Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 414 Keep a low profile

"I remember those machines were used in wars, right?"

"I heard one can burn down a city."

Baron Rono and Walter looked at each other, and the father and son began to tremble on their feet.

"Could it be..." Walter's voice was trembling with nervousness, "Could it be Hess who got into trouble?"

When he thought about it, the only reason why Duke Wesson sent so many war weapons was to deal with the Rono family. There was almost no interaction between the two parties. The only possibility was that his younger brother working there had a medical accident during treatment, which offended Duke Wesson severely. .

Baron Rono's hands were trembling, but he still had to look calm and composed in front of his son, and said: "I hope Hess won't cause too much trouble. I heard that Duke Wesson is a reasonable man. What should we do?" Just pay whatever you want."

The Ronno family's estate is quite large, and the harvested land is enough for an airship to land.

At this time, Baron Rono and Walter had already changed into the suits popular in Wesson, and arranged for the women and children to leave quietly in a carriage. They thought that the airship flying in front and landing first must be the Duke of Wesson, so they stepped forward to greet them.

Baron Rono was considered a man who had seen strong winds and waves. When he saw the door of the airship opening, he was about to step forward. Unexpectedly, the first girl who jumped out looked like his precious granddaughter.

Sanna hurried over and said to her grandfather: "Grandpa, someone has been poisoned by the colorful black snake..."

Baron Rono was shocked. At first he thought Duke Wesson had been poisoned, but then he saw many people being carried down and thought something had happened to his team.

The patients on the stretcher were all covered with church quilts, and they couldn't see clearly at first. Baron Rono asked Walter to hurry up and prepare the medicine, and he walked to a stretcher to see the condition of the patients.

"Huh?" Baron Rono could tell at a glance that the woman on the stretcher was just a civilian. Her dry hair, rough skin, and cheap linen clothes all showed her identity.

The girl with braided braids next to the stretcher asked: "Is there still hope for the master?"

Baron Ronno first saw her wearing a brand new sky blue woolen coat and thought she was a girl from some family. Only then did he realize that she was an ordinary village girl.

The person was sent by Duke Wesson. He didn't care about the priest but also the God of Light. Baron Rono rolled the patient's eyelids, reached out and touched the carotid artery, and replied: "It's not too late."

At this time, Sanna brought Frederick over. After introducing each other, Frederick said: "Please treat the patient as soon as possible. Don't worry about the cost. Just give me the bill after the treatment."

"That's right!" Frederick added, "When looking up the bill, use the Holy Knight of the Church of Light, not the title."

Things got a bit big today, and now there is a political whirlpool here. It is not good to appear as Duke Wesson, so let's use the identity of the Holy Knight of the Church of Light.

Although Baron Ronno is not involved in politics, he has served high-ranking officials for a long time and knows all about the secrets inside.

After briefly talking about the trivial matters, Baron Rono took Sanna to treat the patient. Although Sanna went to study machinery, the foundation of her family tradition was still there, and she had been in contact with patients from the beginning. Baron Rono needed her to provide information on the condition.

Bishop Rolf, who also came with him, did not participate in the treatment. Instead, he took Frederick to talk on the side of the road: "I wonder if you have the attire of a paladin?"

Frederick shook his head, he only brought a standard saber.

Bishop Luo Fe also understood politics, so he said: "Since you want to act as a paladin, I will definitely make arrangements for you."

Frederick made the arrangements, and Baron Rono was responsible for the subsequent treatment of the patient. He had to go to the city to deal with the impact of the airship.

At this time, Baron Ronno's butler came over, and Frederick called Eugene and asked them to arrange for everyone to rest.

The Lono family has its own armed force, and there are not many people. They usually protect the master when he goes into the mountains to collect herbs. Frederick said that as long as they are optimistic about the airship, he will take them to fly around in the sky in two days.

After hearing this, the housekeeper wanted to come and stand guard.

The airship turned on the heat and turned off all the equipment. The captain took out the key and stuffed the "magic brain" at the core of the control system into a backpack with miscellaneous items and took it away. Everyone went to eat and rest.

Frederick knew that some people would definitely be interested in airships, but industrial products are here for you to copy. You can't copy them even if you don't have the ability. Why not give them a clear look and advertise them by the way.

The housekeeper kept apologizing along the way, saying that the conditions in the manor were not very good, and asked everyone to be patient.

Usually, local nobles often come to Baron Rono's family for treatment. They all bring their servants with them. There are many guest rooms in the manor, and it is okay for dozens of people to squeeze in.

But it was not a problem for so many people to live here. Frederick asked Eugene to wait and go to the city to find a place where Richard Nall and the others had arranged to live.

As the group of people marched toward their residence, Tony whispered to the soldiers around him: "Don't blame me for not reminding you. Our captain gave his coat to the little girl. It's getting cold now."

Several young people in their escort company are eager to try it out. This is a good opportunity to strike up a conversation. Even if they don't hook up with the captain, they can still get to know other female soldiers through her.

However, someone in the Black Cat unit acted faster. Someone took off his coat and put it on the girl, which caused both the pilot and Black Cat teams to boo, and the people in the escort company could only grit their teeth.

When Frederick saw it, he just smiled and chatted with Bishop Rove about the Bear City.

There has been an explosion in Bear City, and many people don't know what is flying in the sky and on the ground.

Many people who went to work in Wesson had seen airships in the newspapers. They became the most handsome boys in the city and kept telling others what they saw in the newspapers and what they thought about.

All forces sent people out to inquire, and soon found out that the airship had stopped at the manor of Baron Rono, and then found out that Duke Wesson had entered the city and lived in Archbishop Felipe's mansion near Bearskin Church. It comes in the name of a paladin.

These days, among the high-ranking priests of the Church of Light, only the lights in their homes are still bright. Frederick looked at Bishop Rolf, who was quite strong, and then at Archbishop Felipe, who was as fat as a ball. Izuru is Fido's "nephew".

With a smile on his face, Archbishop Fei said to Frederick: "I should have met with you earlier, but unfortunately, I just arrived at Cyclops Island and I heard that you left a day ago."

Frederick looked very sorry and said: "That is such a pity."

Last year, he confirmed on Cyclops Island that the so-called Cyclops bones were some kind of elephant, which triggered a big discussion about doctrine in the Church of Light. Many priests went there. He was afraid that some priests would not solve the problem but the people who created the problem, so he left. .

Archbishop Fei said: "Your coming here must be an arrangement by the God of Light, giving me the opportunity to learn from you."

"I think you are tired after flying for so long. You can use this house as you like and treat it as your own home. I will not disturb your rest. I will come to learn from you when you have rested."

Then he called for the steward, and Frederick came to him if anything happened.

Frederick politely replied: "Then don't bother the Archbishop."

"My coming to Bear City this time has disturbed everyone a bit. Please help me explain."

Archbishop Felipe kept nodding in agreement, thinking that this was more than just an interruption. I don’t know how many people couldn’t sleep at night today.

The residents around this mansion are all powerful people, and a little further outside is the bustling commercial district, so when Richard Nall received the news, he came over carrying the fish he had just caught.

"How do you know I caught a forty kilogram fish?"

Frederick had just asked the tailor to take measurements in the living room, and he asked with a black line: "Who asked you?"

"I won't let you eat this fish!" Richard Nall sat on the sofa, put the half-dead fish at his feet, and asked, "What happened to make such a big noise?"

Frederick told what happened. After hearing this, Richard Nall said: "So that's it. I thought there was going to be a fight."

He knew very well who Frederick was. He said he was saving people simply because he was saving people. There was no other reason.

"It's been quite lively lately."

Richard Nall explained the situation here, focusing on the Kingdom of Sardinia's preparations to sign a treaty with the Helvetian Federation.

After hearing this, Frederick thought for a while and said: "This is a good start. Next, I will contact the Archduke of Mainz to help you obtain the status of the plenipotentiary envoy of the Rhine League, and we will also sign such a treaty."

Richard Nall said depressedly: "Why not yourself?"

Being an envoy meant that he had no time to go fishing, which made him very unhappy.

Frederick explained: "My appearance today is too public. It will give some people an excuse to say that I threaten the Helvetia Federation. Next, I need to keep a low profile."

"Anyway, someone else will discuss the details, and you just have to sign the last one."

Richard Nall rolled his eyes at him: "The special envoys are all nobles, and they are not happy for me, a commoner, to sign on it."

A smile appeared on Frederick's face: "That's just right. You can choose which fiefdom you want in my territory."

He mentioned the fiefdom a long time ago, but Richard Nall didn't care, and finally left it alone.

Seeing his master waving his hands to refuse with a disgusted look on his face, Frederick immediately said with a playful smile: "Now that my master is an earl, wouldn't it be bad if you don't have the same title?"

"Now that the Osmaga Empire has agreed to build a railway to the Great Gulf, and with the addition of steamships, it will only take a few days to get from Weisenberg City to Shi Niang's place."

Richard Nall glared at him, picked up the fish and left.

Frederick knew that the master had been persuaded.

He had not had a good rest from yesterday evening to today's noon, so he asked the housekeeper to prepare some simple things to fill his stomach, then take a bath and go to bed, and informed the housekeeper that he would not see anyone except the Rono family before he woke up.

Archbishop Felipe's mansion was used as a golden house to hide his darlings, and the bathroom was quite luxurious. The maids had been serving the fat and old archbishop for a long time, and suddenly a strong young man came, and his enthusiasm was even higher than when serving the master.

Frederick was soaking in hot water, thinking about the next thing, when the housekeeper said outside the door that Miss Ronno had arrived.

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