Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 427 Time advances

The nobles onlookers dispersed, and no one could guess that the last words of the late king that had troubled everyone for a long time actually ended with Duke Wesson agreeing to build a palace for Rudolf.

Frederick and Rudolf left the church in a carriage together. Count Scheufenstiga forced his way into the carriage. He was still worried that Frederick was up to no good.

Many people want to know what Frederick said to Rudolf in the carriage, but after returning to his residence, Frederick stayed behind closed doors on the pretext of having a cold, sneaked out without anyone noticing, and sneaked out again late at night. When Rudolph came back, it was hard to ask questions when he returned to the palace, while Count Shuyun Stiga returned directly to the Knights' headquarters.

In the afternoon, Rudolf sent a message to the powerful nobles in the city to meet at the palace tomorrow morning.

Everyone thought about it all night and came to the palace early the next day.

Then many people saw an extremely rare scene.

Frederick was still wearing white clothes and straw sandals, but this time he had all the shoes on his feet.

He walked slowly in the corridor of the palace, not far in front of him was the Grand Duke of Nassau.

The Principality of Nassau is located east of the city of Cologne. As the supreme judge of the Rhine League, the Grand Duke of Nassau rarely interacts with other nobles. When he meets people in the corridor, he walks alone.

Today, Frederick walked alone like him, because he was wearing white clothes and straw sandals. The other nobles followed behind because of their clothes, so as not to be compared by others when they went up.

When I was getting ready to go to the conference room, I met several people.

Antonia hurried up to Frederick and walked past him as if she hadn't seen the Grand Duke of Nassau in front of her. She asked Frederick excitedly: "Duke Wesson, are you really going to build a new building for me?" palace?"

Antonia was so happy yesterday when she heard from Rudolf that Frederick was willing to pay to build the palace. In the evening, she unlocked several postures that she had been reluctant to unlock before. This morning she heard from Rudolf that Frederick was actually quite easy to talk to, so she came here Ask for proof.

Frederick suddenly glared angrily and reprimanded sternly: "Brother William has not been buried yet. Is this the time to talk about this kind of thing?"

"How can you be so ignorant?!"

Now Frederick was majestic and murderous. Antonia was so frightened by him that her legs became weak and she stepped back repeatedly. If she hadn't been leaning against the wall, she would have fallen to the ground.

As the saying goes, Antonia was so frightened that she could not speak. Even though her hands were shaking with nervousness, her head maid still stood up and reprimanded Frederick: "Duke Wesson, don't be rude to His Highness!"

The servants of the royal family are not ordinary people, they are all nobles. This head maid has the title of baron in the Kingdom of Gaul.

Frederick suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched the maid's neck tightly.

The head maid felt that her neck was tightly clamped like an iron vise. She struggled in vain for a few times, and then kicked Frederick when she found it was useless.

The blow, which was enough to break the rock, did not cause any harm to Frederick and made a sound of metal hitting.

A few seconds later, the head maid's head drooped, and she lost her energy. It hung like a salted fish in Frederick's hand and was thrown to the ground.

These days, killing civilians is not a problem for nobles, but killing nobles is troublesome.

The Grand Duke of Nassau turned to Frederick and said expressionlessly: "I need an explanation."

Frederick said calmly: "She just fainted. After the meeting, I will go to the court to visit your Excellency. This time there will be many people on the wall to welcome the spring."

Everyone knows Duke Wesson's bad taste. The execution is basically hanging on the wall for at least five days.

"Speak now," said the Grand Duke of Nassau.

Frederick took a list from his pocket and handed it to him.

The Grand Duke of Nassau frowned when he saw the list and the notes at the back, and then said to Frederick: "I will arrange this first."

After he finished speaking, he stopped going to the conference room, put his left hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist, turned around and left.

The nobles behind saw him holding the hilt of his sword, which meant that the Supreme Judge was in working mode, and immediately moved out of the way.

Before everyone started talking, they saw Frederick waving his hand to the royal knights on duty in the corridor to drag the head maid on the ground to the cell and lock her up so as not to let her die.

Without even looking at Antonia, Frederick continued to walk towards the conference room.

The Grand Duke of Mainz arrived a little later. He walked up quickly and asked Frederick in a low voice: "What's going on?"

Frederick said: "There are bugs that have begun to eat the apples. If they are not dealt with in time, there will be no box of fruit left."

The Archduke of Mainz nodded thoughtfully.

Rudolf also heard about what happened just now, and after seeing Frederick entering the conference room, he also asked about the situation.

Frederick just said to him: "We can trust the judgment of the supreme judge and let's get down to business now."

Rudolf was still afraid of Frederick in his heart. Antonia's behavior just now was indeed excessive, so he could only hold a meeting first.

When everyone arrived, Rudolph said: "The Harvest Festival is coming soon. This is an important festival of the year."

"Now that my father's funeral has been arranged, and the nobles from all over the country have arrived, I have decided not to mourn for fifteen days according to the tradition before holding the funeral, but to advance the funeral to tomorrow and end it early, so that the people can celebrate the festival happily."

All entertainment activities are prohibited during the fifteen-day national mourning period, which coincides with the Harvest Festival, so no one can expect to celebrate the festival.

Ending the national mourning period early is good news for ordinary people, but it comes with certain risks for Rudolph.

Someone said cautiously: "Is it too hasty?"

According to tradition, the new king is sworn in on the second day after the burial of the late king, and the coronation ceremony is held on the third day. Rudolph's doing this will give people the illusion of being impatient to ascend the throne.

Rudolf glanced at Frederick cautiously, and then said: "The enthronement ceremony and coronation ceremony can be held as scheduled."

As soon as he finished speaking, Frederick immediately said: "The country cannot be without a king for a day, just follow up."

"His Royal Highness Rudolf chose to end the national mourning period early so that the people could have a happy holiday after a whole year of hard work, not for his own selfish interests."

Everyone in the conference room looked at Rudolf and then at Frederick. It was obvious that the two of them were out of breath and singing a double act.

Anyway, it was only a few days in advance, and the excuse was high-sounding enough. All kinds of preparations started when William was in a coma. If everything was completed earlier, everyone could go back to their respective homes for the winter, so they agreed.

There are established procedures for the burial of the previous king and the enthronement of the new king. We will go through it at today's meeting. If there is no problem, we will start tomorrow.

It was already past lunch time when the meeting ended. Rudolf breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time he was secretly happy because he had accomplished something extremely important and against tradition, and no one objected during the period.

His steps were much lighter when he left the conference room.

However, Rudolf returned to the harem to find Antonia crying in her bedroom.

He went over to sit by the bed and said softly: "Don't cry. You did something wrong just now. Now is not the time to talk about such things."

"Have you had lunch?"

Antonia raised her head and cried: "I did something wrong just now, but all my servants were taken away!"

Rudolf was shocked and asked: "Who ordered their capture?"

Arresting people in the palace is not something that can be done in just one or two sentences. Only the Royal Knights can do it. Those who are qualified to give orders have no other method except the king's own handwritten warrant, and verbal orders will not work.

Antonia shook her head and just cried.

Rudolph said: "Don't worry, I will handle this matter."

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