Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 382 We also hold a science conference

After this year's Golden Durian Award Ceremony, many people had new thoughts in their minds.

In the car pulled by six flaming unicorns, Fatih leaned on his chair with his eyes closed, thinking, and suddenly asked Hakan, who was sitting opposite: "Do you think you can stand on the podium?"

Hakan's ability to enter the top few of human beings with extraordinary powers shows that he is extremely skilled in the field of magic. Unlike Frederick, who defeated him, he could only rely on time traveler benefits to win the mathematics prize. Psyche saw this He pinched his nose and admitted it for the sake of replicating "The God of Light Jumps over the Wall".

"Yes!" Hakan was a little excited, "The core doctrine passed down from our school is enough to win the prize."

He recently studied the previous awards and found that the Magic Award is not yet the most cutting-edge field, and the latest achievements are hidden in the hands of some people.

For example, Frederick's weird magic element was not revealed at all.

Fatih nodded slightly, opened his eyes and looked directly at Hakan, and said seriously: "If you declare, I will fully support you."

Nowadays, the inheritance of magicians pays attention to the genealogy of the sect, and also pays attention to keeping it secret. The core doctrine of the Hakan sect is as secret as other factions. Even the emperor cannot force it if he does not want to declare it.

Hakan also understood this, but this time Fatih's self-proclaimed "I" showed that he was supported by state power. After thinking for a while, he said: "There is a branch of our theory that is ahead of others, but the research has reached a dead end. Maybe we can break through with the help of outsiders.”

The most important thing is the attitude when doing things for the leader. Failure to do so is a matter of ability. Pushing back and forth is a matter of attitude. Now Hakan's biggest task is to cling to the emperor's lap and rebuild his power that collapsed due to his defeat to Frederick. Since the leader has this intention, then Go ahead and do it.

Fatih was very satisfied with his attitude and said: "After you win the award, I will order the team to establish the Imperial Science Society modeled on the Wesson Science Society."

Hakan's face flushed with excitement.

Managing such an association seems to have little political power and economic benefits, but the water is deep. If nothing else, as long as there is an award imitating the Golden Durian Award, as long as it has the endorsement of the royal family, those people can fight over it, and the referee can become The uncrowned king.

Fatih closed his eyes again.

The academic lords and warlords in the country are deeply tied, and some can be said to be two sides of the same coin. Finding something to do for those old academics so that they can devote their energy to politics and fight with their colleagues will be conducive to the long-term stability of the country.

Now Hakan could only hug his thigh tightly, so he gave him a hand and changed his agent when he became stronger.

At the same time, little Louis was thinking about the same problem.

"It's not easy to handle." He sighed, "Tonight I saw many people sending their proud disciples to represent them."

In the same carriage with him was his secretary Armand. Armand whispered: "Your Highness, please believe in the loyalty of your Excellencies."

The Kingdom of Gaul, like other countries, has a powerful group of magicians who also occupy a place in the country's political system and become the backbone of violent institutions. At the same time, they also have strong energy in the administrative system through teacher-student relationships and marriages.

There are indeed many magic masters from the Kingdom of Gaul sending their proud disciples to attend the ceremony tonight. If little Louis doubts their loyalty, it will be tantamount to shaking the foundation of the country.

"I never doubted their loyalty," replied young Louis, "I mean their intelligence is serving Duke Wesson."

"There is one thing I care about in Duke Wesson's speech today. He mentioned several times about transforming knowledge on paper into reality. I think this is the reason why so many factories can appear in Wesson."

"We are here to study. You should pay attention to this matter, collect more information, and sort it out for me when you go back."

Armand said he would do it tomorrow.

"One more thing." Little Louis said, "I heard that Duke Wesson is recruiting the second sons and daughters of noble families in the Rhine League who have no right to inherit titles to serve in the palace and the army. We should also focus on collecting information in this area."

As an aide to the prince, Armand had to grasp the leader's intentions to avoid making mistakes, so he confirmed with him: "Does your highness want to study or do you have other arrangements?"

There can be many interpretations of Frederick's recruitment of noble children. It can be to solve the livelihood problems of these people, or it can be to secretly contact nobles from various places to prepare for rebellion. If it is the latter, there will be more places to operate.

"Study." Little Louis nodded, "Don't you think this is a good method. It can strengthen the relationship between the royal family and local nobles and expand the army. It is best to capture all the nobles from their territories and capture the king. If they all come, it will help the royal family centralize power."

The struggle for power between the royal family and the vassals has lasted for countless years. Not long ago, the militia organization and strong mobilization power of Wesson shocked little Louis and strengthened his belief in centralizing power.

However, the local nobles will not hand over their power for no reason. The exchange of interests cannot exchange for centralization. Only after mastering an overwhelmingly powerful army can they invite everyone to sit down and talk slowly, focusing on one Conquer people with virtue.

To build a stronger army, the first step is to get money. Without money, you can't even recruit farmers with pitchforks.

The scariest thing about Weissen State in the eyes of outsiders is its ability to make money. Some people have speculated that Weissen State's annual military expenditure reaches 200,000 florins, and the salary of administrative system employees exceeds 100,000 florins, plus education and infrastructure, etc. To invest, you need an income of at least 600,000 florins per year.

Little Louis had a stomachache when he first heard about this data. It was four times the annual income of the royal family of the Kingdom of Gaul.

It is generally believed that Wesson's annual income of 600,000 florins is outrageous and is intended to build momentum for the sale of bonds. Some people privately say that their uncle works in a place called the "Strategic Intimidation Bureau" and his task is to fabricate exaggerated data. .

In any case, the actual income of Wesson State must be hundreds of thousands of florins a year, which is equivalent to the Gallic royal family, otherwise it would not be able to support an army that is good at fighting.

Little Louis was interested in learning how to make money by running a factory in Wessen, and began to plan: "To build a factory, we must first build a smelting plant. We have iron ore and can import coal from England."

“Then came the textile mills and we had linen and wool and were able to weave our own cloth.”

"But we have no money." Armand poured a basin of cold water on His Royal Highness.

Little Louis sighed helplessly. If things were going well before, the tulip collapse incident not long ago caused everyone to lose a lot of money, and the landlord's family had no food left.

As the assistant to His Royal Highness, Armand has the responsibility to check for leaks and fill vacancies for the leader, and then there is a basin of ice-water mixture: "Public debt in the lowlands."

Little Louis was about to cry. The nobles of the Kingdom of Gaul and local officials who managed the lowlands behind the scenes colluded with each other to use public funds to invest in tulips. They made a lot of money in the past few years, so they pretended not to know. But this year, it was over, which is equivalent to more than ten dollars. The hole of ten thousand florins cannot be filled.

The Kingdom of Gaul adopted a blood-sucking policy towards the lowland areas, and there was no reason for blood transfusions.

If this year's debt cannot be repaid, no one will buy the new public debt without credit, and the most prosperous city of Amstel was burned down again, so don't expect to borrow new debt to repay the old debt.

"It's difficult!" Little Louis sighed helplessly, "Now that the country is about to move south, it's too late and I'm afraid the Kingdom of Sardinia will discover our plan. Is there any way you can get such a large amount of funds in a short time? ?”

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