Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 447 They are too rich

In the next few days, Wesson Daily published several articles by the author "Scrooge McDuck" on how to develop a forest economy.

"'Scrooge McDuck' is the pen name of Archduke Wesson."

In a teahouse, Earl Wesson proudly taught several nobles from the forest and ocean areas how to read newspapers.

"No one doubts that Archduke Wesson is far-sighted in business. The example of Tulip is not far away. He said that if you can make money, you can make money."

When he went to Wesen State to purchase goods, he had to pass through the forest and ocean area. He met several nobles and took them around the city these days.

The wealth and culture of these old people in the mountains are generally not high. They see that in recent years, Earl Wesson has leaned against a big tree to enjoy the shade. He has made a fortune with Archduke Wesson and has become a baron from a baron to an earl. They feel that he must be wrong to say that he can make money in this way. No.

Baron Carterfield's father was related to one of the nobles, so she took the opportunity to hook up with Earl Wesson, and then with Archduke Wesson, otherwise her grandfather's territory would be ruined.

The waiter pushed the trolley past the booth. Baron Carterfield saw the pink cream cake on the trolley and immediately took a plate without saying a word.

This teahouse is the best teahouse in Weissenburg City. It launches various new snacks from time to time, and it is also buffet style. You can eat tea and snacks as you like, as long as they are not wasted or packaged.

Baron Carterfield took a bite of the cream on the cake. It was actually strawberry flavor, and he immediately ate it.

She likes to eat butter, but the animal husbandry in the mountains is underdeveloped and the cows produce less milk. The butter is very expensive and it is not possible to eat it whenever she wants.

There are a lot of cream snacks here today, as well as various flavors, so naturally you have to eat them.

Count Wesson looked down upon this old man from the mountains.

At this time, a young lady walked into the teahouse. She was wearing a light yellow silk dress with a waistband. There was a palm-wide circle of colored crystals sewn around her neck, and her three-finger-wide belt was equally dazzling.

Baron Carterfield was dumbfounded. All the gems he had collected at home were not half as many or as beautiful as this one.

Several other nobles were also stunned, and some even drooled.

Baron Wesson immediately stood up to greet her, and the lady also greeted him politely.

The lady sat down at a booth not far away. When the waiter came over, she just said softly, "Same as usual." A pot of scented tea and several particularly exquisite snacks were quickly placed on the table. She forked them with a silver fork. I ate the orange slices slowly.

Baron Carterfield's eyes widened, and "elegant" and "calm" came to his mind. He was obviously a distinguished guest who often came here to spend money. He couldn't help but turned to Earl Wesson and asked: "Is she the fiancée of Archduke Wesson?"

Count Wesson rolled his eyes at her and said sternly: "Don't talk nonsense. Archduke Wesson's fiancée has hair as black as charcoal and skin as white as water tofu. She is much more beautiful than her."

"She is one of the proprietresses of the Clover Hinge Factory, she is just a commoner."

Baron Carterfield turned his head and looked over again in surprise. A common lady boss actually had more gems on her body than she had in her box. This was life-threatening.

Before she could finish being surprised, another plump lady came in.

If the gems on the person just now are stars, the dove egg-sized diamonds on this person's necklace are the dazzling sun, and the diamonds next to them can also be regarded as the moon.

This time Baron Carterfield was drooling.

Baron Wesson once again stood up immediately to greet the lady. The lady greeted him with a salute and joked that he had gained weight recently.

An aristocratic gentleman exclaimed: "There are no such big diamonds in the entire forest."

Baron Carterfield and others nodded together and watched the lady sit down in the booth where the lady just sat.

Count Wesson whispered: "She is the owner of the Fuqiang Powder Factory, and her husband is the 'Emperor Killer' Metzger."

Another commoner, the diamonds on his body actually compared with the entire forest and ocean, which caused a deep gap in the three views of the wealthy people.

Seeing that they were distracted, Count Wesson stopped teaching them to read the news and asked Baron Carterfield to finish the cake quickly and go to where he wanted to go today.

Baron Carterfield reluctantly left looking at the uneaten lemon cream cake on the trolley. Count Wesson called several bread carts. The gentlemen sat in the front cart, and their servants waiting outside the shop sat in the back. car.

Only the chassis and body frame of these vans are made of steel, and the body is made of canvas like a jeep. They can seat 7 to 9 people.

Baron Carterfield was the only lady among them, and Count Wesson gave her the passenger seat.

"Fasten your seat belt." Count Wesson gestured to her to pull out a strap from the side and cross it in front of her, then pulled one end into the buckle on the other side.

Baron Carterfield finally buckled his seat belt, but his face suddenly turned red because the belt cut a canyon in front of the mountain, and the mountain peak was clearly visible.

Count Wesson ignored her and said while driving: "I bought these cars recently. I am going to try to go to Hanma City to bring goods. I will pass through your territory in the summer."

He didn't dare to walk in spring because he would get stuck in the mud halfway and the late summer sun would have to dry the ground.

Everyone has heard that there are horse-drawn carriages here, but this is the first time for them to ride on them, and they are curious to look around and touch them.

Baron Carterfield asked: "Isn't this car expensive?"

Count Wesson replied: "It's not cheap, one costs about two hundred florins, but it runs fast and you don't have to take care of the horses, so it's very useful."

The passengers in the car suddenly became cautious. Their annual income was only from such a car. What should I do if it got damaged?

They were worried again. If the servant in the car behind was careless, would the car be damaged?

The car suddenly stopped, and cold sweat broke out on Baron Carterfield's forehead. He just touched the large piece of glass in front of him. Could it be broken?

In front is a crossroads, with a traffic light pavilion like a watchtower in the middle.

Frederick struggled a lot with traffic lights and finally came up with a mechanical version of an automatic traffic light.

There is a turntable driven by a magic reciprocator in the pavilion. The energy source of the lights can be supplied to the red, yellow and green lights through three rings on the top of the turntable that can pass through magic elements. Below is the contact rod that connects the four sets of red, yellow and green lights respectively. .

There is a part below the ring that is covered to prevent a passage. When the green light is on, the red light is shielded, and vice versa. The rotation of the disk can control the light to turn on and off periodically.

After Count Wesson explained, the passengers finally understood that they had not damaged their cars when they stopped, and they also understood that they would die in vain if they crossed the road without looking at the traffic lights.

The convoy left the city, drove over the pontoon bridge, and came to the sales market of the Car Manufacturing Industrial Park on the north bank of the canal.

Several people wanted to buy some steel-frame freight wagons, and Count Wesson brought them here.

There were a lot of people in the open-air market. Some were selling traditional horse-drawn carriages, some were selling cargo carriages, and some were selling vans.

Baron Carterfield pointed to the side selling vans and said in surprise: "There are so many people there!"

In her opinion, there should be very few people selling such expensive things, but now there are dozens of people there.

Count Wesson said: "What's strange? Now that Grand Duke Wesson has let vans be sold, naturally more people are buying them."

Baron Carterfield said in disbelief: "That's a car worth two hundred gold coins."

Count Wesson said nonchalantly: "The one with the canvas shell of mine is only two hundred florins, and the one with the hard shell is almost three hundred. It's not expensive. If I hadn't bought more, I would have bought that one too."

"By the way, I heard that the more than five hundred florins with iron shells are out of stock."

"Oh, didn't the Empress of the Osmaga Empire come to Weissenburg the day before yesterday to attend the topping out of Germain Cathedral? Archduke Weissen gave her a car, which is said to be worth three thousand florins."

As the saying goes, comparing people with each other can make people angry. After experiencing the prosperity of Weisenberg City, the wealthy locals were immediately ruined and thought about how to make money to afford such a car.

The way is right in front of you, and following Lord Wesson like Earl Wesson is the easiest way.

More and more nobles took the initiative to negotiate with Frederick, especially those who had ridden in vans. They thought that the gravel road plus such a vehicle was not much worse than the railway, so it would be fine first.

So there was no problem with the establishment of the Elbe River Convention.

"Now everyone accepts your view that 'to get rich, you must first build roads.'" Anna said and poured a glass of wine for Frederick.

Frederick said: "You can also build roads in the country. Building both railways and roads will have economic, political and military benefits."

Anna chose Weissenburg for her first visit as Queen. Apparently she was attending the capping ceremony of Germain's Cathedral. In fact, they were also discussing sending troops to support the Kingdom of Tarago. In a few days, The special envoy of the Church of Light came here.

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