Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 453 Give him an injection

"Okay, we're done talking about the business."

Frederick stood up with a smirk, licked his lips, and slowly walked towards Maria.

Maria blushed and glared at him, and just as she was about to kick him over, there was a heavy knock on the office door.

"I won't disturb you anymore!" Maria immediately stood up, straightened her hair and clothes in front of the mirror behind the door, and then opened the door and went out.

Outside the door was Foreign Minister Christian, who had no intention of entering. He handed a red-covered letter to Maria and said, "I will leave right away. I am just here to deliver an urgent message from the Kingdom of Gaul."

Maria glared at him fiercely and said expressionlessly: "My business is done, you can go in."

Christian was surprised: "So fast?!"

In the office, Frederick said with a black line: "If you keep talking nonsense, I will let you go on a business trip to the forest south of the Inland Sea!"

Christian immediately changed his face and looked serious.

Weissenburg University has a branch in the south. Many people went there to teach out of curiosity, but most of them couldn't stand it and ran back.

Frederick took the letter and asked: "Has the Kingdom of Gaul begun to attack?"

Now that the Kingdom of Gaul continues to gather troops in the south, domestic food prices are rising, and not even half of the wheat harvested in the summer is exported except to repay the friendship bond. Everyone knows that they will take action after the summer harvest.

Christian replied: "His Majesty Old Louis has been in poor health since he was injured last year. Now he is diagnosed with sepsis and is dying."

"His Royal Highness Little Louis sent a letter asking us if we have any treatment method."

Frederick took out the letter and read it. Old Louis was injured in a competition in November last year and his wound was seriously infected. He later contracted septicemia. He relied on natural materials and treasures to hang himself until now, and it seemed that he could not hang anymore.

Christian continued: "According to the information we learned, His Majesty Old Louis held that knightly competition in order to show his bravery in front of women."

Frederick was speechless.

Septicemia is an ancient disease that has recently been re-recognized. Previously considered a curse like other incurable diseases, Frederick was able to determine that bacteria infected the blood after culturing and microscopy.

Now the disease can only be treated with herbs and hard work. Little Louis has no hope. The letter said that it can be cured no matter how much it costs, but it cannot be ignored.

Frederick had nothing to do about this. Antibiotics such as penicillin were still far away, and the only one available at present was allicin.

"The only thing we can do is try that one." He stood up, "Maybe we will make history again."

Christian's eyes lit up and he was filled with anticipation.

Frederick moved quickly, and two hours later heads of several departments gathered in the office.

Medical Minister Frank read Little Louis' letter and briefly told everyone about Old Louis' condition.

"The poisoner who is not doing his job" Friedrich has made a lot of money by saving people with medicine in recent years. He has three gold necklaces and a gauze mask hanging around his neck at the same time. After listening, he frowned and said: " The treatment of sepsis is very troublesome, and the fastest recent case was a soldier in the Wesson Army. He relied on taking a lot of allicin and being in good health to survive, and it took three months."

Frank also said: "The cases in the hospital are similar. The treatment time is long. We are betting on whether the patient's life or the recovery time will be longer."

One of the advantages of the government of the Principality of Wesson is the rule of experts. When it comes to technical issues, officials can look at the problem from a professional perspective.

If we were to replace officials in other places, many of them would make decisions based on patting their heads. They would pat their chests to ensure that they would be able to do things well, and they would pat their butts and leave if they failed.

Frederick stood in front of the blackboard and said: "I have an idea to try. Inject allicin into the blood to directly kill the bacteria in the blood."

Many people present thought it was impossible, but Frederick had too many glorious precedents to object to.

Friedrich said: "You can try this method."

"Some poisons work through the bloodstream and have a rapid onset of action."

"But there is a problem. This kind of poison can often be eaten. If there are no wounds in the mouth and stomach, it will not be poisoned. If you see blood, you will die."

What he meant was very clear. There is no problem in eating allicin, but there is no problem in injecting it into the blood vessels.

Frederick said: "Let's try it on pigs first."

After he finished speaking, he began to draw needles, syringes, infusion lines and other things used for injections on the blackboard, and then explained how to inject an intravenous drip.

"There are needles in hospitals now, mainly to drain pus, fluid and remove cataracts," Frank said.

Frederick didn't know much about this. In fact, needles have a long history. In the past, sharpened quills were even used as needles.

At first, All Might was wondering what he should do to cure the disease himself, but now he understood that he had to organize the production of these things.

Although I am no longer the Minister of Industry, I am very familiar with the factory and know who can do what. I just go to them directly.

He said: "These instruments are not difficult to process. They can be cleaned and disinfected after processing. I can arrange for people to do it."

Frederick once again felt that it was great to have an industrial system in the territory, and reminded: "The materials used must be acid and alkali resistant, and at least they will not be damaged by high-temperature sterilization in a pressure cooker."

"At the same time, there should be a volume scale on the syringe, which can be used as a measuring cylinder."

All Might immediately wrote it down in his notebook.

At this time, Friedrich asked a new question: "Principal, there is a question about blood."

"I have observed under a microscope that the red blood cells in the blood will absorb water, grow in size and eventually burst in distilled water."

Frederick nodded and said: "This problem is the biggest problem plaguing artificial insemination, and it can be solved now."

"Use the purest table salt and distilled water to prepare 0.9% saline to dilute the allicin before injecting it into the blood vessels."

Friedrich wrote it down in his notebook and said, "I'll try it first."

In the professional field, he didn't believe it immediately just because it was Frederick who said it. He had to do experiments.

Frederick said: "These drugs are to be injected into the blood vessels and must be kept pure and sterile to avoid introducing new pathogens into the blood."

Friedrich thought for a while and said, "That's no problem. Allicin and salt water can be filtered through multiple talc powder and activated carbon. Finally, solid impurities are removed through filter paper and a centrifuge. Finally, Manuai is caught and sterilized."

Frederick was used to them capturing Manuel, the vice-president of Weisenberg University and the world-famous necromancy magician, to use as a disinfectant.

He thought for a moment and said, "I think it's better to prepare a sterile place for processing."

He didn't expect to have a sterile laboratory like his hometown, just try to keep it as clean as possible.

Friedrich immediately said: "I have a laboratory like this there, which is used to prepare some perishable medicines."

After his explanation, Frederick understood that there was a type of medicinal berry whose skin cracked when ripe, and the juice was easily fermented, using the smell of wine to attract specific animals to eat. This required a laboratory where there were no natural yeasts in the air. processing.

Frederick couldn't figure out what was going on with those berries. It would be great if there was such a laboratory.

The task was quickly arranged. After everyone left, Frederick leaned back on the chair and took a deep breath.

He doesn’t know whether injecting allicin can quickly cure septicemia, or whether the patient will be allergic, but once the cure is extremely profitable, it will be a dead horse.

At least order the infusion. In the future, infusion of normal saline can also treat dehydration and massive blood loss caused by diarrhea, which is not bad.

Then he thought about glucose.

Frederick remembered that when consuming glucose, it was like boiling a starch paste with sulfuric acid for about four hours to hydrolyze it, until it did not change color when iodine was added and there was no white precipitate when anhydrous alcohol was added. After the first filtration, milk of lime was added to remove the sulfuric acid, and then the sulfuric acid could be removed. Carbon dioxide gas is used to remove excess lime milk. After the second filtration, activated carbon is added repeatedly to decolorize and filter until the sugar solution is clear, and finally the sugar is crystallized.

The biggest problem in making injection-grade glucose is filtration. Proteins, heavy metals and other components in plant starch raw materials can precipitate at different pH levels. It may be better to use hydrochloric acid for acidification and hydrolysis, and to gradually neutralize it with sodium carbonate.

Frederick tried his best to recall the contents of making glucose, then wrote it down on a piece of paper, and then named it "Sugar of Life" for Frederick and others to study slowly.

The fastest mover was Friedrich. His laboratory was next to the University of Weissenburg. As soon as he returned to the laboratory, he immediately prepared saline solutions with different concentrations from 0.7 to 1.2% according to Friedrich's instructions, and tested them under a microscope. Observe the effect on the blood.

At the same time, he arranged for his men to prepare the piglets and wait for the syringes to come to test the side effects and lethal dose of allicin.

Then a problem arose: Allicin is poorly soluble in water.

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