Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 379 Double Happiness

The rising sun illuminates the streets of Nuremberg, and the city stretches and gradually wakes up.

It was originally one of the largest cities in the southern part of the Rhine League. Eight years ago, it was taken over by Frederick and failed to reap the dividends of development due to dissatisfaction with management. The glass manufacturing industry that it was originally proud of was moved more than 20 kilometers to the west. In the city of Zirndorf, the emerging wool textile printing and dyeing industry was arranged in the Ratibor district in the south, and the transportation hubs became Weissenburg and Oak City.

While their neighbors are getting rich, they are staying put.

Today, only Wesson Medical College is proud of the city. This medical school is the largest medical education and research institution in the world. Half of the professors are from the family of Mrs. Sophie of the Kingdom of Kush, and most of them were inherited by Frederick. The "bacterial pathogenic hypothesis", microscopes, compilation of "common disease treatment manuals" and high salaries attract outstanding, sophisticated and even epic doctors from all over the world.

In a house in a residential area near the medical school, Mrs. Eese knocked on the door of the tenant's room on the second floor and said loudly and calmly: "Miss Florence, it's time to wake up."

Mrs. Yi Si is a local. Her husband went out to sell goods. More than ten years ago, she encountered a bandit while doing business and never came back. She made a living by renting a house and working as a servant for tenants, raising her children to grow up.

A confused response came from the room, and after a moment it returned to silence.

As usual, Mrs. Ise took out a ten-minute hourglass from her pocket and started timing, and shouted again when the time was up.

Florence finally sat up from the bed, and after being confused for a few minutes, she suddenly remembered what day it was.

Outside the door, Mrs. Eese turned the hourglass that had just finished draining over again. After the sand drained out again, she went in to comb Florence's hair. Unexpectedly, there was a sudden messy sound in the room.

Florence remembered that she was going to Weissenburg today to attend the Golden Durian Award Ceremony of the Weissenburg Science Society. She had to take a train later, and she had to prepare the regular clothes for the road, the dress and jewelry to be worn at the evening ceremony, etc. .

When he opened the closet, he found that the riding outfit he wore when he went on long trips was missing. The white dress he originally wore in the evening and the silk embroidered shawl produced in Constantbul that he gave him were also missing. Could there be a thief?


Florence's little toe accidentally kicked the suitcase next to the closet, and she woke up from the pain. Only then did she remember that all the things for travel were packed last night, and her riding clothes had already been taken out and hung on the coat hooks. superior.

Mrs. Yisi had already entered the room and was a little helpless when she saw this scene. She was already twenty-seven or eighty years old. Her son could already speak when she was this old, so why was he still a little reckless?

She helped Florence comb her long hair into braids and change her clothes. Her daughter also prepared today's breakfast in the dining room on the first floor.

Florence was in charge of nurse education at the medical school, and her salary allowed her to have a decent standard of food. Breakfast consisted of hard-boiled eggs, bread with blueberry jam, milk cereal rings, and grilled sausages.

After breakfast, she took her suitcase and went out, telling Mrs. Ise that she would stay with her father for two days on her trip to Weissenburg and then come back.

It takes two or three hours to take a train from Nuremberg to Weissenburg. If you want to catch up with your father's meal, you need to take the eight o'clock train.

Florence asked Mrs. Ease to order a tricycle with the car dealer yesterday. There was movement outside the door just now, and it seemed that the tricycle had arrived.

When I opened the door, there was no tricycle. There was a dark purple unicorn. Next to it stood a knight wearing a black cavalry officer's uniform. Children from the neighborhood were feeding the unicorn with maltose, candied fruits, fruits or vegetable leaves in their hands. , seeing how proficient he is, he feeds Dawn in the zoo.

Florence was extremely surprised and asked happily: "When did you come back?"

Jurgen smiled and replied: "We have been back a long time ago."

In the previous war, the headquarters did not dare to take it lightly before the war began. It secretly transferred back the cavalry escort regiment stationed near Constantbul. It was originally intended to be used as a covert assault force and reserve force. In the end, it was only assigned to receive surrendered cities. Work.

Now that the war is over and new teams are sent over, Jurgen and the others will come back to expand and reorganize.

Jurgen saluted Florence like a gentleman and said: "Beautiful lady, where are you going? I wonder if I can give you a ride on the road of life."

At noon that day, Frank, the health minister of the state of Wisconsin, paced restlessly back and forth in the dining room of his home. His daughter's favorite dishes in the kitchen were heated several times. The servants went to the train station to inquire several times, but his daughter was nowhere to be seen.

Frank couldn't help but wonder if Florence had been kidnapped on the way.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the housekeeper hurried to the restaurant and said to the master a little excitedly: "Sir, the lady is back!"

Frank couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, feeling his feet were a little sore.

The housekeeper continued: "The lady has brought a man back."

This time it was Frank's turn to get excited: "Bring me my knife!"

The roar could be heard clearly in the corridor. Jurgen shrank his neck subconsciously and turned to ask Florence: "I didn't hear that your father knows martial arts?"

Florence held his left arm with her right hand, covered her mouth with her left hand and snickered: "He knows how to use a scalpel. Before we came to Wesson, he stabbed a thief more than a hundred times in a row. The knife, the whole person looks like it was fished out of bloody water, and it can still run for a few streets."

Even though Jurgen started following Frederick on the battlefield at the age of nineteen, he has fought almost all the battles now. He robbed a camp of hundreds of horsemen outside the Port of Birse in the Kingdom of Kush and killed a deputy commander of the Guards of the Ghazi Empire who has not been seen yet. His reputation The sound shook the coast of the inland sea, and now my feet are shaking a little.

Frank waited in the living room. Although he was happy that his young daughter finally brought a man home, he still had to do enough on the surface.

When Florence led Jurgen into the living room, Frank held a gleaming scalpel in his hand and a cotton swab in the other hand, which he dipped in alcohol and wiped carefully.

Jurgen was a little nervous. He had seen this type of scalpel from a medical soldier before. The detachable blade was no bigger than a thumb and was as thin as paper. However, the materials and workmanship were extremely sophisticated and it could easily cut open a person's body. The skin and muscles are not sticky with blood and fat. I don’t know how many fools tried it with their fingers and ended up with blood on their hands.

Florence pulled him to her father and introduced him with a smile: "Father, this is my boyfriend Jurgen."

Frank naturally knew Jurgen and had many meetings together before, so Florence only introduced his new identity.

Frank looked up at Jurgen and motioned for him to sit on the small sofa next to him.

Jurgen sat upright, as if Frederick was in a meeting, and Florence sat next to her father.

Frank looked at him and asked, as a doctor would during a consultation: "How long have you been like this?"

"Report..." Jurgen subconsciously thought he was reporting military information, and immediately came to his senses, "Miss Florence and I fell in love four years ago, when our cavalry regiment and the medical school cooperated in exercises... "

He spent more than ten minutes talking about how he was sent to a field hospital because he was drafted as a wounded person in that exercise. Later, he was carefully bandaged by Florence. During that period, the friendship gradually deteriorated.

After hearing this, Frank just nodded calmly, as if it was just a minor problem that could be cured by drinking some hot water after the patient explained his condition.

Jurgen was relieved to see that he had no objection.

Frank is still very satisfied with Jurgen in his heart. He is one of the best among Duke Wesson's vassals. He has no bad rumors and is about the same age as his daughter. Since his daughter has no problem, he will have no problem.

He nodded slightly and felt his daughter's hand holding his arm became stronger. He turned around and asked, "Are you ready?"

Florence's face suddenly turned red, she lowered her head and said, "We originally planned to tell you last year, but he was going to Constantbule and only came back yesterday."

Frank shook his head and said, "That's not what I'm talking about. It's your acceptance speech tonight."

Florence looked at her father in confusion, with a question mark on her head, and asked: "What won the award?"

Frank saw that she really didn't know, so he said, "Don't you know about the Golden Durian Award?"

Florence asked her father in confusion: "Am I not attending the ceremony as a representative of the medical school?"

Frank asked her: "Don't you know that your "Maternal and Newborn Nursing Notes" won the Golden Durian Mathematics Award?"

There were even more question marks on Florence's head: "The prize I want to win is also a medicine prize. How can it be a mathematics prize?"

Frank didn't know what went wrong in conveying the news, so he said: "This is absolutely true. Think about your acceptance speech quickly. Don't be so nervous that you can't speak."

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