Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 457 Arranging Accommodation

Frederick's camp was set up quickly. Under the command of Eugene, the soldiers of the escort company and the female soldiers of the air force worked together, and large tents popped up one after another.

These tents are made of steel pipe frames with threaded connections, making them very easy to set up.

They also built simple water towers and installed water pipes, water purifiers and water pumps.

When they were moving things into the tent, the onlookers discovered that one of the tents was actually a kitchen.

"Eugene," a young nobleman wearing beautiful half-armor walked up behind Eugene and put his arm around his shoulders, "it seems you are doing well."

Eugene didn't need to look back to know who this guy was who had been following him since he was a child, and asked: "Theo, have you started leading the army too?"

Theo said a little embarrassedly: "I'm not as good as you."

"Hey, can you take me to see it?"

Peeping into the opponent's military camp was an act of provocation, so the group could only watch from a distance and did not dare to approach.

Theo has just turned sixteen this year. He is still a young boy. He and Eugene have had a good relationship since childhood. They come from the same family. If he does something wrong, he can be fooled by his ignorance as a child, so he was kicked out for testing.

Eugene naturally knew what these fellow villagers were thinking. Frederick had explained it before, so he said: "It's okay just to have a look, but those who say no entry on the door curtain can't go in."

"You also know that we are here to treat His Majesty Louis this time. If you damage something, if anything happens in the future, you will be fully responsible."

Theo nodded immediately. He had been taught since he was a child to shift the blame when something goes wrong, and he was determined not to take the blame. If His Majesty the King died after ineffective treatment, the blame would be no joke.

Eugene named a few good friends and said, "Tell them to come over and have breakfast at 7:30 tomorrow morning. Don't cause trouble for me now."

"If anyone causes me to have my allowance deducted, I will beat him to death."

"By the way, we have a lot of female soldiers here. Let those animals be careful. If they mess around and have their crime tools confiscated, don't come to me."

It took Teo a while to understand what "confiscating criminal tools" meant. It was well known to the world that Archduke Wesson liked to turn over and beat him when whipped, so he immediately made sure to convey it in place.

Eugene just smiled after seeing him leave. He knew the urinary behavior of these animals very well, so two big guys followed him, but they were preparing fishing bait in the airship and did not show up.

At this time, a brick-sized box on Eugene's waist rang, and Frederick's voice came from inside.

Theo watched in surprise as he used this box to communicate with Archduke Wesson in the castle.

At the end of the call, Eugene asked Theo: "Who is in charge of the army now? His Majesty Louis is going to live here later. You will be stationed five hundred meters outside."

Theo immediately replied: "The marshal is your father, Prince Moritz."

Not long after, Prince Moritz and Eugene and his son stared at each other. After a long time, the father said: "You have become successful and can talk to me on an equal footing."

Eugene said business seriously: "The scope of our camp is a circle with a water tower and a center radius of 300 meters. It is recommended that you set up defenses at 500 meters, and the 200 meters in the middle are restricted areas. Except for planned roads, no one can enter." Will be killed directly."

His suggestion was also reasonable. On the surface, the two parties were close and made money together, but secretly there were many conflicts. Keeping distance between the two parties could reduce unnecessary conflicts.

Prince Moritz asked him: "What if I enter the restricted area?"

Eugene said expressionlessly: "Brother will be very happy."

Prince Moritz understood what Eugene meant, and they came with force as a deterrent this time.

"I will lead five people as the bodyguard of His Majesty Louis," Prince Moritz said, "and five maids to take care of His Majesty."

Eugene thought about the arrangement of the tent and said, "How about I arrange a tent for you so that you and the maids can live in the same tent?"

Prince Moritz narrowed his eyes slightly. His son still loved him. He immediately took out a prince-grade gold enamel pocket watch from his arms and stuffed it into it. He whispered: "Don't tell your mother."

Eugene calmly took his father's pocket watch and put it into the pocket watch pocket in his trench coat.

Prince Moritz nodded and said, "Your coat is not bad."

Eugene replied: "The new uniforms were designed by the commander himself."

Prince Moritz saw the seniority stamp on his son's left chest, studied it himself, and asked in surprise: "Did you skydive?"

Eugene was a little depressed. He deliberately showed his father the first-class graduation certificate from the military academy, but he turned out to be interested in the certificate for parachuting.

"I'll talk to you about skydiving later." Prince Moritz was a little excited. "We'll eat with you too."

Eugene said: "We don't have much food with us, so we need help purchasing it."

"It's a small matter." Prince Moritz said, "I'll ask the quartermaster to come over later. If he dares to mess around, help me break his legs."

The deal was quickly settled here, and Old Louis was also preparing to come.

Although it doesn't sound good to let a magician serve as a fireplace, if you want a magician to contribute to the health of His Majesty the King, those guys can break their heads for it.

The winner released a flock of flaming birds in the ward, both for heating and to show off their skills, so that the leaders would remember them.

A large bathtub was brought into the ward, the knights poured water into it, and a pot of potion was boiling in the fireplace. Florence asked the maid who was going to bathe the king to wipe gently some places where bedsores were likely to develop.

Bathing the king is a systematic project that can take less than two or three hours to complete.

Little Louis arranged for Frederick to stay in the castle. It seemed that he wanted to entertain him well, but it looked like he was being kept as a hostage.

Count Green, the head maid of old Louis, took Frederick to the room given to him and said: "My lord, this is your room. If there is anything missing, please bring it up."

Earl Green is in his thirties, with long blond hair tied around the back of his head, green eyes, three-dimensional facial features and figure, and a unique kind of beauty.

Frederick looked at the normal room and said, "It's no problem. It would be nice if you could prepare some books for me to pass the time. I'd also like a recliner."

Earl Green replied: "Okay, I will have someone deliver it to you later."

Frederick turned around and was about to thank her, but he saw her closing the door and locking it from the inside.

"You...what do you want to do?" Frederick was a little nervous and subconsciously grabbed the collar.

Earl Green smiled slightly and walked towards Frederick and said: "I originally just wanted to ask you on behalf of the sisters about the progress of the research on the sailless ship. We made a lot of money with Psyche in the Tulip incident last year. The shipbuilding team The money is already there.”

Frederick breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be them. They thought they were trying to assassinate him and frame him.

Earl Green continued: "Now you have reminded me that I can have other things to do with my teeth!"

Frederick took a step back...

In the camp by the river, Prince Moritz was chasing Eugene throughout the camp with a mace.

Just now, Eugene introduced Prince Moritz to everyone as his biological father, so the onlookers just watched, thinking that this was a tradition of the Kingdom of Gaul.

Old Louis's guards naturally knew about the relationship between the two of them, and they all watched the excitement there without taking it too seriously. They kept making noises. One of them even recalled the past when Eugene ran to hide in his garden when he was a child.

Richard Nall glanced at them and asked Tony, who was watching the excitement: "What's going on with them?"

Tony was also confused and said: "Just now Eugene took the prince to see the tent where the king's guards and maids lived, but then it changed like this."

A question mark appeared on Richard Nall's head, and he asked again: "Is there anything special about that tent?"

Tony replied: "It's nothing special. It's just a large tent, completely separated by sandbags in the middle. One side is for the maid and the other side is for the guards."

Richard Nall understood the general idea and was too lazy to pay attention to them. He carried the fishing rod to the river to fish.

Now that Frederick had more capable people, the other sword masters were able to keep things under control, so he took a long vacation and went to Citrus Island after the things here were over.

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