Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 398 Taking the train for a business trip

In early October, the north wind blew, the weather in Wesson became cold, and people began to put on winter clothes.

Early in the morning, Frederick wore a blacksmith's uniform that had become popular in other places, including thick sweater trousers, a black woolen hat that could be worn as a terrorist when put down, high-top leather boots, and a backpack on his back. Large backpacks and hand-held weapon cases lined up in the square in front of the train station outside Weissenburg.

The temperatures in the morning and evening are now very low, the concrete has stopped hardening, construction sites have stopped one after another, and the Helvetic people who came to Wesson to work have also begun to return to their hometowns to spend the winter and come back next spring.

Frederick did not expect that the "Spring Festival Transport" would become the "Spring and Autumn Transport" here, and asked the Ministry of Railways to arrange special trains to transport people.

The Ministry of Railways is now managed by the youngest son of the Archduke of Mainz, Albert. He originally came to Wessen to pursue Katherina, the youngest daughter of Becher, the "Burning God". However, he was frustrated in love and later devoted himself to the railway department. The work achieved good results, and Frederick promoted him because he was talented and hard-working.

The railway was completely blank before. After receiving some advice from Frederick, Albert used his ingenuity to build a decent railway system in just a few years.

Frederick was now a new employee of the Ministry of Railways and was sent on a business trip in the cold weather.

He followed the team forward slowly and soon reached the bronze statue in the middle of the square.

This bronze statue was designed by him and built to thank the Helvetic people for their efforts in building the railway.

The bronze statue shows two men wearing blacksmith uniforms. One is wearing a traditional short-brimmed felt hat from the Helvetic Federation, and the other is a local man wearing a construction site helmet. The two happily clinked the wine bottles in their hands together and looked at each other. The next moment you get up, you will blow on the bottle.

This bronze statue is of great significance to the Helvetic people working in the Wesson State, and represents that the Wesson people treat them as brothers, rather than the mercenary captives they were years ago.

There is a large flow of people in front of the train station, and it has always been an area with a high incidence of petty theft cases. Several teams are equipped with shields, batons made of hollow steel pipes and revolvers. Patrol teams with police dogs are walking past the teams from time to time, and there is a loud voice. Keep reminding people to pay attention to their wallets.

In this situation, there are really some people who are not afraid of death. Suddenly a loud roar sounded from the team on the other side of the bronze statue, and a thin young man ran towards Frederick. It seemed that he was capable of speed.

Before Frederick could take action, there was a burst of whistles all around, and many Helvetic people who were queuing up pulled out their carrying poles and formed a gun formation in rows to surround them.

The thief pulled out a palm-long dagger from his arms, swung it a few times, and shouted viciously: "If you don't want to die, get away!"

Many Helvetic people were famous mountain mercenaries before working on the construction site. They had never seen anything like this before, and they were even more excited when they saw the thieves taking out their weapons.

Someone rushed out from behind the thief and dropped a pole on the back of his head.

The thief heard the sound of breaking wind from behind and immediately turned around to block it with his dagger, but another pole was thrown as a javelin and hit him on the shoulder. The dagger did not block the first pole.

What happened next was not suspenseful. The thief was beaten with sticks and his father and grandfather screamed.

Finally, the police came over when they saw it and shouted: "Stop hitting, stop hitting, you will be fined if the blood stains the floor!"

The police recorded the names and companies of the participants and carried the thief away. Before leaving, they said that the certificates would be sent to their companies first.

The line continued forward, and finally reached Frederick.

The security inspector was stunned for a moment when he saw him. He checked his ID and found that he was from the Railway Bureau. He got closer to him. When checking his luggage, he said, "You are the only one who didn't carry the burden today. I still can't react."

Frederick said helplessly: "I also want to take on the burden, but the boss won't let me do it, saying it will ruin my image."

After receiving their wages, the Helvetic people did not take the money directly home, but bought a large amount of cloth, clothing, daily necessities and food to take back. Frederick saw that some people brought Fuqiang powder and seeds to sell. of potatoes.

The railway has introduced standard-sized baskets for this purpose, and each person can only bring two baskets of luggage in addition to a backpack.

At the same time, there is also a weapon box specially designed for carrying weapons. The weapons are locked in the box. The key is only available at the train station and can only be opened when entering or leaving the station.

Frederick brought a lot of luggage. The bottom layer was all white tissues, and he brought three boxes of commonly used medicine boxes.

After seeing it, the security inspector said to him: "You have been cheated. Although tissues are easy to sell, you can make more money by bringing more medicine."

Frederick thought that he was just taking the goods with him on a business trip. This was very common among train employees, so he just smiled and said nothing.

After passing the security check, Frederick came to the waiting hall. The layout here was similar to that of the bus terminal in his hometown.

The special train heading to Trout Harbor, which is the closest to the Helvetia Federation, cleared a space in the waiting hall and came out. The passengers of the previous train were entering the station. The train that Frederick took was half an hour later.

There is a shortcut of more than 200 kilometers from Weissenburg to Trout Harbor, but the railway goes in a large circle in the Principality of Mainz, covering a distance of about 500 kilometers, and it takes more than ten hours including parking.

Frederick didn't bring much food. After arriving at the platform, he bought some Wesson buns, braised eggs, braised chicken drumsticks and happy water. He also bought a box of extremely expensive cream sandwich biscuits, and carried them together with the outside painted green. carriage.

Some changes were made to the carriage today. The seats were removed in half, one on the left and the other on the right. The empty space was used for passengers on the opposite side of the aisle to place their luggage. The two baskets stacked one above the other were just right.

Frederick got the window seat at the rear of the car. Only four people sat in the six seats facing each other, and two of them were for "nuts, jelly beans, happy water, newspapers, magazines, playing cards" and the police officers to rest.

Among the other three passengers, the oldest one next to Frederick had a gray beard. The guy opposite looked to be in his early twenties. He picked up a "Constructor's Manual" as soon as he sat down. It seemed that the other guy was in his thirties. There was a scar on their faces. They were all wearing different styles of blacksmith uniforms and felt hats on their heads.

The people in the carriage were quite energetic when they first got on the carriage. Many people started chatting. Hua Beard asked Frederick: "You are not a Helvetian, are you?"

Frederick took out the cream sandwich biscuits and invited everyone to eat them together. At the same time, he replied in Helvetic language: "I am from the railway and I am on a business trip to the Helvetian Federation this time."

Hua Beard thanked him for the biscuits and asked, "Oh, are you going to build the railway?"

Frederick nodded and replied: "Duke Wesson plans to build the railway from Trout Harbor southward around the southern shore of Lake Constance, and then westward along the river valley to Lake Leman."

The other two people were immediately attracted by his words, and Scarface asked a little excitedly: "Is this true?"

Frederick replied: "Duke Wesson has this idea. Whether it is feasible or not depends on first checking the terrain along the way and then negotiating with the lords."

The Rhine League must find a good starting point to intervene in the internal affairs of the Helvetia Federation. The railway is a good introduction. It can change the local economic and military structure. It is not unfamiliar to the locals and is enough to attract the attention of the nobles. .

"That's great!" Scarface was a little excited, "Our master has long wanted to build a railway out of the mountains, and he even asked me about it. He will definitely agree!"

"Your Excellency, you must come to our place, and I will definitely welcome you!"

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