Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 396 The development direction of ships

At a regular high-level government meeting, Frederick characterized the sale of bonds by factories as a normal business practice. He did not give too many instructions. He only asked the Ministry of Commerce to conduct an extensive opinion survey on both buyers and sellers.

Private transactions in corporate bonds and equity have already existed and will be sold publicly sooner or later. However, the introduction of relevant policies is not that simple, especially for such an unprecedented event. Failure to consider it carefully can lead to something more terrifying than the tulip bubble. occur.

After work, Frederick did not forget his new warship. He took people to the shipyard to investigate, and then encountered a big setback.

In the director's office of the shipyard, director Bockner cautiously said to Frederick: "Sir, the battleship you designed looks good, but the life of the hull will be short."

Bockner was the director of the shipyard and an excellent ship designer. He was familiar with every detail of the ship, and he could see problems with Frederick's design at a glance.

Frederick was very depressed and could only sigh after understanding the problem.

He wanted to move the 75mm-caliber "Golden Rod Cannon" used in the battle to regain Constantinople and the recent war to annex the Franconian Archduke and the League of Regens, known as the "War of the Trade Routes". On board the ship, the mechanical height controller and steering gear are not a big problem.

What is now on the table is an outline drawing of an offshore gunboat, with a displacement of about a hundred tons. The layout is based on the gunboat in his hometown. There is a 75mm caliber golden rod cannon on the bow, and two jet propellers on each side that can shoot horizontally. Cannon and three Pea Gatlings.

But the problem is that the recoil of the artillery is too great for the wooden hull. Every time the gun is fired, it is an impact on the hull, and the hull will soon collapse because it cannot bear it.

The five river ships equipped with artillery that went to liberate Constantbul had similar problems. Fortunately, they only participated in a few small battles and could still be used after repairs.

Therefore, Baron Adikon now uses jet mortars on his pirate ships. In order to improve accuracy, they shoot flatly at close range. The recoil is not large and can be tolerated.

Frederick did not know about the river steamer. Such technical details were not included in the report to him, but damage and repairs were generally written.

Bockner was worried that his leader would be angry and continued: "I was greatly inspired by the shape of your Lordship's ship. After using the engine and abandoning the mast, the entire hull was much simpler, and the superstructure improved the spatial layout..."

Frederick just kept smiling, a compliment he had already given when designing the Flying Tulip.

He said: "It is a historical trend to put large-caliber guns on ships. I heard that someone in the Kingdom of England is designing a warship with ten or more jet cannons behind the side windows."

Magic airsoft guns have been sold for so many years, and many people have imitated them, and some results have been achieved.

It’s just that the cost and quality of air guns are not as good as Wesson’s products, so it’s better to make them than to buy them. But if you don’t have air guns on the market, you have to make them yourself.

Frederick continued: "Future ships must have an all-steel structure, but it is still too early to start. We can start with small boats with a steel keel and a wooden shell."

"The issue of gun recoil can be considered starting from the design of a steel keel ship, so that the recoil is dispersed rather than acting only on the deck."

"Now we need a batch of offshore gunboats of about 100 tons to deal with the increasing number of pirate attacks in the northern part of the Rhine League."

Bockner heard what Frederick meant. He was now leading the Navy Minister who was about to become the Rhine League. He had the political goal of protecting the coast. He also proposed the direction of future ship discovery, and even came up with a concept drawing of a "warship." Apparently he was determined to do it.

"Such a warship must be designed from scratch." He did not waste any more words and quickly got into work. "The use of steel for the keel involves many issues such as the weight distribution of the hull. There is no precedent for processing, and a lot of work needs to be done. experiment."

Frederick had interacted with them a lot and heard Xuan's foreign voice, so he said: "If the funds for the experiment are not enough, please report here."

The steel keel requires a lot of technological development from scratch. A lot of work also needs to be done in the steel plants and heavy machinery plants. In the future, special processing plants will be built at the shipyards. These are huge investments.

Frederick was not omniscient and omnipotent. In the field of ships, he did not know any of the three frame forms of the hull: transverse frame, longitudinal frame and mixed frame. The design method of first principles and then specifics, gradually deepening and gradually approaching was even more so. His eyes darkened.

Fortunately, he has the rough industrial system and research system that he spent ten years to initially build, and he still has money. He only needs to point out a direction, and someone will study it. He does not need to do it himself like he did when he was working on crucible steel and bearings. .

Just as Frederick and Bockner were discussing the feasibility of torpedoes, the office suddenly went dark.

"BASF?!" Frederick looked at the door, "If you don't lose weight, you won't be able to get in."

"You know, the railway gave me an application a while ago. You need to buy tickets for two seats on the train."

Vanessa came with Frederick as a secretary today. Her husband Schmidt and BASF are classmates, and they often move around the house. At this time, she also joked: "He stays with slimes every day, and his figure has also changed." It has to be the same as slime.”

BASF is now one of the top richest people in Weissensee. After his family became rich, he gradually became a glutton and was often teased by his friends.

He just smiled, but Frederick said to him seriously: "You can't do this. You have to lose weight, otherwise you will get sick as you age."

BASF looked helpless: "I also want to lose weight, but I can't."

Vanessa exposed him from the side: "Who told you to always say that you only have the strength to lose weight when you are full."

Bockner also joked: "There is a butcher in our cafeteria who is very good at his skills. If you don't let him cut off your fat, our doctors are also very skilled. If you sew it up immediately, there will be no problem."

"No, no, no!" BASF shook its head hurriedly, "If you do this, you won't want anti-moth coating."

Frederick raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is it the anti-moth paint used on the bottom of the ship?"

He had used a lot of paint in his previous life, but he didn't know how to make paint, and he couldn't start developing it if he wanted to.

BASF explained to him that it has been working on developing slime glue-based coatings in the past few years. It is actually a colored film. In addition to color, it is also waterproof and rust-proof. It can already be applied on furniture, cartons and iron railings. use.

Last year, BASF considered that wooden boats have high requirements for waterproofing and mildew resistance, so they came to the shipyard to promote them. Bockner commissioned him to research anti-moth coatings for the bottom of boats.

The people brought by BASF brought in two wooden stakes the size of human legs. One was covered with barnacles, and the other was wrapped with a dark red film that looked quite smooth.

It doesn’t require much explanation, the effect is very intuitive.

Bockner squatted aside and stretched out his hand to pinch the wood coated with anti-moth film, and asked, "Is the paint strong?"

BASF replied: "The connection with wood is very strong, but it is certainly not resistant to collision and friction."

Frederick squatted aside and said: "Why don't you try the 'three glue and two cloth' method like buried water pipes, or add short fibers to increase the strength?"

"You can try it," Bockner said.

Another benefit of using this type of paint is that a layer of paint on the bottom of the boat can effectively prevent water leakage in the gaps between the planks.

Frederick knew that the two of them had something to talk about, so he didn't interrupt anymore and asked others to take him around the factory area, intending to see the Flying Tulip being refitted.

At this moment, someone sent an urgent telegram.

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