Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 443 You can sell bonds

While Frederick was thinking about diplomatic issues, someone was thinking about killing people.

After coming to work in the Principality of Wesson, Dennis felt that everything was new at first, but after the freshness wore off, he felt that life was a bit boring and decided to find something to do.

A few days ago, his youngest son broke a classmate's wooden soldier doll. He took his son to the street and used his pocket money to buy a new one to compensate others. Then he discovered a huge business opportunity.

Before he could make further plans, an unexpected guest came to visit.

The housekeeper brought a middle-aged man with red hair and a suit to the living room.

"My dear, Wesson Accounting Firm Deloitte, would like to pay tribute to Mr. Dennis."

Dennis looked at the middle-aged man with some confusion. He had heard of these "red-haired hounds" in Wesson, and thought that these people were just businessmen and didn't know why they were looking for him.

Deloitte, who came from the Kingdom of England, came to Frederick to apply for the position of bank president but failed, so Frederick asked him to set up an accounting firm.

There are many outsiders in Wesson, and everyone can get along harmoniously, except for the red-haired accountants that Deloitte recruited from his hometown in the north of the Kingdom of England.

The accounting firm led by Deloitte is known for its proficiency and impartiality. Each of its seven great accountants has its own strengths and unique skills. Their fighting spirit and patience are astonishing. Their status in the accounting world is... As powerful as the Sword Saint and God of Magic in the world of strong men.

They can often discover big problems from clues. The number of government employees and officials who have died at their hands after receiving audit work from government departments has already exceeded double digits, and even more have been sent to mines to die.

Deloit rarely appeared in public in the past and rarely interacted with other people in private. Because in his early years, he said, "I am the hound of Duke Wesson", now people call accountants "red-haired hounds".

Their efforts have been rewarded. Deloitte is now a baron, and the seven great accountants have also received knighthoods.

Minnie was reading in her room. More than ten minutes later, she suddenly heard her father's roar coming from the living room: "Hang! Hang all these dirty, shameless and despicable thieves!"

After the Principality of Wesson took over Keburg, in order to better understand the local situation, it began to check the accounts. If you don't check, you won't know. If you check, you will be shocked.

During his more than ten years as Lord of the Castle, Denis earned the equivalent of more than a thousand florins per year, but more than fifteen hundred florins were divided among his relatives who appointed him to manage the city.

This is only city income, not counting the Chamber of Commerce and other industries under his name.

After hearing these numbers, Dennis' expression became extremely distorted. The tea cup in his hand shattered into powder, and the tea evaporated directly.

He had been teased by those people for more than ten years, and he couldn't keep his face, so he had to say this.

And he quickly figured out that if Archduke Wesson asked him to inform him of this matter, he must let him deal with those people according to the "old crime".

Dennis immediately calmed down, took his time, and immediately entrusted Wesson Accounting Firm to check the accounts of his family's property.

Frederick ordered Dennis and others to handle matters on a special basis. Deloitte contacted the accountant at Fort Keburg through the army's telegram, and the results obtained five days later were equally shocking.

The Archduke of Franconia was very kind to Dennis. The castle was located on an important transportation road, and business was prosperous. The city's income plus the annual income of three to four thousand florins from the family business was not a problem.

The problem was that Dennis didn't know how to run the business, so he could only entrust the management to his relatives. However, those relatives were cautious about raising money at first, but later found that the sword master didn't understand this and just did what he said, so they let go.

Deloitte finally said to Dennis: "Your Excellency Dixon's territory is better than yours, but Lord Branimir's territory is more serious. Only one thousand florins can be obtained from five or six thousand florins every year."

Dennis felt a little more balanced.

Instead of taking action himself, he asked his housekeeper to take the audit report from Wesson Accounting Firm to the court to sue.

There are many of his relatives among the parties involved, and some of his parents have helped him before, so they are also making money unscrupulously. It is not convenient to call people to hack them to death directly, so let the court kill them.

The "red-haired hounds" became famous again. Many businessmen who came to the Principality of Wesson because of last year's World Exposition planned to open a chamber of commerce here. Naturally, what they were most worried about was that the people here made false accounts and stole their own money. Now there are A good precaution.

However, some people couldn't laugh at this time, and it had something to do with these "red-haired hounds".

Last year Frederick arranged the relevant legislative work on the sale of bonds and equity, and then went to the Helvetic Federation.

Diesel has been preparing for the construction of an engine industrial park for a while, which is located near the city of Wirz. Neuer spent a lot of effort to get him to build the factory, and he was given a lot of preferential policies.

Everything was ready, as long as Frederick agreed to sell bonds through legislation, Diesel could sell bonds to the society to raise funds.

Now that the "Bond and Equity Transaction Law" has been promulgated, Diesel and others feel a chill in their hearts.

The "Bond and Equity Exchange Law" stipulates that the Principality of Wesson will establish a bond and equity exchange to protect related transactions in the exchange in accordance with the law. The exchange will be built in Latibor City, north of Weisenburg City, the former Earl of Roth's castle. inside.

At that time, the castles of several neighbors around Frederick were basically left standing. They usually sold tickets for people to visit and rented them to businessmen for banquets to maintain maintenance costs. Now they are just in use.

These are not problems, the problem is that the admission conditions are a bit harsh.

At an informal gathering of the "Academic Nine-Headed Siren", Diesel complained to All Might: "It's easy for us to sell some bonds. It's no problem if we need more than five years of tax records, and more than five years of bank deposit certificates." No problem, the freeze on fixed asset mortgages is appropriate, but do we need to let the 'red-haired hound' bite us?"

Diesel was a little timid when facing these accountants, just like his students faced him. Things that seemed to have no problem with him were quickly found to have many problems, some of which were serious.

He was originally relatively confident about his business, but the accountants from the accounting firm, led by Big Accountant Bill, arrived yesterday morning and started working. They sorted out a one-page catalog as soon as they got off work in the afternoon.

According to legal requirements, the accounting firm's rating must be published when selling bonds. If you want a high rating, you must complete the rectification before the next review.

Omet, who has become the governor of Wesson State, smiled and said to Diesel: "Wesson State Government had a large balance last year. I finally convinced the principal to let us stay. We are waiting for your bond sale. Use it to invest.”

"From our point of view, if the factory you use as collateral can withstand their audit and gets a high score, it means that the factory is a high-quality asset and you can buy your bonds with confidence."

Diesel said depressingly: "Then if you buy more, you'd better buy all my bonds."

All Might spread his hands and said helplessly: "We are being watched more closely by them. If I use more than half of the funds to buy your bonds, they will suspect that there is some shady private transaction between the two of us."

He said angrily: "Besides, you don't put the industrial park with me and pay me taxes. Why should I take such a big risk to help you?"

Diesel said with a smile: "I am responding to the principal's call to invest in New South Wales. I really didn't mean to get into trouble with you, let alone covet the tax exemption for those years."

Ogilvy felt a little depressed. He had heard about the implosion machine industrial park a long time ago. He just thought that everyone had such a good relationship and didn't have time at the time, so he didn't bother to do public relations.

Unexpectedly, the industrial park was finally cut off by Neuer to the Lancini state. What is even more annoying is that the location of the industrial park is across the river from the Wesson state.

Manuel on the side said to All Might: "I think Diesel's property has great investment value. How about you go say hello to the principal and use this working capital to buy all the bonds."

Ogilvy shook his head helplessly: "No, the principal told me that the fundamental purpose of the government's investment in industry is not to make money, but to promote the development of local industry."

"Now the three new states are short of money, and we in Wesson have money, so the president agreed to invest in the new state's industries in the name of supporting development, and at the same time, 30% of the proceeds will be given to the local government."

"Now this money is not only invested in Diesel, but the old Baron Franz of Putz also came to me, and I agreed to invest in their plywood factory there."

"Matthias wrote to me. He decided to promote the cultivation of dye plants on a large scale in Faya and build a dye factory. He will also invest part of this money."

"Other places have invested, and we, Wesson State, have to keep some of it ourselves."

Manuel nodded and said: "Being an official is different from doing business. The focus is different and the behavior is different."

"Well, that's what the so-called butt determines the head."

He made another move to Diesel: "There are many nobles from the former Principality of Franconia in the city of Würz. Now they have no land and only money. You can go to them to invest."

Omet also said: "At the end of the month, many nobles from the Forest, Ocean and Elbe regions will come for a meeting. I have a headache just to receive them."

"These people still have some gold and silver in their homes, so you might as well give them some ideas."

Diesel thinks it makes sense, those old and wealthy people are easy to fool.

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