Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 385 Expanding Cooperation

On August 15, the morning in Weissenburg was already a little cool, and the city was shrouded in a light mist.

The city woke up very early on this day, and the smoke from the fireworks for breakfast quickly drove away the fog and condensed in the sky, choking the people in the castle on the top of the mountain.

Before seven o'clock, there were suddenly more pedestrians and cars on the street, all heading towards the South City Gate to attend today's World Expo in Nanhu Park.

There is a fan-shaped lawn with a radius of 100 meters beside the lake in the park. It used to be a place for tourists to bask in the sun. A few days ago, a large shed was erected near the place where Prince Moritz and His Royal Highness Little Louis ate fish feed as a venue for the International Exposition. exhibition area.

A stage was set up outside the main entrance of the exhibition area, with a large number of chairs in front.

A large number of Wesson officers and soldiers were mobilized around the venue to maintain order. Hozenpoloz waved to Metzger when he walked into the venue with his wife. The Gallic trade group watched Eugene collectively for five minutes. Over there, Jurgen rode on horseback. With the unicorn and a team of cavalry patrolling the perimeter, they were surrounded by the nurses and girls from the medical school...

The order in the venue was relatively good. The translators wore uniform white suits with badges corresponding to different languages ​​on their chests. They took the seating arrangements to guide the guests to their respective positions.

Walqiulei, a girl from the dark land in the north, did not wear the green robe of the Aurora Warrior today, but wore the traditional dress from her hometown.

The pure white long-sleeved shirt was imported from Weissensee, with a forest blue sleeveless dress on the outside. The skirt was embroidered with Northerners’ favorite flower patterns. There were also flowers in front of her, and the scarf on her head was embroidered with seven flowers. A wolf head and three bear heads are difficult for outsiders to understand, but her fellow villagers know this is her achievement.

Today, she styled her long hair into braids hanging down in front of her body. She held the exquisite handbag given by Frederick in her hand, and wore a bracelet of ordinary oak carved leaves on her left hand. This was hers. Left behind by my mother.

The translator brought Valkyrie to the seat. Guests and businessmen from the Dark Land were all sitting here. King Kosdorf of the Kingdom of Sverrier came first.

When Kosdorf greeted Walqiulei, he was stunned for a moment when he saw her face clearly. Then he saw the leaf bracelet on her left hand, and his whole body froze.

Fatih, who was not far away, saw his reaction and raised the corner of his mouth slightly. He was having fun this time and signaled Hakan to eavesdrop.

As a representative of the Natural Church, Walqiulei was qualified to be on an equal footing with Kausdorff. After the two sat down, they only exchanged a few polite words. Fatih was disappointed.

At nine o'clock sharp, the guests arrived, and Frederick began to speak on stage.

"Good morning, everyone! I am very happy to gather with you at the beautiful Nanhu Botanical Garden to attend the first World Expo. First of all, on behalf of the Wesson government, I would like to express warm congratulations on the convening of this Expo and my sincere welcome to friends from all over the world attending the meeting. !”

"...We will adhere to win-win cooperation, promote connectivity, strengthen economic and trade cooperation, strive to create a good environment conducive to development, prosperity, peace and tranquility, and jointly build a peaceful, tranquil, prosperous, beautiful and friendly homeland..."

"In order to further promote trade between all parties, the Wesson Government and Wesson Bank will jointly launch a 'Friendship Bond' totaling 10 million florins..."

The audience in the audience was not interested in Frederick's clichés. They were waiting for the message of friendship bonds.

After little Louis and Frederick reached a barter agreement of 600,000 florins, they told the nobles of Gaul that night. The entire city of Weissenburg knew about it the next day, and then Frederick was arrested. Block the door.

The principle of not worrying about scarcity but worrying about inequality is everywhere. Others don't care whether Frederick spent so much money out of loyalty. The Kingdom of Gaul wanted it too.

The first person to appear was the Archduke of Mainz who was at the cathedral construction site. He blocked Frederick in the study without even taking off his safety helmet. Not long after, Archduke Byrne and other nobles from the Rhine League arrived and joined forces to ask for a hundred dollars. million share.

Then came Fatih. He knew that his relationship with Frederick was not that good, so he used the two million florins deposit in Wesson Bank as collateral and asked for four million delivery coupons, showing the Ghazi Empire. The arrogance.

The representative of the Kingdom of Kush arrived late. He kept hinting that Susan was old enough to marry back home, so Frederick gave him 800,000 delivery coupons and sent him away.

The leader of the Osmaga Empire merchant group is the Minister of Finance. The emperor is about to die. Once the emperor and his courtiers, they stand on the last duty to organize nobles and merchants to do business.

He himself did not come, but sent his twin granddaughters, who had known Frederick in the city of Wien last year, and after a night of fierce negotiations, they obtained two million in delivery coupons.

Then came the representative of the Kingdom of Lisenberg. He reviewed the past of the defeat of the Kingdom of Gaul by both parties, invited Frederick to travel in the country next year, and received a delivery coupon of 400,000 when he left.

From the Kingdom of Sardinia came Princess Lola and her husband. They will be the wife's in-laws in the future. They want to give face and take away the 400,000 delivery coupons.

Representatives from the Helvetic Federation, Kingdom of England, Kingdom of Danma, Sami Union, Kingdom of Sverrier, Kingdom of Suomi, Kingdom of Tarago, Kingdom of Piast, Green Island and other countries will not miss it either. This kind of good thing gave Frederick a good geography lesson.

Frederick was surprised to see everyone's enthusiasm, but he was not carried away. He strictly stipulated that foreign bonds should only be sold to the country's supreme ruler to prevent anyone from running away.

At the same time, he also put some restrictions on trade. It is impossible for factories to produce all goods at once. It takes several months or even a year to digest orders from one place. Only goods that are repaid in a quarter can be repaid with pick-up coupons for that quarter. Shipments will be made in the next quarter after at least 80% of the share is obtained, and the time can be gradually extended in the future depending on the country's creditworthiness.

In business circles, businessmen understood Frederick's approach and had no objection to it.

Now everyone wants to know whether this policy is one-time or long-lasting.

Frederick would not let go of such a good thing. The nobles and businessmen wanted to take advantage of it. He was plotting other people's raw materials and markets.

Therefore, Frederick announced today that this cooperation model can continue. The specific amount fluctuates with the transaction situation, and the quota can be increased in places with good credit.

The merchants suddenly became excited. The most important thing in doing business is capital. Now they can increase capital with nothing, which means that their wealth will increase faster and faster.

No one paid much attention to Frederick's speeches about friendship, development, peace, etc. They just looked forward to it being over soon and grabbing the factory's construction deadline earlier than others.

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