Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 404 Returned Students

After a short rest, the team began to enter the mountains.

In what seemed like the blink of an eye, the surrounding scenery changed. Instead of flat farmland, there were now cliffs on one side and wooded hillsides on the other.

All the guards of the convoy prepared their weapons, and some took out their binoculars and looked around cautiously, to be wary of any enemies or beasts that suddenly appeared.

Frederick sat on the top of the carriage and chatted with the girl Sanna who had joined him at the inn.

Sanna claims to be Sonya's twin sister. Unlike her younger sister who likes quietness, she likes exciting and lively things and is now a hunter.

"You graduated from the Mechanical College?" Frederick recalled carefully, but he did not expect that this girl was a returnee from overseas.

The School of Mechanical Engineering at Weisenberg University was the same as the science and engineering university in his previous life. The male-to-female ratio was very exaggerated, and girls were often mentioned in particular. He often went to the college to inspect and guide work, but it seemed that he had never heard of this name.

Sanna leaned against Frederick and said proudly: "My family asked me to go to the School of Liberal Arts like Yaya, but I think the School of Mechanical Engineering is more interesting. My family didn't agree, so I changed my name."

As she spoke, one hand quietly reached out to hold Frederick's waist, and the other hand handed over her weapon: "This is my graduation project."

Frederick had long noticed that she was carrying a strange-looking air gun behind her back. He took it and studied it, nodded and said, "It's a very clever design."

This gun has a diameter of 20mm and looks like the Barrett M82A2 from Frederick's hometown. It is shoulder-mounted. There is a shoulder pad behind the six-round magazine, the grip and trigger are in front of the magazine, and the sight is on Right.

The tail part of the gun is an empty tube with an independent jet tank inside. When shooting, the jet tank that propels the bullet is activated at the same time to reduce recoil.

Frederick saw that the barrel and jet tank of this gun were not standard products, and asked: "Are many of the parts made by you?"

Sanna said proudly: "Except for some screws, I designed and processed everything myself!"

Frederick nodded with satisfaction. Nowadays, there are many wonderful ideas in the school, and the school also encourages them. Ingenious designs like this keep popping up like mushrooms after a rain.

After obtaining permission, he stood up on the carriage, put the gun on his shoulder, turned on the safety, and shot at a big tree more than 500 meters away on the other side of the valley.


The difference in the working time of the two jet tanks is negligible, and the recoil is unexpectedly small, but the movement is a bit loud, and the gun body vibrates a lot.

Judging from the results, the accuracy of the gun was pretty good. It broke the leaves next to the aiming point. If it aimed at the center of the bear's torso, it could cause fatal damage. Small targets such as pheasants depended on luck.

A layman watching the excitement, an expert watching the doorway, Sanna sighed: "Your hands are so steady, the gun didn't even move!"

After sitting down in the carriage, Frederick said to Sanna: "If you want to have a steady hand, you must first have enough strength in your arms, especially the muscles used when holding a gun, which need targeted exercise."

Frederick once doubted whether the emergence of new weapons would render the world's extraordinary powers useless. He soon discovered that he was wrong. New weapons were just cold weapons. In the end, people had to rely on people to use them. effect.

Richard Nall, the founder of Weisen-ryu martial arts, believes that firearms require the same muscle strength and fine control, dynamic vision, reaction speed and thinking speed of the user as other types of martial artists. The strength required to pull the trigger is Not big, but it requires special training to keep your hands from shaking when aiming, and to overcome muzzle jump and recoil after shooting.

The first basic skill of Wesen-ryu martial arts is to hold the gun stably to prevent the shaking of the body, especially the hands, from affecting the shooting accuracy. The second basic skill is how to overcome the muzzle jump after shooting and reduce the time to aim again.

These two basic skills require muscle strength, endurance and control. Those with extraordinary strength can do it better than ordinary people. Masters like Frederick can make the muzzle of the pea gun stay still when shooting, as if there is no recoil. Likewise, the point of impact during continuous shooting is only affected by the weapon's own factors and wind direction.

At this time, Mateo, who was driving, turned around and asked, "Do I need to avoid it?"

Frederick smiled and said: "No, knowing many things is one thing, but learning them is another thing, because it requires persistent efforts to transform knowledge into results."

He continued to say to Sanna: "Continuing with what I just said, the second step is to grasp the direction and strength of the gun's movement after shooting, and to suppress the movement of the gun body in the shortest possible time. This requires the hand to be sensitive enough to the subtle movements of foreign objects. Reaction."

Sanna asked curiously: "Then how to train the reaction of the hand?"

Frederick replied solemnly: "It's very simple. Just fish often. Once you can feel the fish eating the bait through the vibration of the fishing rod instead of using a float, that's it. Richard Nall highly recommends this kind of training." method."

Richard Nauer's reputation is now at its peak in the Rhine League and surrounding countries. Sanna had studied abroad in Weissenburg and heard various rumors, so she pointedly pointed out: "I think Master Richard Nauer is here for fishing." Make excuses."

Frederick just smiled and said: "This gun of yours is not suitable for close combat. It needs other weapons to cooperate."

At this time, Sanna put her hand around Frederick's waist again, reached out and patted his armpit and said, "Guess whether I have this on me?"

When Frederick came out this time, in addition to carrying the Sword of Remit given by Psyche and the Paladin Saber given by the Church of Light, he also had a revolver in the holsters under his armpits on both sides, and on his arms and legs. The leather holster contains steel bars for a certain magical electromagnetic gun, as well as hidden weapons such as daggers, shoe blades, and wire ropes.

"I don't know." He said with a smirk, "How about I check it out?"

He felt that Sanna had some evil intentions towards him, but he couldn't help it, it would happen if a person was too good, so he gave it a try.

Sanna didn't hesitate at all and squeezed into his arms.

Of course, Frederick would not act recklessly in broad daylight. He just hugged the girl's waist and whispered: "You haven't mentioned the situation at home to me yet."

Sanna immediately pointed to the hillside five to six hundred meters away across the valley and said, "Look, there is a mattress slime there!"

Mattress slimes used to lie softly on the ground, about one meter in diameter. If a small animal stepped on them, they would quickly wrap up their prey and suffocate them to death. At the same time, they would eat carrion like other slimes.

Frederick knocked her on the head angrily and said nothing.

The first day of the convoy's journey was uneventful. Near evening, the mountain road turned, and a clear view suddenly opened up. There was a village in the wide valley. The farmers were using small carts to transport back the grass they had just harvested today. The shepherds were driving The sheep followed.

Mateo said to Frederick: "We will spend the night here tonight."

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