Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 434 Postal Layout (Part 2)

The postal service envisaged by Frederick was not just as simple as sending letters and express delivery, but also required unified management of telegrams.

He said: "I plan to take over the part of the telegraph stations in various parts of the Rhenish Union that belongs to the Dawn Chamber of Commerce to the Postal Department. The operations will also be responsible for the Postal Department, and the employees of this part of the Chamber of Commerce will become employees of the Postal Department."

Shupaiya thought for a while and said: "Boss, this will require coordinating the relationship between the lords in the area where the telegraph station is located, and at the same time, the income of the Chamber of Commerce will be reduced."

Telegraph stations in various places are now jointly owned by the Dawn Chamber of Commerce and local nobles. If they return to the country and own them, they may have conflicts with local nobles.

Frederick was well prepared for this and said: "You hinted to them that my business has to give some profits to the royal family."

Seeing that Shupaiya still didn't understand, he continued: "In the next few years, our telegraph stations will be built in every town. It is convenient in the name of the country."

Shupaiya understood that the boss wanted to expand under the cover of the country.

But this would cut off a large piece of meat from Dawn Chamber of Commerce and increase operating costs, which made him feel distressed.

For Frederick, this was just a matter of putting the items from the left pocket into the right pocket. If anyone wanted to pick the fruit, they had to ask Wesson if he agreed.

But he added: "The telegraph part is just a brand change and independent accounting. How about you appoint a deputy minister in the Postal Department and actually still manage this part?"

Shupaiya naturally agreed, and the actual work remained unchanged, but now that he has become a high official, is the title still far away?

Heinrich also understood his responsibilities and said: "My task is to spread the telegraph network."

Frederick nodded and said: "Yes, the postal bank was also rolled out at the same time as the telegraph network."

Giovanni understood what the boss meant and asked excitedly: "You mean, wherever there is a telegraph station, there will be a bank of ours?"

Frederick nodded and said: "In the future, I will send a sum of money to someone in Cologne at the postal bank in Weissenburg and pay a certain handling fee, and the telegraph station in Weissenburg will send a letter to Cologne. The telegram was sent to the payee in the city of Cologne, and the payee relied on the telegram to go to the Postal Bank in Cologne to withdraw money."

Giovanni immediately said: "This is to telegraph the money order between banks, so you don't have to worry about the money order being lost or damaged along the way!"

“In the future, regular reconciliations can also be done via telegram, which is much more convenient.”

Some of the Abelardo family's banks have long-distance draft business, which facilitates large chambers of commerce and traveling nobles to deposit and withdraw funds in other places, but the verification procedures are a bit complicated.

Nowadays, many places have telegraph stations, which make it easier to communicate with each other. Telegraphs often arrive before people arrive, which avoids fraud.

It would be more convenient if the banks in the two places share the same system.

After thinking for a while, Giovanni said: "I suggest that postal banks in various places can cooperate with the local banks of the Abelardo family, which can avoid many risks."

Frederick smiled and agreed. It would be very convenient to cooperate with local snakes on many things, and it could increase Giovanni's status and voice in the family, so there were many potential benefits.

Heinrich said: "I can set up a special communication line for the bank, which will not conflict with ordinary telecommunications lines."

Frederick nodded and said: "Well, that's good. It would be better to add special government and military affairs lines."

Heinrich agreed.

Orr only knew how to fight and kill. At first he thought that the deputy minister was a reward from Archduke Wesson to support him in his old age. Now he understood his mission when he heard that he was going to open banks in various places.

"Commander," he couldn't get rid of his military habits for a while, "my task is to arrange for the boys to guard the bank, right?"

Frederick said: "It's not just as simple as protecting the bank. There is no room for error in the transportation of mail. It needs to be protected by trustworthy and strong people. Can the young man in the Black Forest shoulder this responsibility?"

Alma immediately stood up and said loudly: "Commander, you can trust us men in the Black Forest!"

"The Black Forest mercenaries are also an old brand. Men who grew up in the forest are good at ambush and counter-ambush. A few years ago, some veterans who retired from the Wesson Army opened a hunter school after they returned. Everyone who came out of the school was Great guy!"

"In recent years, many young men have gone to work as caravan guards, and the bosses give them thumbs up!"

The Wesson Army has a deep relationship with the Black Forest mercenaries. In the past, the Wesson State had a limited population, and some of its soldiers came from the Black Forest. This tradition has been preserved. Now there are 20% Black Forest soldiers in the army, and they can become Wessonites after retirement.

Therefore, some veterans returned to their hometowns and opened schools. The outstanding ones were sent to Weisen State to serve as soldiers, while the ordinary ones went out to work as mercenaries and guards.

Frederick supported this. Firstly, it could alleviate the shortage of labor in the territory, secondly, it could obtain high-quality soldiers, and thirdly, it could enhance the soft power of the Wesson Army.

The only side effect was that the Black Forest was the territory of the Archduke of Mainz and an important source of troops for him, for which he complained a lot about Frederick.

"Very good." Frederick was very satisfied with Orr's attitude.

He told Shupaiya: "Mail transportation requires experienced caravans to join. Can you hire some veterans to form the Postal Department's own team."

Shupaiya was excited about being a high-ranking official, but he was afraid that the leader would not give him a task to perform, so he immediately said: "I can be responsible for organizing the transportation team!"

Frederick nodded and said: "Then it's up to you to take charge of this matter, transfer people from the Dawn Chamber of Commerce to take specific responsibility, and cooperate more with Orr."

The Dawn Chamber of Commerce will be in Lilu's hands in the future. Frederick is not a man who kills donkeys. Shupaiya has made great contributions and worked hard over the years, so he asked him to shift the focus of his work to land.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and the newly built Postal Ministry is no exception. From now on, Stingel's administrative department, Giovanni's banking department, Heinrich's technical department, Shupaia's transportation department, Orr's The security departments will form their own hills, which cooperate and restrict each other.

Then each hilltop formed a mountain range under Frederick's hands, firmly anchored in the city of Cologne, a stage where demons danced wildly, and became his tool to influence the politics of the Rhine League.

Frederick's job was to grasp the general direction, control the balance of the mountains, and reduce unnecessary internal friction.

Next, Frederick explained to everyone the four major links of receipt, sorting, transportation and delivery of mail from sender to recipient, and decided on the distribution of post offices, banks and telegraph stations, unified building layout, signs, Uniforms and other general directions.

The specific details will be improved by several deputy ministers, and they will strive to launch pilot operations in prosperous commercial areas starting next year based on the business intelligence provided by Shupaiya, and continue to improve during the trial operations.

By the time this work was completed, it was already the end of November. During this period, Richard Nall came to Cologne City to report to Rudolph about serving as the special envoy of the Helvetia Federation, and then went fishing somewhere.

Fatih watched the lively election of the king in the Helvetic Federation, and came to Cologne with Richard Nall to congratulate Rudolf on his decision to spend the winter here and go to the Kingdom of Gaul next spring.

It was time for Frederick to return to Weisenburg City. He had obtained the title of Archduke Weisen in advance, and related government affairs had to be arranged in advance.

However, the Rhine River was frozen at this time, and the airship of the Air Force rushed back before the windy weather, so they had to take a carriage along the way.

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