Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 46 Do a little experiment

The clear sky suddenly darkened, and in the span of a cup of tea, ink was splashed on the blue paper.

Strong winds came one after another, shaking the branches and leaves of a huge oak tree in the center of the village, and ripe acorns fell to the ground like rain.

The children in the village who were about the same age as Frederick seemed to be celebrating a festival. They laughed, shouted, and happily rushed to the tree to pick up acorns on the ground.

Some children took off their clothes and put the trophies on them, and some put them directly into the clothes from the collar, with the other hand pressing on their stomachs to prevent the acorns from falling out.

Ripe acorns are an important food supplement for the villagers. When eaten raw, they are bitter and have a faint fragrance, so people boil them in water to remove the bitterness, or dry them and peel off the shell. They can also grind the pulp into powder and add it to in the panel.

The oak tree in the center of the village is more than 60 meters high, with a crown diameter of nearly 80 meters. It takes several people to lift the trunk.

No one knows how old this oak tree is. The old people only remember that it stood here when they were young.

There is a legend circulating in the village. When the ancestors fled here, they had no food and everyone was hungry and tired. At this time, a strong wind blew and the falling acorns saved everyone's lives, so they decided to stay here. , a village was built around the oak tree.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, with a hint of chill.

An orange-red oak leaf swirled in the wind, falling together with raindrops in front of a pair of small leather shoes.

Frederick sat on the steps in front of the village hall, with his right hand on his knee and his chin, and glanced at the autumn messenger.

When he raised his head, bean-sized raindrops and dull thunder took over the world, and all the children picking up acorns ran away in the blink of an eye.

A little rain blew on Frederick's face, making it cold.

The village chief wanted to ask the young master to take shelter from the rain in the village hall, but Ah Fu reached out to stop him and shook his head silently.

Everyone in the castle knows that the young master has had a habit since he was a child. When it rains, he often sits there quietly watching the rain, especially at night.

Every time it rained heavily, Frederick couldn't help but think of the night when the heavy rain and the truck appeared together when traveling to a certain island country.

He still remembered that when the truck was about to hit a person, another person rushed over and pushed the person away, only to be hit. Then the truck lost control and crashed into him, and the last voice he heard before losing consciousness: "Ma." Egg, I hit the wrong one and hit one more."

Every time at this time, he would try his best to empty his head and not think about anything.

During the recent period, Frederick had been thinking about all kinds of things, and his brain could not get a moment's rest. It was rare to relax his brain today.

The rain became heavier and heavier, lightning appeared in the sky, and water gradually accumulated on the ground.

The sky quickly darkened, and a faint smell of cooking smoke could be smelled in the storm.

Soon after, the smell of dinner came from the village hall. The pea and vegetable soup was already boiling. The steamer on the pot was steaming bread with acorn powder that could be used as armor. It was roasted by the fire and filled with offal, minced meat, offal and blood. of blood sausage, and a small cheese pan as big as a fist is boiling and melting the cheese.

Ah Fu laid a tablecloth on the table next to the fire pit, put on the candles and lit it. After dinner was cooked, he served the pea and vegetable soup, put the steamed soft bread in the basket, and put the baked blood sausage on the plate before pouring it over. Cooked cheese.

After preparing dinner, Ah Fu went outside to treat the young master to a meal.

As soon as Frederick sat down, the village chief began to sing a song while playing the tuneless lyre.

"In the oak forest,

In the green oak forest,

There stood a forester's house,

You can see it here every morning,

In the fresh and free morning mist,

The forester's little daughter ran out,

The forester's daughter ran out angrily..."

In the past, Earl Wesson, like other noble lords, had singers singing next to him when he was dining.

There were no singers in Oak Village, so the old village chief personally sang folk tunes.

Tonight, the pea and vegetable soup was quite tasty, the acorn flour bread was edible, the blood sausage tasted very unique, the cheese was a bit sour, and the guest singer was a little out of tune and used the wrong words.

Frederick finished his dinner quietly and asked Afu to give the village chief a Kreuz silver coin.

The only night in the village is to go to bed early, without any lights, only the sound of wind, rain and the swaying of oak branches and leaves.

Frederick asked Alfred and the others to rest. He sat next to the fire pit, roasting the acorns that the village chief had just given him when he returned home. He flipped through the drawings of the canal on his lap with his right hand to change his mind. The palm of his left hand was facing up, ten different magic spells. The small ball of elements kept hovering above the palm of his hand.

After this period of daily exercise before going to bed, he could already make these elemental balls move on different orbits at the same time like electrons, but the speed was still very slow when using them attentively.

After looking at the drawings for a while, an idea suddenly popped into Frederick's mind.

Magic elements move according to rules to form magic. What will happen if the magic elements move faster?

Just as he was told, he put the heavy parchment drawings back, then sat by the firepit and tried to condense an ice ball.

The ice element is quite special. It is actually an intermediate form between the fire element and the water element. Perhaps the fire element should be called the "heat element".

The structure of the Ice Hockey Technique is very simple, with relatively few magic circuits, making it easy to manipulate.

The ice element in the ice ball became faster and faster under the control of mental power, and in the blink of an eye, a layer of spherical ice formed outside the magic circuit.

Frederick tapped the finger-sized ice ball with a poker, and it seemed to be very hard.

He did not stop and continued to increase the movement speed of the internal ice elements without increasing the total amount. After a few breaths, all the ice elements were transformed into solid ice.

Then he threw the ice ball into the tea pot on the fire pit. If it were an ordinary ice ball, the slightly boiling tea would turn into an iced drink.

If the fire element could also have such an effect, it should be able to make frozen tea boil again.

The next moment, a chill swept through the entire hall, making Frederick himself shiver.

Not to mention the tea in the tea pot, even the charcoal fire in the fire pit was directly frozen by the cold air.

Frederick's mouth twitched in surprise, and then he immediately lit the fire again to warm himself up.

He didn't dare to try the fireball technique again, otherwise it would be a fire.

The fire pit quickly lit up with flames, and the cold air in the hall quickly disappeared.

After his body warmed up, another idea came to Frederick's mind.

He thought of the particle collider and what would happen if magical elements collided.

This time I don't dare to use magic elements with huge destructive power. Light elements are safer.

Frederick clasped his hands in front of him, and two ping-pong ball-sized rings appeared between his hands. The light elements in the rings rotated in opposite directions.

After they rotate very quickly, the two haloes overlap each other.

I saw a flash of white light, and the light elements that collided with each other flew in all directions, as beautiful as fireworks bombs.

He thought this would be fun and he could show off to Maria.

So he decided to try again, speeding up the light elements to make the elements that were knocked away appear more brilliant.

The speed of the light elements in the two haloes accelerated again and again, until Frederick's limit.

Next, he once again overlapped the two counter-rotating halos...

After a flash of white light and a loud bang, the roof of the village hall disappeared.

When Frederick came to his senses, he found himself in an oak tree, with the cold icy rain patting his face randomly.

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