Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 401 The reporter is fast enough

Garen City is located in the northeast of the Helvetia Federation, adjacent to the southern shore of Lake Constance and the large river flowing into the lake. It is the first city after entering the Helvetia Federation from Trout Harbor, and is also the most important pass on the land route. .

People who can't survive in the mountains go out to work as mercenaries. The first thing they do after returning to their hometown is to have a drink in a tavern.

These people don't close the door after drinking a gulp of wine, and pour out what they have seen and heard outside. Many people who have never traveled far in their lives love to listen to these experiences and stories from other places. When they get excited, they will give them a glass of wine to tell stories. Those who drank wine talked more energetically.

There was no need for Frederick to specifically instruct the people he met on the day. The grassroots administrators at Wesson Railway Construction were already very eye-catching. Not long ago, he was received by a "high-ranking official of the Ministry of Railways" and paid for a drink. This kind of Things must be shouted at the loudest voice in a crowded place, so that everyone outside the tavern can hear them.

The audience will definitely ask what the high official is asking you to do, and those people will definitely tell Duke Wesson's thoughts with added embarrassment.

So the news that Duke Wesson wanted to build the railway spread throughout the city in one day. When Frederick came here, the local "Lake Constance Daily News" published the news on the front page.

There were too many migrant workers coming back these days. The cheap hotels in Galen were full of people, and there were more people than horses in the stables. Frederick finally found a place to stay.

This hotel, which just opened at the beginning of the year, is the property of the city owner, Earl Garen. The price is not low, so there are empty rooms.

When Frederick walked into the hotel, he thought he was back in Wesson and was leading a team to conduct a fire inspection, because the layout here was almost the same as the hotel in Wesson, with the safety exit signs at the stairwell and the throws hanging on the wall. This was the first time I saw a fire extinguisher outside, not even in the Kingdom of Kush.

When the girl at the front desk saw a customer coming, she stood up and said, "Welcome, there are only more luxurious rooms in the store now."

"Then I want a room." Frederick said, "How much does it cost?"

The girl at the front desk handed over the price list and explained it.

The daily room and laundry fee, three meals a day and afternoon tea cost approximately the same as 3 Wesson silver Kreuz coins, and almost 200 kilograms of wheat.

Of course Frederick paid for it, otherwise he would have no place to live.

He planned to stay here for three days, firstly to inquire about the situation and plan the route, and secondly to let this matter ferment.

Originally, he wanted to pay a visit to the local city lord, but he had already gone to the royal capital, Xiong City.

The girl at the front desk started to register his information: "May I ask your name..."

"Charles Smith." Frederick reported his current identity according to the other party's request, "24 years old, a college student... Oh, now he is an intern at the Wesson Railway Department. Come here... to travel and gain experience."

He put on some makeup and looked much more mature than his actual age. He was a little hesitant when he spoke, as if he was hiding something.

The girl at the front desk calmly took notes and gave him the key. Then she asked another waiter to take the customer to the room, and then she slipped away.

On the way to the room, the waiter asked Frederick: "Are you from Wesson, sir?"

Frederick replied: "Yes."

The waiter added: "Then I don't need to explain to you the fire escape passages, throwing fire bombs, dispersion indicators, activated carbon masks, etc., as well as the use of tap water and water heaters."

Frederick said: "The fire protection facilities here are quite complete."

The waiter replied: "Our master experienced a fire when he was in Oak City, so he has always paid attention to fire prevention."

Frederick nodded.

The fire that year caused the death of hundreds of people. The fire started in a tavern that provided accommodation. It was judged that the customers were cooking in the room.

There happened to be strong winds that day, and due to poor organization by local authorities and the resale of fire brigade equipment, the fire expanded. Eventually, a newly built pub street and many people living there were reduced to ashes.

Many of the victims were migrant workers and students who came to study, and the impact was extremely bad. More than a dozen people, including three second-generation officials whom Frederick had known since childhood, were hung from street lamps.

Later, Frederick promulgated a series of fire regulations in the form of law, requiring all public places in Wesson to comply unconditionally. For this reason, both the Germaine Cathedral and the Edelweiss Great Library underwent design changes.

The guest room arrived quickly, and the money was well spent. The room was quite large, with a ceramic toilet and bathtub produced by the Principality of Byrne. The water heater in the bathroom and the heating and cooling air conditioner on the wall of the guest room had a sign that stealing magic crystals would explode. There is a sofa and coffee table near the window. If you want a tea set, you have to pay an additional deposit.

Frederick could only obediently pay for a tea set and better tea leaves.

The waiter quickly delivered a bone china tea set and tea leaves, put them down and left.

Frederick had just boiled the water and brewed the tea when someone rang the doorbell.

He thought it was a waiter, but the person who opened the door was a short-haired girl wearing a black suit and holding a briefcase in her hand.

"Hello, sir." A professional smile appeared on the girl's face, "I am Sonya, a reporter from the Lake Constance Daily News. Can I interview you?"

Frederick was prepared for this, but he didn't expect the reporters from the west to be so fast.

Frederick invited the reporter into the room and motioned for her to sit down on the single sofa.

Seeing that the tea was brewed, Sonya took the initiative to pour a cup for Frederick and herself, and then took out a notebook and pen from her briefcase.

At first, Frederick felt that the name was somewhat impressive. After thinking about it, he asked, "Did you write the interview about the railway rumors in today's newspaper?"

When he was learning the Helvetian language, the teacher had an accent from a mountain in the south, while Sonya spoke with an accent from the river valley, so they didn't match up at once.

Sonya replied proudly: "Yes, for that report I interviewed more than twenty pub owners and listeners, and then eliminated the exaggerated parts and extracted the core content. I'm pretty good, right?"

Frederick nodded and praised: "It is indeed very good. It has grasped all the key points, analyzed it very well, and the comments are very pertinent."

It is impossible for those people to remember everything he said in a few dozen minutes. Either this or that was missing, and they would add fuel to the fire when they were drinking and bragging. There is a discrepancy between the rumors and the real situation.

The content published in the newspaper is very comprehensive. There are only a few insignificant details that are problematic, but the general direction is correct.

Frederick asked again: "I wonder what you think of this?"

Just as Sonya was about to say something, she suddenly paused and said with wide eyes, "I am interviewing you now, not you interviewing me."

Frederick took a sip from his tea cup and said with a smile: "I am reminding you of the new news material. The reactions of all parties are also important to newspapers and readers."

Sonya pouted and muttered in a low voice: "You are covered in news material."

Frederick narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling that something was wrong.

He didn't care and continued: "I came to your place this time mainly to conduct preliminary research and walk around to understand the opinions of various parties on the construction of the railway."

Sonya immediately wrote it down in her notebook, and then asked: "Where do you want to go?"

Frederick thought for a while and replied: "I want to visit the territories of Count Sylvain and Count Sforza, then go to the territory of Count Stefani, and finally go to the Bear City."

Sonya thought for a while and then said: "The earls may have gone to Bear City now, and you won't see them in the territory."

Frederick said: "It doesn't matter. I mainly want to understand the local conditions, such as the products and terrain. The big shots in Bear City will be responsible for the big shots."

Before leaving Weissenburg, he made arrangements to invite a heavyweight to serve as his representative in Bear City to observe the election. This person immediately packed up his fishing gear as soon as he heard that he could travel on public funds.

Next, Frederick recounted what happened on the train in detail, and Sonya asked some key questions and received detailed responses.

By the time the interview ended, it was already noon. After Sonya closed her notebook, Frederick smiled and asked her: "Can you recommend a restaurant?"

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