a boat back to Wesson and picked up several prestigious sculpture masters and their assistants.

At the same time, in the central square of Weissenburg City, little Louis was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The state parliament and the guilds of various industries had set up long tables in the square. Fatih recognized that these tables were the same ones used when the bonds were sold not long ago, and they belonged to the square management office.

The difference is that today there are portraits of one person's height on the long table. They are all renderings of bronze statues painted by other artists working overtime based on the drawings that Frederick drew overnight.

There is a large box placed in front of each bronze statue rendering, and there is a long queue in front of the box.

There were workers, farmers, businessmen, students, clerks, doctors, teachers and soldiers on leave lining up. They put more or less copper plates into the box one by one, making a metallic clanging sound.

Little Louis and Fatih walked slowly along the edge of the square with their respective entourages. Little Louis said in disbelief: "I didn't expect so many people to donate copper plates to make a bronze statue."

Fatih said with lingering fear: "It's okay now. You were not there when we were selling war bonds some time ago. The scene at that time scared me. I was afraid that they would think that I was from the Principality of Franconia because of the different styles of clothes I wore. Give him a beating."

Little Louis felt that he was in danger as soon as he heard this.

Most local men wear simple big-leaf shoes, straight pants, shirts, vests and coats. The older ones wear bowler hats, while the younger ones like peaked caps.

Little Louis and his party were all dressed in the traditional style of the Kingdom of Gaul, with embroidered shoes, white tights that reached to the knees, a waist-length waistcoat with intricate embroidery on the front, and a long unbuttoned coat. Dark fabric with light embroidery pattern.

They are the ones who caused this commotion. What if someone recognizes him and throws stones when his head gets hot?

More and more people gathered in the square, and the staff maintaining order extended the queuing rope a lot and began to install signs indicating the entry and exit directions.

"It's so scary." Little Louis felt a cold sweat break out from behind. "I feel like many things here are contrary to common sense."

Fatih nodded. In the past, when free bread and free performances were given out during festivals in China, so many civilians could gather together. Asking them to spontaneously buy bonds and make donations could only be a dream.

They all wanted to learn how Frederick managed the territory, but the more they learned, the less they could understand the operations. The only thing they could understand was that they had to spend a lot of money to do these things well.

The question is, where does Duke Wesson's money come from?

Both of them were thinking about the same question, and left the square with their entourage, walking aimlessly.

People were coming and going on the street. Children on summer vacation went shopping and played in groups. Many gathered in front of the newsstand that also sold drinks. Those with a lot of change bought a bottle of ice-cold happy water, while those with little money could only buy a cup of maltose water. , first tore off the sterilized label on the cup, drank slowly and then returned the cup.

Behind the newsstand is a shop that sells mirrors. In the window are displayed everything from full-length mirrors as tall as a person to vanity mirrors that can be placed in pockets. These mirrors are all produced in the Principality of Mainz and have extremely luxurious rims.

When Fatih and Little Louis walked to the mirror shop, they stopped in unison and turned to look at the window. They could see their own faces clearly in the full-length mirror.

There seems to be an answer to the question just now.

The two of them were suddenly startled when a giant man's face appeared in the mirror.

This giant man is a head taller than Fatih and little Louis. His face is full of flesh, and the muscles on his body look like a bear. He is wearing brown leather pants and bearskin boots, a blue shirt and a black leather vest. He wears a thorny thorn on his waist, and a gold-plated hatchet inlaid with many gems hangs from his waist.

Fatih's bodyguard Hakan and Prince Moritz, who was protecting little Louis, stared at him closely. If there was any abnormal movement, they would immediately take action. The people around him instantly felt that the air was much cooler.

This giant man behaved calmly under the mild pressure of the two top human warriors. He spoke very politely, using the relatively standard common language among nobles, Pulan: "I will not bother you two, I am from Kosdorf of the Kingdom of Sverriers, is it His Majesty Fatih of the Ghazi Empire and His Royal Highness Louis of the Kingdom of Gaul who are facing each other?"

Fatih didn't know where the Sverier Kingdom was, but looking at the golden ax he knew that this person's status was not low, so he nodded slightly.

Little Louis immediately saluted: "It turns out to be His Majesty Kausdorff. I would like to extend my cordial greetings to you on behalf of my father."

He then introduced to Fatih: "This is His Majesty King Kosdorf of the Kingdom of Sverriers, who comes from the land of ice, forest and sea in the north."

The "dark land" in the north is just a popular name for southerners. In formal situations, the more pleasant name "ice forest and sea" is used.

When Fatih heard that they were traveling together, they greeted each other formally.

He planned to visit many places when he came out this time. Now he has decided to go to Little Louis as his next stop. It would be good if he could go further north. No one in the Ghazi Empire has ever seen the sun not setting or rising for several days. .

With a scary smile on his face, Kosdorf said to little Louis: "I am just a businessman who comes to do business now, so there is no need to be polite."

Fatih felt that this man was quite to his liking, so he nodded and said, "Yes, let's get along with each other like friends here."

"I know there is a nice teahouse near here, why don't we go there and have a chat?"

Kosdorf came here with the intention of building a relationship, so he naturally agreed.

Little Louis thought for a moment. The Kingdom of Sverriers is in the south of the Dark Land. In recent years, it has frequently crossed the sea to attack the Kingdom of Danma. There are also "pirates" plundering the northern coastal areas of the Rhine League and the east bank of the Elbe River, so he Agree.

Fatih suddenly discovered that there were many foreigners like him sending money to Frederick.

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